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Messages - Atmadja

With any luck, not long.

Salty watched as the helpers successfully retrieved a barrel from the depths of the Flirty Mermaid, and then she herself quickly dashed to a nearby window. It was dark enough on the other side of that window that Salty could see herself; she righted her hat and patted her tousled hair with a quick hoof. It probably would have been nice, she thought, to see a hairdresser first. But what good would that do? Sure, her hair would look better—less sea-swept waves and more... chic... but who wanted to see a hairdresser after months at sea?

Especially when there was someone special to see instead...

"After me!" Yelled Salty to the helpers, who groaned and lugged the barrel with them.

She strode with a touch more confidence than she felt to the little green shop. Her heart began to pound. She should have rehearsed this! She should have made Jolly rehearse with her.

Gulping a last bit of air, she tossed open the door of the kiwi shop, then held it open as the helpers managed to squeeze the barrel through as well. (What... was that slightly sweet, strange smell...?)

There it was! The kiwi-themed cafe was just as she remembered it. The sweetness, the vivid green, the adorable, delectable flutter—er, kiwi-themed products—all there just as she'd seen a hundred times in her dreams.

And her. Kiwi Kiss. Right there, her nose in a book.

Salt's voice caught in her throat. Whatever speech she'd meant to launch into, she said instead a chipper (if a little squeaky): "well, hi!"

And the ships were indeed docking. One specifically, the Flirty Mermaid, had not been in those docks in quite a while. Not on purpose, mind you. The crew has been quite certain that they would be back in a hurry—Salty Breeze, in any case, had wanted to be back in a hurry. She'd had good reason to want to return with all swiftness, to see a certain flutter girl that had captured her thoughts and fancy. But it had not happened quite that way.

Well. They were back now, in any case, Salty thought. Her chest was puffed, her cheeks cold, her mane flowing in the wind, but her heart was beating strong. Yes—they were back now, the ship's holds full of bounty and prosperity and luck. And she was not finished taking what she wanted, either.

No—her heart would not allow that that sweet green flutter might have moved on by now. There was no way! And if she had, well, Salty was a pirate, right? Well... No! She wasn't! But she'd act like one and steal Kiwi back if she needed to!

There was just the barest tinge of nerves as final preparations to dock completed and the helmswoman took her first steps on Phonyland soil.

"Get the gifts from the cargo hold!" She barked to a helper, and took in a deep, steadying breath. From here, she could see the little green kiwi-themed shop...

Name: Tricky Treat
Sex: f
Theme: Nasty Halloween candy witch
Personality: Tricky Treat used to be rather a nice witch--she used to believe she spread love and sweetness through the magic of free, tiny candy. But then, a rude awakening. You mean people don't LIKE waxy pumpkin gelatins? They don't enjoy the light, chalky taste of smarties? The horror that dawned on her when she realized the much-maligned status of her ultimate favorite: candy corn. Tricky Treat became twisted, angry. How dare people turn their nose up at such delicacies? Now, she waits for unsuspecting phonies on Halloween night, her eyes glowing with rage as she eyes their bags, filled to the brim with king-size Snickers, Three Musketeers, M&Ms. They say, "Trick or treat?" and she asks them an unanswerable question in return. "Is October too early for Christmas decor to be in stores?" "Is Nightmare Before Christmas a Christmas or Halloween movie?" "Why can't Disney make good Muppet movies anymore?" You shiver in your costume, knowing that a wrong answer means your entire bag being turned into vile candy corn and pumpkin jellies and ancient butterscotch if you answer wrong. She leans forward, whispering: "Is yellow a Halloween color?"
Familiar species: [ Bear ]
Colouring Sheet: