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Summerwing Semi-customs - CREATIVE CONTEST

Started by Ph0ny, April 03, 2021, 03:32:45 PM

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Summerwing ♀/♂ Semi-Custom x2

Stations have been set up for fun egg-colouring activitiesTM in myriad egg-colouring ways all over Town Square - so why not give it a shot yourself?
You might even end up with an eggy Flutter of your own...those sibs had to come from somewhere...

For a chance at your very own semi-custom Summerwing flutter Phony, colour us an eggsquisite Easter egg! In fact, feel free to colour up to 3 entries per person!
Two eggs will inspire the respective wings of two semi-custom Summerwings - one judged, and one rolled!

You may use the digital egg template above, or paint/craft an egg in real life and show us with a photo.
However you choose to colour your egg, make sure it's your own work!

Price - FREE

. Contest Instructions .
♥ We will be accepting entries until 11.59pm EST, 30th April 2021 - you may revise your entry any time before the deadline
♥ The design of the entry is most important in judging, regardless of execution.
♥ At the end of the period, we will judge for the first winner, and roll for the second winner.
- Judging will take some time, so please be patient.
♥ Winners will be announced and @ed in-thread.

No placeholder posts - your entry must be complete, although you may edit the contents later before deadline.
No name-booking etc. If you do this, we will disregard your entry for the relevant contest.

To submit your entry, simply post in the thread with the form below:

Name: [ intended name for Phony - do keep the usual Phony naming system in mind! ]
Personality: [ brief character bio-esque description of Phony's personality ]
My Easter Egg: [ your entry ]

[color=darkred][size=24pt][b]EGGING YOU ON[/b][/size][/color]
[b]Name:[/b] [ intended name for Phony - do keep the usual Phony naming system in mind! ]
[b]Personality:[/b] [ brief character bio-esque description of Phony's personality ]
[b]My Easter Egg:[/b] [img height=250]image url here[/img]


Name: Spiral Out
Personality: Bright, curious, impulsive and dramatic. Spiral Out likes do research and look into thing,  but has difficulty staying on task. She easily ends up going down rabbit holes of thought and ending up on far out tangents from an original topic. While she's not really a bad egg, her impulsivity and dramatic flair often lead to trouble either from jumping into things or making a big deal out of something and making a situation spiral out of control. She's her worst critic though and despite a bubbly exterior can get really self-depreciating.
My Easter Egg:


Name: Pretty Pysanka
Personality: Sweet, thoughtful, and big into traditional celebrations.  Likes anything involving making crafts made by hoof.  Cultivates flowers and raises bees for money.
My Easter Egg:


Name: Pastel Palette
Personality: Palette is an elegant and refined artiste! One of Phonyland%u2019s great creative minds! She especially has a love for painting, and getting her hooves messy. Though she really only likes to paint with pastel colors! They are her favorite~ She longs to get her work into famous galleries! With an eye for art, she is also a collector of pieces that really speak to her! Some phonies might find her a little 'egg'-centric. But despite being a bit odd, her popularity is growing.
My Easter Egg:
Hello everyone~!!!


Entry #2, please let me know if I did this right!

Name: Dye Flier
Personality: Creative, enthusiastic, social.  Loves open events with garlands, paper lanterns, and good food.  Frequently volunteers for Renaissance Fairs and school carnivals.  Makes rock candy from scratch.
My Easter Egg:


Name: Snowdrop
Personality: Like the flower she's named for, Snowdrop looks fragile but she's surprisingly resilient. She's full of optimism and a gentle love for all things. She raises flowers at her mountain home and makes seasonal flower crowns that she offers at events and festivals.
My Easter Egg:


Name: Cicadian Rhythm
Personality: Like a cicada, Cicadian Rhythm goes through stages where he ghosts the world only to store up energy and really come alive at a later time. He spends much of his day hunkered down, sleeping in, headphones on and being oblivious to the world around him. Towards dusk and the evening, he starts to pick up activity; he'll buzz about making all kinds of racket, humming to himself and looking for  a good time. He's even if he follows his own tempo in life, he's surprisingly punctual with following a schedule and a great planner, managing his time well when he is active.
My Easter Egg:


Name: Flutterby
Personality: Vibrant and sweet with a bit of a silly side, Flutterby has always had a passion for the delicate insects that help spread nature's nectar. Especially fond of butterflies, she's dedicated her life to educating phonyland of importance of butterflies via her butterfly gardens, where she charges a small fee to let others surround themselves by various small fluttering beauties. She'll tell you, Just flutter on by, then giggle madly to herself as she flits off.
My Easter Egg:


Name: Dream Weaver
Personality: A dream interpreter, Weaver has, what might be charitably called a "big personality." She laughs loud, has a bit of a smart (and foul) mouth, doesn't take guff and won't back down. Her readings are LEGIT thankyouverymuch! Its not like reading leaf patterns formed by spit or cards or other things that can be weighed or rigged. Someone's dreams are manifested by themselves and are the truest window to the future. She's a thoroughly modern filly, doing most of her dream readings online and getting paid on PayMe, but for extra she'll chat with you on the phone in her sweetest soothing voice.
My Easter Egg:


Name: Ferngully
Personality: 'I do believe in fairies, I do, I do!' Ferngully is a great believer in magic (not just the unicorn kind!) and magical creatures. Of course there are fairies in the bottom of the garden and house elves in the cupboard! Dragons? Surely! Forest sprites? Most certainly! Ancient underground Dwarven kingdoms? Oh she can't wait to find one! She's full of hope and whimsy and makes for a generous host when she invites you to visit her little fairy garden.
My Easter Egg:


Name: Airbrush
Personality: Brush is wildly bright example of "Never judge a book by it's cover." Slightly wavey locks, a soft face with a beauty mark near her mouth and large eyes, she isn't the sort of flutter you would find hunched over a small table in a gaming store. Under that beautiful exterior is a cynical, sometimes curt, focused, detail oriented girl whos purpose is painting minifigs and garage kits. Most people comment about her looks before her artistry and this greatly pisses her off. Airbrush often has to be talked down from cutting off of her mane and tail so people will LOOK AT HER FIGURE PAINTING DAMNIT!!!
And of course, she is also a force to be reckoned with at the table. Her kalashtar cleric named Mercy (you should see the smile on her face when someone else at the table is begging for her character to do something) kicks ass in the name of the Goddess Sune!
My Easter Egg: (top of the wing is a supposed to be a rose ; o ; )


Name: [ QQ More ]
Personality: [ You eat with your eyes first, and QQ always keeps that in mind when signing vendors for his night market. That doesn't mean he'll compromise when it comes to quality, though: whether it's curry fish balls, seafood tteokbokki, or bubble tea, none of his hawkers' wares skimp on the Q. As for the pretty penny he's up-charging you for that dreamy presentation? Cry more, he says, though that effortless #aesthetic is backed by hours of work editing and negotiating to ensuring the night is picture-perfect. ]
My Easter Egg:


Name: Night Blossom
Personality: A soft spoken night owl, Night Blossom loves the coolness of nighttime. She likes nothing more then to spend time in her night blooming garden tending to the flowers with care.
My Easter Egg:


Name: Summer Sunrise
Personality: A bright, cheerful, happy-go-lucky phony. Summer likes to be center stage and enjoys being around others.
My Easter Egg:


Name: View Finder (based on the term viewfinder in relation to cameras)
Personality: A shy 'wildlife photographer'. Though really, he'll take pictures of just about anything he finds interesting; including other phonies. He likes to make memories and capture the moment wherever he goes. So he brings his camera with him all the time. Others might find him a little strange, but he really is a nice guy if you get to know him.
My Easter Egg:
Hello everyone~!!!