
Thank you for coming and welcome to My Little Phony's new standalone forums!
Please bear with us as we continue setting up info and admin all over the site.

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We will be checking for new members and will activate your account ASAP.
Live and Hotmail have been especially particular about receiving email from our servers. D8

Thank you for joining us and your patience as we sort things out! Remember, Phonyland loves you!

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Topics - Ph0ny

Phony Information / Event History & Established Lore
November 11, 2020, 10:20:58 PM
This thread will house an event history and established lore and meta overview when we can handle it.......

  • Christmas Grand Opening wherein My Little Phony officially opened and Phony Secret Santa plushie grams were established

  • Chinese New Valentine's wherein the Permababby Growing requirements were established after H**bro released the G4 webgame with the C*tiemark Cr*saders
  • Gaia Phony Easter
  • Summer Carnival wherein Customfest was first established
  • A Very Babby Halloween wherein Permababbies were first allowed cutiemarks without growing up, and the Phony Points system was established
  • Sugarsweet Christmas Anniversary wherein the Phonyland Petshop was established with dog, bird and cat

  • A Very Babby New Year
  • Valentine's Mini-Event
  • My Little Jelly: Jellicle Ball wherein Jellies were established and some Phonies turned into Jellies for one day.
  • Summerfest
  • Watery Halloween wherein one permababby lost a limb and two permababbies changed to 'drowned' colours by specially-adapted nanites
  • Very Flutter Candymas wherein Flutter Phonies were introduced

  • Wing It: Flutter-Semis & Babben Palooza wherein Jun ran the first CYOA, Choose your Own Deathventure, establishing the never-mentioned-again temporary existence of My Little Phony Friends, including a Red Bull to give a flutter wings.
  • ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ wherein Maxx made a guest Phony auction
  • StarieCustom MichieFest
  • Maxx Day Month with pirates for a Battleships dice game.
  • The Lyra & Bon Bon Sitting Pose Recolour Event wherein same-pose recoloured Phonies were established.
  • Summerfest wherein pygmy Phonies and dachshund dogs were introduced.
  • Totally Normal Halloween wherein A Perfectly Normal Midwife Phony delivered specially mutated breeding Permababbies.
  • Carousel Christmas wherein Carousel Phonies, gelatinous cube Jelly, and fluffy cats were introduced.

  • Year of the Horse Chinese New Valentine's
  • Hua Sheng Jie
  • Eastival
  • Maxx Day Month wherein Maxx made stream franken permababbies.
  • Jobstar Summerfest wherein the squishy pygmy pegis tradition started.*
  • Phive Pharties at Ph0ny's wherein Ph0ny the robot greeter establishes the animatronic Birthday Crew.
  • Jun's Birthday: So Jelly wherein Jellyfish were introduced.
  • Very Phony Yuletide wherein Merphonies were introduced and the first explosion at the Jelly Factory happens.

  • Easter Eggception wherein egg-to-Phonies first happened and Scaramouche Fandango ran the Enormously Egregious Excellent Egg Extraction CYOA (which Maxx wins and gives away)
  • Maxx Day Month wherein Scaramouche Fandango ran the Great Cape Caper CYOA (which Maxx also wins and gives away)
  • Phree! Eternal Summerfest wherein sharks were introduced.
  • Customfest wherein Phony Democracy judging first took place.
  • Haunted Housical wherein Scaramouche Fandango ran the Death Comes to Moneybags CYOA
  • Crystal Glam Christmas wherein Synergy Universe and the Crystalglams Phonies had the first crystal cutiemarks, the first Loving Family unit and the first multi-week prompt contest was introduced.

  • Take a Bowie wherein variant hair same-pose recolour Phonies were established.
  • Cookie Jam Easter wherein Phony democracy decided on the Cookie Jam theme (over G1) and the sweets-made-Phonies, and bears were introduced.
  • Magical Maxx Day Month wherein CYOs vied to be the most normal Earth Phony, who would grow up to be an alternate Magical Girl version, establishing the first official 'Magical' Girl Phony in canon.
  • Phokemon Go wherein Customfest was Phokemon-themed and there were a lot of bad puns, including Team NSYNC and Snatch Game for Phidgeys and non-normative birds.
  • Halloween Costume Ball wherein the vampire master-of-the-house Phony had facial hair as a non-normative trait but was likely not the first to have it, the first Jellies with non-normative carved faces were introduced, and Phakies with their rental/RP systems were introduced for newbies.
  • All Star Christmas wherein Sparkle Phonies and Stars (in a star factory explosion) were introduced.

  • Fondant of You, the second event with same-pose recoloured Phonies, made from CYO macaron templates.
  • Eggxterminate Eggxterminate wherein the set-up involved a mystery breeding for Haute Couture determined by Russian Roulette in a dangerous warehouse as everyone was hunted down by a walking egg.
  • Summer Stallies wherein the Star Stally CYOA confirms the first 'public' use of the killswitch and nanite manipulation of Phony memories.
  • Customfest
  • ...and more, Maxx has 5 more years to catch up with.

...A Profession Directory so you know where to find your baker, your baker, your baker, and/or decide if you want to be a baker...

:: Phonyland Administration

Silent Quill [ Jun D ] :: Major Domo
Quill is in charge of all Phonyland operations. His office is located in the highly dangerous Phonyland Administration Building. Do not seek without life insurance.

Fireflight [ Maxx D ] :: QC Officer
Flight is the Quality Control Officer for Phony quest concepts and additionally does anything that needs to be done. His office is located in the Phonyland Administration Building, though he is happy to judge you anywhere you'd like.

Prowl [ Phonyland ] :: Security
Prowl oversees Phonyland security with relentless efficiency. Her office is located in the Phonyland Administration Building, but she may be found on the prowl for reprobates if you are a masochist.

Ava Adore [ Phonyland ] :: City Hall
Adore is ostensibly in charge of City Hall, where she disdains newlyweds-to-be with equal measure loathing and apathy.

:: Park Rides

Splash Landing [ Byagane319 ] :: Log Flume Operator
Splash operates the Log Flume Ride at the water park.  All rides come with complimentary pictures of customers just going down the big drop.

:: Food & Beverages

Bon Appetit [ Byagane319 ] :: Baker
Bon Appetit is a premiere baker and can make anything that involves baking.  She specializes in desserts and snacks!  She provides Noel snacks for her customers in exchange for free hair care!

Sweet Bread [ -Yasha Alchemist ] :: Baker
Specialty is in breads of all kind; from breakfast to dinner, feel free to drop in for something tasty.

Cherpumple [ Syrcaid ] ::  Baker
Specialty pies and sandwich bread.

Latte [ grasshopper pie ] :: Café Owner
A cafe of browns, creams and pinks with a large counter and a glass case full of pastries and sweets.  Order what ever you want from the overwhelmingly large albeit well-organized menu board!

Pink Lemonade [ Ruriska ] :: Waitress/Bar Owner
Waitress in the establishment owned and run by Fruit Punch, Midnight Snack, Sunny Delight, and herself, but she is also quite capable of whipping up a special trademark drink or two if you ask nicely.

Midnight Snack [ Atmadja ] :: Molecular Gastronomist
Midnight Snack is the principal chef in the establishment owned and run by Pink Lemonade, Fruit Punch, Sunny Delight, and himself. He makes food that is meant to be an experience rather than just a meal, and delights in making things taste unexpected.

Country Kitchen  [ Byagane319 ]  :: Short Order Cook
Kit runs his own little diner called The Dinner Bell!  There he serves only the best home cooking, the kind that will most definitely make you pack on the pounds.

Sarsaparilla Sunset [ Scaramouche Fandango ] :: Soda jerk
She makes and bottles soda and is a jerk.

Barley Pop [ Tristam Lockhart ] :: Beer Brewer
Has a small brewery that provides several establishments with many types of beer.

Espresso Brulee [ zippedsiren ]:: Barista
Runs a small, upscale coffee bar (Crown Cup) that specializes in Italian style coffees

Sunny Delight [ DivineSaturn ] :: Bar Co-Owner/Breakfast Barista
Sunny works the breakfast bar at Cloud Nine, the establishment owned and run by Fruit Punch, Midnight Snack, Pink Lemonade and herself. She offers hearty breakfasts, tasty drinks, and warm atmosphere- all you need to start your day off right!

Banana Creme [ shortcutt ] :: Pâtissier
Banana Creme runs an online order and delivery pastry shop from the back of her siblings' bar, Cloud Nine. You'll find highly decorated delicacies here, and even have a cute mare deliver 'em to you! ... Not that she really wants to, anyway.

Jasmine Tea [ Byagane319 ] :: Tea maker/server
Come enjoy a soothing cup of the best tea in phonyland at The Tea House.  Simply enjoy your cup or be served in a traditional tea ceremony!

Chocolate Orchid [ PeanutButterpies ] :: Chocolatier
Orchid runs a small chocolate shop where he sells all sorts of chocolate creations, his specialty being chocolate flowers. He'll make anything special order if you just ask, also caters!

Blind Love [ Yushika ] :: Restaurant Owner
Blind Love owns a restaurant called "First Impressions". The restaurant has a website where people can put in a dating application and a time that is best for them, and she'll call them with dinner reservations sometime that week, where they'll go on a blind date at her restaurant! She does some cooking, but she tends to stay as the main host and runs the online site!

:: Retail

Dainty Delta [ Atmadja ] :: Seamstress/Lace-maker
Dainty Delta has a tiny little shop wherein she makes to-order clothing, tablecloths, knit stuffed animals, and anything else soft and dainty.

Silk Kimono [ Astraea Pandora ] :: Imports/Kimonos
Fans of the far East, come one and all to Pink Blossom Imports. All of your needs met with grocery items, cooking utensils, candy, books, movies and tv series, gifts and more. As a side business, Silk makes custom pieces and replicates designer kimono styles.

Scent Puff [ Byagane319 ] :: Perfumer
Perfume Maker in the Romantique Boutique, a collection of shops she and her family own.  She runs the Belles Odeurs shop.

Honeysuckle [ Byagane319 ]  :: Florist
Honeysuckle owns a flower shop where he makes all sorts of fancy flower arrangements!  His daughter, C.C., helps with deliveries and his son, Larry, writes the cards.

Obi [ frozen_flames06 ]:: Alchemist
Obi makes her potions and alchemy creations in her dark and mystic looking shop. She makes potions from forgotten books and specialty potions during the year. She also teaches lessons on alchemy to those that want to learn.

Candy Dandy [ Blue Eyed Melloon ] :: Edible Arrangements
Makes edible flower and basket arrangements for special occasions. Her shop is attached to her house in the back.

Knit Once [ elvyralani ] :: Yarn/supplies
She sells almost any type of yarn you could imagine. Knitting supplies too and she teaches classes!

Extra Extra [ elvyralani ] :: Newsie
Read all about it! He sells newspapers with the latest headlines.

Marvel [ elvyralani ] :: Comicbook Seller
Find all the latest comicbooks here! Big publishers, smaller ones, graphic novels, you name it!

Tinker Toy [ Tristam Lockhart ] :: Toy Maker
Owns a small whimsical corner shop where he sells handmade toys and repairs well-loved ones.

Starry Nightlight [ Byagane319 ] :: Party Lights Store Owner
Starry owns the shop, Fairy Lights!  She provides all sorts of themed string lights for parties.

Beyond Bedazzled [ Byagane319 ] :: Filly Accessory Store Owner
Bebe owns Bedazzled, the phony store equivalent of Claires.  All sorts of cheap themed accessories for little fillies.

:: Services

Noël [ Astraea Pandora ] :: Hair Stylist
Noël is owner and head stylist of Phonyland's best (and only) hair salon Cheveux de Chevaux. If it's hair or fur, Noël can cut it, soak it, wax it, curl it, strip it, dye it, wash it, crimp it, and style it

Aqua Fresh [ Atmadja ] :: Dentist
Aqua Fresh's dentistry is shaped like a tooth and full of kids' magazines and a bright interior. She is a gentle-hoofed flutter concerned primarily with your pearly whites, and with sending you innumerable cards in the mail until you break down and get your teeth checked.

Imperial Ink [ Astraea Pandora ] :: Tattooist
Your body is your home, decorate it with style. If you feel your natural markings (or lack there of) aren't expressing yourself enough, Ink has your back. In-house design available or bring in your own.

Burning Bright [ kamileunaire ] :: Delivery Service/Cartographer
Burning Bright owns a small shop that offers many supplies one might need to send mail or packages. With excellent navigational skills and an impeccable delivery record, BB delivers important letters and packages near and far in record time, though it's a little more expensive than the regular post. His specialty is overnight deliveries.

Cootie Canoodle [ Tristam Lockhart ] :: Kiss-O-Gram
Owns a small brightly color office next to her father's Flower Shop, where she offers several services with an increasing amount of costumes to choose from.

Hydrangea [ Fea Line ] :: Landscape Designer
Hydrangea has a Greenhouse filled to the brim with all kinds of plant life for special occasions, various tools you need for growing your own garden as well as materials for his landscaping business or small Do-it-Yourself projects!

Cirrus [ Ruriska ] :: Fortune Teller 
Cirrus of Happy Cup Fortunes will happily read your specific future for a small donation and loudly informs the general populace of oncoming doom for free.

Negative [ Kitty Sprightt ] :: Hunter/Trapper/Exterminator
If you need something caught, killed, gutted, skinned, and/or plucked, Negative's probably your guy - especially if you want to eat it afterwards. Or don't mind Neg eating it. Messily.

Boomstick [ Scaramouche Fandango ] :: Demolitions Expert
Owns a small construction firm that specializes in the mass removal of geologic obstacles using the magic of explosions.

Hidden Hearts [ LOLLI qAq ] :: Romance Advisor/Match-Maker
Need to find your One True Love? Hidden Hearts is your girl. She runs a very discreet match-making service out of a small one room office. Available by appointment only.

Tiger Balm [ Ruriska ] :: Herbalist 
A provider of traditional herbal remedies for just about any ailment. Complaints about the taste will be met with the forceful, angry shoving of said herbal remedy down your throat.

Banshee [ Ruriska ] :: Professional Mourner
Has something you love passed away? Are you emotionally constipated or just need an extra expression of grief? A specialist when it comes to wailing and sobbing, Banshee will do the mourning on your behalf.

Chiffon Swirl [ Byagane319 ] :: Flutter Clothing maker
Chiffon owns Fabulous Flutter, a shop dedicated to making clothing and accessories for flutters.

Flits N Giggles [ Syrcaid ] :: Bird Rescue/Rehabilitation
Saves, helps, and certified to render professional aid to birds, particularly endangered and native fauna.

:: Entertainment

Draft Punk [ Byagane319 ]  :: DJ
Draft operates the three story building called The Grasslands!  He operates the middle level as a dance club where he constantly drops the sickest beats for his nightly customers.

PARTY [ Scaramouche Fandango ] :: Drummer
Does a lot of studio work for his dad and jams at his brother's nightclub

Pale Moonlight [ Scaramouche Fandango ] :: Pianist
Featured piano player for the Phonyland Sym-Phony Orchestra; does solo, album, and soundtrack work occasionally.

Bohemian Raspberry [ Scaramouche Fandango ] :: Vocalist
Frontmare for a number of musical projects, most of which are equally loud and weird.

Shrill X [ Ruriska ] :: Radio Host
Tune into Xtreme Scream on 101.5 Annihilation Radio with your host, Shrill X, where the X is never silent!

Roc N' Rolls [ Syrcaid ] :: Professional Rock Musician
Specializes in composing tablature and editing musical scores for rock and roll/electric guitar.

:: Arts and Culture

End of an Era [ Scaramouche Fandango ] :: Bookseller
Has a bookstore that specializes in out-of-print texts. Sometimes she writes herself and edits the work of others; she's more than willing to put things that other phonies write up for sale in her shop.

Ikebana [ Atmadja ] :: Traditional Japanese Florist/Calligrapher
Ikebana makes traditional Japanese flower arrangements for any occassion, as well as beautiful calligraphy in both Japanese and the Roman alphabet. He does frown on otaku, however.

Poet Lariat [ Byagane319 ] :: Poet/Actor
Larry owns, operates, and lives above a small theater where he puts on small plays.  He also offers acting and poetry lessons for youngsters who are interested!

Macarena [ Byagane319 ] :: Dancer
Macarena's School of Dance!  Specializes in all types of Latin dances!

:: Sports

Fourseam Fastball [ Atmadja ] :: Baseball pitcher
Pitcher for the quite-popular Phonyland Phonies. How? Come and see him pitch, that's how.

:: Gaming

Roll to Dodge [ Scaramouche Fandango ] :: Dungeon Master, Purveyor of Games
Has a small, unassuming gaming shop which is basically a front for her and her sister's DMing activities- they hold games in the shop and at their homes.

:: Education & Academia

Morning Glory [ Astraea Pandora ] :: Teacher
Morning Glory is the beginning and the end of Phonyland ISD. She runs the large one room school house and teaches grades K-12, as well as adult only classes for continuing education.

Moth-drops [ Scaramouche Fandango ] :: Lepidopterist
She studies insects, specifically moths and butterflies. Especially moths.

Lyra Heartstrings [ Scaramouche Fandango ] :: Anthropologist
Absolutely fascinated with human pop culture and biological structures, Lyra spends most of her time observing human guests and then writing about them. Extensively.

Hard Truths [ Kitomyx ] :: Tutor
While not fond of large classes, Hard Truths offers private tutoring and remedial lessons for phonies of all ages. He teaches groups of one to three phonies at a time.

Warp Nine [ Scaramouche Fandango ] :: Astronomer
An employee of Legitimate Space Corporation, Warp Nine studies deep space astrometrics and also dabbles in telescope optics repair.

Mandrake Blossom [ ex o ex Snoof ] :: Botany & Herbalism
Mandrake works out of her own stable. She studies, collects, and utilizes all sorts of plants for a variety of purposes, all practical. Mostly she enjoys keeping them planted and tending to them, but if you need help identifying something or a quick remedy, she'll be able to whip something up for you in a jiffy!

Gloom Heart [ ex o ex Snoof ] :: Librarian
Gloom is nestled in the heart of the Phonyland Library. He does not deal with customers directly anymore, due to his unpleasant attitude, but he is an efficient book keeper and number cruncher. On occasion he writes reviews or does poetry reading, but hardly anyone listens because of how bland his delivery is.

Smooth Swing [ Kitomyx ] :: Coach
No matter a foal's hobby, talent, or purpose, Swing is ready to be there for them as a guide, practice partner, and/or cheerleader, whatever they may need.

:: Miscellaneous

Salty Breeze [ Atmadja ] :: Helmsman
The helmsman for her beautiful ship, The Flirty Mermaid, and part of the ragtag Phonyland Pirate Crew.

Treasure Hunter [ FrostyPeaches ] :: Pirate
He can be found at The Flirty Mermaid, loves treasure hunting and collecting treasure maps, and a member of the ragtag Phonyland Pirate Crew.

Knots [ Syrcaid ] :: Sea Captain
Frequent cargo runs of materials, foods, and consumer goods to and from Phonyland.  Hires temps and permanent crew!

Cast Aweigh [ Syrcaid ] :: Lighthouse Operator
Ensures that all ships and small vessels arrive safely to Phonyland shores.


. Welcome to Phony Classifieds! .

Also known as Phony Personals: Help! I want some RP! D8

Plotting the perfect party, a romantic date, or world domination but missing that vital ingredient - co-conspirators, an actual partner, or minions? Put up your hiring ad right here!
For personals as vague as 'just seeking RP' to intricate metaplot machinations, this board is your one-stop to locating the perfect Phony partner to execute all your insidious plans with.

There are no hard and fast rules for any of your Classifieds - though we suggest going into specifics and outlining your hopes and plans to find that perfect fit.
All plot sign-ups or anything that necessitates a general announcement and responses can go here.

Enjoy responsibly!


. This Forum, your Phony, and You! .

This forum is for all Phony RP - whether in Phonyland or anywhere else!
Roleplaying in My Little Phony is strictly optional, but very much encouraged!

. Forum Basics .
❥ Please begin the titles of Open-to-all RP posts with [ORP] and Private RP posts with [PRP]
- You may add elements et al. if desired, but please include the tags above (e.g. [PRP - Honesty])
- For non-Phonyland/MLPh canon/AU RPs, please feel free to label as such (e.g. [PRP - AU]
❥ For PRPs, please label titles with participants - e.g. [PRP] Sum Title [Phony1+Phony2+ Phony3]
❥ When the RP is concluded, please edit the tag to include FIN - i.e. [ORP:FIN] or [PRP:FIN]

. House Rules .
❥ Please be considerate to all our Phonyland friends and crew - let's be nice!
❥ All art and ideas [that are not ripped off the other plastic ponies *cough*] are ©My Little Phony - please do not use elsewhere without permission
❥ Please keep things believable - do not engage in Godmoding
❥ Please do not control the actions of another person's character without permission
❥ Please keep things PG-13 and SFW - and remember that Permababbies are children no matter how long they've been Permababbies!
❥ Character deaths are not expected in Phonyland - if something along these lines is being plotted, please seek approval from the admin and all involved parties before execution

. Hard&Fast RP Guidelines .
❥ To reiterate: no God-moding - be conscious of your fellow RPers and your Phony's status as a fallible pet
❥ Don't assume success - when you initiate an action, the targeted RPer will complete the reaction
❥ RPs dated back are fine, but should make canonical sense with regards to the timeline:
- For example: Phony 1 and Phony 2 were babbies at the same time, and can do a back-dated RP as babbies.
However, Phony 3 was already Old Enough when 1 and 2 were babs, and so has to be Old Enough in this RP as well.
Phony 4 only existed when 1 and 2 were Old Enough, so Phony 4 cannot be in this RP at all.

. RP Problems Guidelines .
❥ If you're having problems growing your Permababby, consider making a post in Phony Classifieds and asking people in our Discord for help - we have lots of regulars eager to help grow Babbens up! Sometimes plot chat might be busy and your post might be overlooked, so don't hesitate to ask again if it's been a while!
❥ Remember - growth RPs can be as long or as short as you'd like, as long as it's a complete episode between the Phonies involved, and the element in question has clearly been learnt (whatever that might mean...). Since the requirements are so lax, we cannot accept incomplete RPs, so we are truly sorry if you find that your old RP has been abandoned and you must start a new one.
❥ Sometimes RP partners go missing in the middle of an RP, and that's a real shame, especially if you wanted that RP for a requirement. :c If the RP has not been completed, you may reuse your own posts in a new one, but only one of these RPs will count should both end up completed. Therefore, if too much time has passed, and attempts at contact have not been helpful, consider informing your partner that you'll have to pursue the RP somewhere else and possibly recycle the plot, and go on to do just that if there's no reply within a reasonable timeframe. Good luck!
❥ Please don't ever feel like you should be in a hurry to complete growth requirements - you shouldn't be! And we would really prefer you to take your time ahahahah...

Phony Directory & Records / Jun's Register: 2 Phonies
November 11, 2020, 07:00:07 PM

Phony Directory & Records / Maxx's Register: 1 Phony
November 11, 2020, 06:52:01 PM


Phony Directory & Records / Phony Propagation Records
November 11, 2020, 04:09:43 PM

. A Record of All Phony Propagations... .

Halloween 2011
:: Yawn + Tangles = Sleepy Pickles
:: Feathered Fury + Gearheart = Angry Cogs
:: TACO + Scent Puff = TACO Puffs

Christmas 2011
:: Negative + Noël = Beastly Beauties
:: Nina + Pucker = Georgie Porgies
:: Sunshine Sparkles + Sugar Skull = Bleached Bones

Valentine 2012
:: Candy Cane + Lemon Lime = Super Lemon!

Summerfest 2012
:: TACO + Sugar Delight = TACO Delights
:: Roll to Dodge + Hot Rod = Thinkgeeks
:: Bluegrass + Bon Appétit = Vegetarians
:: Total Party Kill + Spica = We are All Made of Stars

Christmas 2012
:: Taquita + End of an Era = Mexican Standoffs
:: Play Belle + Sweet Bread = Moulin Rolls
:: Scent Puff + Taiko = Scentai Rangers
:: Roll to Dodge + Cherpumple = Awsum Sauces
:: Gloom Heart + La Llorona = Cry 'Em a River

Summerfest 2013
:: Lullaby + Draft Punk = Dream Pops
:: Maple Taffy + Silk Kimono = Flypaper
:: Nice Catch + Knots = Knotty or Nices
:: Dainty Delta + Cootie Canoodle = Acute Angles

Halloween 2013
:: Sweet Bread + Knit Once = Croissants
:: Royal Blossom + Espresso Brulee = Decaf

Christmas 2013
:: Fourseam Fastball + Moon River = Shoot the Moon
:: Yawn + Tangles = Pickly Sleepers
:: Sea Whip + Latte = Cream on Top

Valentine 2014
:: Marvel + Fruit Punch = Oh Yeah!

Easter 2014
:: Aurora Light + Pale Moonlight = Twilight

Summerfest 2014
:: Starlight + Due North = Polaris
:: Glico + Foxtrot = Pick-up Sticks

Halloween 2014
:: Mooncake + Lemure of Love Lost = Pan de Muertos
:: Flits N Giggles + Bumble Thunder = The Talks

Christmas 2014
:: Pink Lemonade + Midnight Snack = Nightcap
:: PARTY + Total Party Kill = Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Easter 2015
:: Sweet Bread + Hard Truths = Throwing Scones

RLC Bribe
:: Willow Wisp + Nocturne = Gastlies

Maxx Day Month 2015
:: Doom and Gloom + Chocolate Orchid = Purple Rain

"Summer" 2015
:: Moth Drops + Valiant = Mothra
:: Sprinkles + Sweet Haven = Rainbow Highs
:: Shrill X + ?? = Bangshees

Christmas 2015
:: Royal Blossom + Espresso Brulee = Second Brew
:: Rose Aegis + Comet Chaser = Quartz-Universe

Maxx Day Month 2016
:: Mossflower + Zen = Bonsai
:: Midwife Crisis + Kaiju Blue = Brood

"Summer" 2016
:: Mandrake Blossom + Ikebana = Ikemen

Halloween 2016
:: Fantasia + System Error = Mystery Science Theater 3000

Christmas 2016
:: Rose Knight + Honeysuckle = Camealot

Easter 2017
:: Haute Couture + ?? = Hunt Couture

"Summer" 2017
:: Valkyrie + Reaper = Van Halen

Customfest 2017
:: Blind Love + Just Lance = Bad Eyedeas
:: Water Stone + Sea Whip = Watersports

Christmas 2017
:: Cirrus + La Llorona = Runoffs

RLC Bribe
:: Nevermore + Noble = Neverborn

Halloween 2018
:: Marquee + Planchette = Visitations

Easter 2019
:: May Day + Candy Dandy = Stranger Danger

Phony Information / Phony Points Record
November 11, 2020, 04:07:41 PM

Some of you may remember the system from the...other pony toyline, points on their packaging to be cut out and redeemed.
Out of sheer coincidence, our points system will work similarly.

Phony Points will be granted to runner-ups of contests and given out at mini events for your enthusiasm and love for all things Phony.
Right now, 10 Phony Points will give you a custom, non-edit Perma. FREE. See what unprofitable depths your awesomage has driven us to?!

We will keep track of your Phony Points for you. So remember to hang around and watch for not only our Phonies, but also our Points!

PM all requests to Ph0ny!
Please note points required are subject to change in the future - just like in the original program.

Custom-colour Non-Edit Permababby!
❥ Earth: 10 Phony Points
❥ Uni: 13 Phony Points
❥ Pegi: 15 Phony Points
+ Brush 'n' Grow Hair: +10 Phony Points
+ 2nd Hair Streak Colour: +3 Phony Points
+ [the promise of] Draft [if grown to adult] (boy): +5 Phony Points
+ Feathered Fetlocks on non-draft (boy): +3 Phony Points
❥ Flutter: 25 Phony Points
+ Brush 'n' Grow Hair: +10 Phony Points
+ Feathered Fetlocks (boy): +3 Phony Points
❥ Mer: 25 Phony Points
+ Brush 'n' Grow Hair: +10 Phony Points
+ Feathered Fetlocks (boy): +3 Phony Points

Code (bbcode) Select
[b]Points Redeemed:[/b]   
[b]Type:[/b] Earth . Uni . Pegi . Flutter
[b]Gender:[/b] Boy . Girl
[b]Body Colour:[/b]
[b]Hair Colour:[/b] [ base colour + 1 streak colour if desired ]
[b]Eye Colour:[/b]
[b]Additional Point-redeemable Features:[/b] [ refer to Points System for features and point requirements accordingly ]
[[b]Personality:[/b] [ optional! but if you fill it in, it will influence their expression and eye shape.]

❥ Custom-colour Non-Edit Pet! - 8 Phony Pet Points

❥ Phonywear: Simple Custom Clothes (eg. shirt, shift) - 8 Phony Points
❥ Phonywear: Simple Custom Accessory (eg. bag, hat) - 6 Phony Points
❥ Phonywear: Simple Custom Small Accessory (eg. ribbon, bracelet) - 4 Phony Points

Phony Directory & Records / Phony Pet Directory
November 11, 2020, 04:05:22 PM


. Dog .
Guard Dog Bot . M . Bribe Custom . Brass Button [and be blue]
Elvis . M . X'Mas 2011 . PARTY [Scaramouche Fandango]
Bluebell . F . X'Mas 2011 . Hydrangea [Fea Line]
Sonnet . M . Summerfest 2012 . Poet Lariat [Byagane319]
Oze . M . Bribe Custom . Obi [frozen_flames06]
Sidekick . M . X'Mas 2012 . Marvel [elvyralani]
Star . M .  Summerfest 2013 . Friend-Ship [Kitty Sprightt]
Maple Bar .  F . Summerfest 2013 . Candy Dandy [Blue Eyed Melloon]
Russet . F . X'mas 2013 . Willow Wisp [zippedsiren]
Hickory . ? . X'mas 2013 . Country Kitchen [Byagane319]
Teddy . ? . Halloween 2014 . Tinker Toy [Tristam Lockhart]
Crumble . ? . X'mas 2014 . Banana Creme [shortcutt]
Crime Scene . ? . X'mas 2014 . Reaper [cursedandwandering]
Mucha . ? . X'mas 2014 . Nouveau Muse [Ac.Wings]
Bella . ? . Halloween 2015 . Kaluna Skunk
Oscar . M . Halloween 2016 . Bullseye [FrostyPeaches[/url]
Yorick . M . Xmas 2016 . Heavenly Body [cursedandwandering]
Cosmo . M . MDM 2018 . Heartfelt Joy [Astraea Pandora]
Melmo . M . MDM 2018 . Nightvine [Syrcaid]
Cindi Pawper . F . MDM 2018 . Geode to the Stars [Byagane319]
Dr. Fluffbutt Attorney at Law . M . MDM 2018 . Roller Riot [Biblioburro]
Teddie . F . MDM 2018 . Ragdoll [Luafien]
Mimicry . M . MDM 2019 PHOKEMON . Sistrum [ChexaRain]

. Cat .
Snowball . F . X'Mas 2011 . Noel [Astraea Pandora]
Puce . M . X'Mas 2011 . TACO [StarieMichie]
Mr. Whiskers . X'Mas 2011 . Lucky Charm [Rapidashtrainer]
Cuddle . M . Summerfest 2012 . Cootie Canoodle [Tristam Lockhart]
Ash . M . Bribe Custom . Cinder [Cihiru]
Snaps . M .  X'Mas 2012 . Chibi_Kokoro143
Midnight . M . Bribe Custom . Gloom Heart [ex o ex Snoof]
Yule . ? . X'mas 2013 . Mooncake [cursedandwandering]
Ovenbaked . M . X'mas 2013 . Cherpumple [Syrcaid]
Alton . M . X'mas 2014 . Iron Chef [Atmadja]
Mochi . M . X'mas 2014 . Nutter Butter [Frosty Peaches]
Dumpling . ? . X'mas 2014 . Haute Couture [Kitty Sprightt]
Fortissimo . M . X'Mas 2014 Temp Compensation . Belldandy [Astraea Pandora]
La Muerte . F .X'Mas 2014 Temp Compensation . May Day [Atmadja]
Cynder . ? . Halloween 2015 . catmagick
Musketeer . ? . X'Mas 2015 . Spear Mint [EchoLimaFoxtrot]
Encore . F . Halloween 2016 . Shockstar [Fea Line]
Shawshank . M . Halloween 2016 . Rouge Gallery [zippedsiren]
Dor . M . Halloween 2016 . Alanna the Pirate Queen 
Nelson . M . Halloween 2016 . Hook Slash [Freaksrus]
Pumpkin . F . Halloween 2016 . ~Twilight...Angel~
Bouquet . M . Halloween 2016 . Lavender Lemon [purplerosesbeauty]
Matteo . M . Halloween 2016 . Kitomyx
Leo . M . Xmas 2016 . Out of Orbit [LizzyMoo]
Voila . ? . Phony Points Redemption . Menagerie [zippedsiren]
Jiji . M . X'Mas 2019 . Catwalk [Chrystali]
Cologne . M . X'Mas 2019 . Scent Puff [Byagane319]
Chronos . M . Hallowitch 2021 . Witching Hour [Astraea]
Blue . F . Hallowitch 2021 . Tranquility [Fealine]
Glitter . F . Hallowitch 2021 . Crystal Clear [Astraea]
Ivy . F . Hallowitch 2021 . Hemlock [Nym]
Amigurumi . F . Hallowitch 2021 . Rest In Peace [cursedwanderer]

. Bird .
Moss . M . X'Mas 2011 . Mandrake Blossom [ex o ex Snoof]
Minstrel . M . X'Mas 2011 . Lullaby [Ruriska]
Duster . M . X'Mas 2011 . Knots [Syrcaid]
Miele . F . Summerfest 2012 . Play Belle [Chibi_Kokoro143]
Double Stripe . M . X'Mas 2012 . Zee Oddwyn
Lambda Centauri . F . X'mas 2013 . Warp Nine [Scaramouche Fandango]
Rocky . ? . Phree! . Rapidashtrainer
Benedict . M . PHOKEMON . Lucky Egg [-Yasha Alchemist]
Crispin . M . PHOKEMON . Lotus Eater [zippedsiren]
Feathers . ? . PHOKEMON . Sky Brush [Rapidashtrainer]
Grape Cooler . ? . PHOKEMON . Nina [thyPOPE]
Hamiljon . ? . PHOKEMON . thyPOPE
Zipper . ? . PHOKEMON . Orangeish Sherbert
PHIDGEY . ? . PHOKEMON . Kitty Sprightt
Dash . M . PHOKEMON . FrostyPeaches
Coconut . F . Halloween 2016 . Rocky Road [Chrystali]
Warbeak . F . Halloween 2016 . Mossflower [Ruriska]
Crooner . M . Xmas 2016 . Comet Chaser [Moonstone Dazzle]
Ginseng . F . Xmas 2016 . Tiger Balm [Ruriska]

. Jelly .
Bunny . Summerfest 2012 . Sweet Prestige [Tygress Dream]
Tangelo . Super Stupid Lyra & Bon Bon Sitting Recolour Event 2013 . Kitomyx
Splash Lime . Super Stupid Lyra & Bon Bon Sitting Recolour Event 2013 . frozen_flames06
Jelly-Jam . Super Stupid Lyra & Bon Bon Sitting Recolour Event 2013 . Astraea Pandora
Jiggler . Bribe Custom . StarieMichie
DUDE . X'mas 2013 . Shrill X [Ruriska]
Cider . X'mas 2013 . Hydrangea [Fea Line]
Contessa Bunie . Halloween 2014 . Revenant [Luafien]
Jelliefetti . Halloween 2014 . Luafien
Smooch . Halloween 2014 . Classic Crooner [Blue Eyed Melloon]
Undercut . Pet Trade . and be blue
Evasies . X'mas 2014 . Barley Pops [Tristam Lockhart]
Peach . X'mas 2014 . Frosty Peaches
Jello Shot . X'mas 2014 . Shrill X [Ruriska]
Straight No Chaser . X'mas 2014 . Banana Creme [shortcutt]
Grape Frost . X'mas 2014 . Cast Aweigh [Syrcaid]
Sunset . X'mas 2014 . Lightning Round [Kitty Sprightt]
Evanjellyon . X'mas 2014 . Kaiju Blue  [Scaramouche Fandango]
Blue Sky . X'mas 2014 . Wingseagle
Purl Twice . X'mas 2014 . elvyralani
Spark . X'mas 2014 . Aric Val
Sterbux . X'mas 2014 . Zee Oddwyn
Stormy Cloud . X'mas 2014 . Doom and Gloom [Yunonia]
Flourish . X'mas 2014 . Sweet Prestige [Tygress Dream]
Dapper McJiggles III . X'mas 2014 . XxSilverxShadowxX
Reticence . X'mas 2014 . Hidden Hearts [LOLLI qAq]
Bluebell . X'mas 2014 . Morning Glory [Astraea Pandora]
Double Jump . X'mas 2014 . Paws Button [cursedandwandering]
Bun Epoque . X'mas 2014 . Espresso Brulee [zippedsiren]
Mistletoe . X'mas 2014 . Fruit Punch [Hopelessly Pretty]
Tool . X'mas 2014 . Mecha Crusade [thyPOPE]
Ariel . Halloween 2016 . Bubble Star [iStoleYurVamps]
Globulous . Halloween 2016 . Fright Night [Fea Line]
Ichabod . Halloween 2016 . Fantasia [zippedsiren]
Jujube . Halloween 2016 . Catwalk [Chrystali]
Songbird . Xmas 2016 . Tick Tack Tock [Tygress Dream]
Rosewood . Easter 2017 . Torchwood [zippedsiren]
Tulle . Easter 2017 . Chiffon Swirl [Byagane319]
Bun Bunny . Easter 2017 . Sweet Surprise [Rapidashtrainer]
Blobble . Easter 2017 . Sea Whip [Huni Pi]
Poppet . Halloween 2017 . Catwalk [Chrystali]
Orb . Halloween 2017 . Kitty Sprightt
Cusp . Halloween 2017 . Rising Sign [SilverLutz]
Flatwoods . Halloween 2017 . Gl!tch~
Berry Rainy . Jelly Rancher . Golden Showers (Sheepcakes)
Combee . Jelly Rancher . Bokeh [Tristam Lockhart]
Sticky. Jelly Rancher . Cherpumple [Syrcaid]
Neko . Jelly Rancher . Jasmine Tea [Byagane319]
Arr . Jelly Rancher . The_Great_Book_Wyrm
Boomer . Jelly Rancher . Oopsie Daisy [Rapidashtrainer]
Hijinks . Jelly Rancher . Havoc [Alanna the Pirate Queen]
Delight . Jelly Rancher . Sugarplum Dance [purplerosesbeauty]
Frankucumber . Halloween 2019 . Tangles [Syrcaid]
Dreamer . Hallowitch 2021 . Lullaby [Ruriska]
Squishy . Hallowitch 2021 . Wishbone [FrostyPeaches]

. Chicken .
Cluckie . F . Halloween 2014 . Ragdoll [Luafien]
Nugget . F . Halloween 2014 . Treasure Hunter [FrostyPeaches]
Eternity . F . Halloween 2014 . Happy Endings [cursedandwandering]
Tuna . F . Halloween 2014 . Sprinkles [zippedsiren]
Doodle . F . Easter 2015 . Safe Haven [cursedandwandering]
Sweet and Sour . F . Easter 2015 . Creme Bunny [Aric Val]
Peck . F . Easter 2015 . Bluegrass [EchoLimaFoxtrot]
Cooper . F . Easter 2015 . zippedsiren
Malt . F . Easter 2015 . Barley Pop [Tristam Lockhart]
Pollita . F . Easter 2015 . Caramelldansen [Fea Line]
Clucks . F . Easter 2015 . Moonstone Dazzle
Captain Shelley . F . Easter 2015 . Treasure Hunter [FrostyPeaches]
Eggtraterrestrial . F . Easter 2015 . Gaufre
General Tso . F . Easter 2015 . Nevermore [Astraea Pandora]
Perri . F . Easter 2015 . Kitty Sprightt
Henrietta . F . Easter 2015 . Dude Food [Ruriska]
Spoopy Specter . F . X'Mas 2014 Temp Compensation . Lemure of Lost Love [StarieMichie]
Chuckle . F . X'Mas 2014 Temp Compensation . Hen Cackle [LOLLI qAq]
Garlic . F . Xmas 2016 . Snailshell [sheepcakes]
Mr. T . F . Halloween 2017 . King Cock [Gl!tch~]
Derby . F . BAWK 2018 . Rocket Cat [Tygress Dream]
Princess Pullet . F . Jelly Rancher . King Cock [Gl!tch~]
Dumpling . F . Jelly Rancher . Crackophony [Chrystali]
Chickadoo . F . Jelly Rancher . Chickadoodle [Fealine]
Agape . F . Easter 2021 . Resolution [thy]
Dove . F . Easter 2021 . King Cock [Gl!tch~]
Lemonade . F . Easter 2021 . catmagick
Lt. Eggybacon . F . Easter 2021 . Treasure Hunter [FrostyPeaches]

. Shark .
Woe Begone . ? . Phree! . Lita Maxwell
Jaws . ? . Phree! . Blind Love [Yushika]
Pain . ? . Phree! . Butter Beer [shortcutt]
Virga . ? . Phree! . Nimbus [Yunonia]
Cetus . M . Phree! . Aquarius [purplerosesbeauty]
Rin . M . Halloween 2016 . Whistle [Astraea Pandora]
Dew . F . Halloween 2016 . System Error [cursedandwandering]
Lite Brite . M . Halloween 2016 . Water Stone [Blue Eyed Melloon]
Disaster . M . Xmas 2016 . Sugar Petal [Yushika]
Tamagotchi . M . Natsu Matsuri . Beyond Bedazzled [Byagane3019]
Sharkira . F . Natsu Matsuri . Twirl 'N' Flick [Tristam Lockhart]
Jawsbreaker . F . Natsu Matsuri . Hoax [zippedsiren]
Cosmo . M . MDM 2020 . Valdmir Talamore
King . M . Catmas New Year 2022 . Astraea

. Bear .
Sherbet . M . Easter 2016 . Labyrinth [Astraea Pandora]
Sous Chef . M . Easter 2016 . Macaron Critique [Blue Eyed Melloon]
Clawsome . F . Easter 2016 . Po-TAY-Toes [Scaramouche Fandango]
Crumbs . F . Easter 2016 . Pink Lemonade [Ruriska]
Lawful Cone . M . Easter 2016 . Just Desserts [zippedsiren]
Cadavar . F . Xmas 2016 . Doppelganer [Fealine]
Sir Fluffy . M . MDM 2019 PHOKEMON . Clean Sweep [Medigel]
Hearty . F . Halloween 2019 . Late Bloom [The_Great_Book_Wyrm]
Butternut . F . Halloween 2019 . Nightvine [Syrcaid]
Wild Charge . M . Catmas New Year 2022 . Shockstar [Fealine]

. Starfish .
Chad . M . Xmas 2016 . Tsunami Waves [Fealine]
Sagitta . F . Xmas 2016 . Centaur Fold [zippedsiren]
Always Lion . F . Xmas 2016 . Cosmic Reel [thyPOPE]
June . F . Xmas 2016 . Wave Watcher [FrostyPeaches]
Trick . M . Xmas 2016 . Blind Love [Yushika]
Wobbles . F . Xmas 2016 . Tough Talker [Magician Arcana]
Demo . F . Xmas 2016 . Hijinks [Alanna the Pirate Queen]
Bridge . M . Xmas 2016 . Spellbound [Moonstone Dazzle]
Head Spin . M . Xmas 2016 . Lean Cuisine [Amorpheous]
Auva . M . Xmas 2016 . Starbright Wish [Astrea Pandora]
Balance . M .Xmas 2016 . Maelstrom [Atmadja]
Splash . M . Natsu Matsuri . Shockstar [Fealine]
Flail . F . Natsu Matsuri . Shockstar [Fealine]
Flail . M . Natsu Matsuri . Ice Ice Babby [FrostyPeaches]
Abyss . M . Natsu Matsuri . Parfait Storm [Astraea Pandora]
Fish . F . Natsu Matsuri . Nacre [Biblioburro]
Orange Crush . M . Natsu Matsuri  . Gl!tch~

All owned Phonies, linked to certs & organised by type

[ name . sex . origin . owner ]

. Phonyland Staff .

Fireflight . M . Pegasus . Shop . Maxx
Silent Quill . M . Unicorn . Shop . Jun
Prowl . F . Earth . Shop . Maxx + Jun
Ava Adore . F . Uni . Shop . Maxx + Jun
Wild Hunt . F . Flutter - Windywing . RLCustom Rehome . Maxx + Jun
Lady Faire . F . Alicorn . Summerfest 2012 Auction Rehome . Jun

. Earth .

Tangles . M . Pre-Opening Custom Request . Syrcaid
Shange . F . Pre-Opening Custom Request . Kaitaia
Lucky Charm . F . Pre-Opening Custom Request . Rapidashtrainer
TACO . M . RLCustom . Scaramouche Fandango
Candy Cane . F . X'mas Grand Opening . Ruriska
Pucker . M . X'mas Grand Opening . kotaline
Sugar Plum . F . X'mas Grand Opening . Rainbow Lime
Scent Puff . F . RLCustom . Byagane319
Bon Appétit . F . X'mas Grand Opening . Byagane319
Glico . M . X'mas Grand Opening . Mystaira

Negative . M . RLCustom . Kitty Sprightt
Roué . M . Chinese New Valentine's . Sephiros Immortalis
Play Belle . F . Chinese New Valentine's . Chibi_Kokoro143
Siren Shell . F . Easter 2011 . Leikkun
Bluegrass . M . RLCustom . EchoLimaFoxtrot
Sugar Delight . F . X'Mas 2011 . Luafien
Big Log . M . RLCustom . Ravina Loki
Nice Catch . M . RLCustom . elvyralani
Draft Punk . M . TACO Puffs . Byagane319
PARTY . M . TACO Puffs . Scaramouche Fandango

Tacquita . F . TACO Puffs . Scaramouche Fandango
Little Black Dress . F . Summerfest 2012 . Antique-Unicorn
Nervous Nelly . M . Summerfest 2012 . Ravina Loki
Due North . M . RLCustom . Rapidashtrainer
Gloom Heart . M . ex o ex Snoof
Imperial Ink . M . Beastly Beauties . Astraea Pandora
Latte . F . RLCustom . Rabid Ice Weasel
Lullaby . M . Sleepy Pickles . Ruriska
Mandrake Blossom . F . Sleepy Pickles . ex o ex Snoof
Sarsaparilla Sunset . F . RLCustom . Scaramouche Fandango

Extra Extra . M . RLCustom . elvyralani
Candy Dandy . F . TACO Delights  . Blue Eyed Melloon
Country Kitchen . M . Vegetarians . Byagane319
Ikebana . M . Scentai Rangers . Atmadja
Salty Breeze . F . Maxx Day Month 2013 . Atmadja
Barley Pop . F . Vegetarians . Tristam Lockhart
Cootie Canoodle . F . Summerfest 2012 . Tristam Lockhart
Coral Chassé . F . Summerfest 2013 . Fairymount
Foxtrot . F . Summerfest 2013 . Fea Line
Tulip Two-Step . F . Summerfest 2013 Rehome . purpleroses

Macarena . M . Summerfest 2013 . Byagane319
Bebop Blues . M . Summerfest 2013 . PandaLily
Bohemian Raspberry . F . TACO Delights . Scaramouche Fandango
Poet Lariat . M . Summerfest 2012 . Byagane319
Bon Bon . F . Lyra & Bon Bon Sitting Pose Recolour Event 2013 . Scaramouche Fandango
Boomstick . F . Lyra & Bon Bon Sitting Pose Recolour Event 2013 . Scaramouche Fandango
Tick Tock Tack . F . Lyra & Bon Bon Sitting Pose Recolour Event 2013 . Tygress Dream
Salvo Overcast . F . Lyra & Bon Bon Sitting Pose Recolour Event 2013 . The Voice of Time
Well Fit . F . Lyra & Bon Bon Sitting Pose Recolour Event 2013 . LittleLilyKitty
Space Seer . F . Lyra & Bon Bon Sitting Pose Recolour Event 2013 . elvyralani

Steel Magnolia . F . Lyra & Bon Bon Sitting Pose Recolour Event 2013 . Ac.Wings
Sweet Surrender . M . TACO Delights . StarieMichie
Rosewrite . M . Moulin Rolls . -Yasha Alchemist
Bumble Thunder . F . Summerfest 2013 . Kitty Sprightt
Midwife Crisis . F . Halloween 2013 . grasshopper pie
Lemure of Love Lost . F . Mexican Standoff . StarieMichie
TART . F . TACO Delights . Luafien
Banana Creme . F . Super Lemons! . shortcutt
Double Dare . M . CNY CYO 2014 . Kuuro Kitten
May Day . M . CNY CYO 2014 . Atmadja

Tinker Toy . M . Acute Angles . Tristam Lockhart
Shrill X . F . Dream Pops . Ruriska
Singsong . F . Dream Pops . Ac.Wings
Never Ever . M . Pet Trade . and be blue
Revenant . M . Mexican Standoff . Luafien
Fire Forge . M . RLCustom . Elvyralani
Sweet Prestige . M . TACO Delights . Tygress Dream
Many More (jump scare warning) . M . Halloween 2014 . Atmadja
Blue Suede Horseshoes . M . Dream Pops . Byagane319
Prime Meridian . M . Polaris . Atmadja

Treasure Hunter . M . Maxx Day Month 2013 . FrostyPeaches
Paws Button . F . Pick-Up Sticks . cursedandwandering
Shell Bell . F . Knotty or Nice . space crawfish
Skirmish Flamenco . F . CNY CYO 2014 . Scaramouche Fandango
Safe Haven . M . Easter 2015 . cursedandwandering
Lovely Corpse . F . Beasty Beauties . NeonMace
High Speed . M . Phree! Summer 2015 . Fea Line
Caramelldansen . F . Pick-Up Sticks . Fea Line
Fool's Gold . M . Halloween 2015 . purplerosesbeauty
Bullseye . F . RLCustom . FrostyPeaches

Roller Riot . F . RLCustom . Biblioburro
Comet Chaser . M . Xmas 2015 . Moonstone Dazzle
Never Alone . F . Xmas 2015 . Atmadja & Ac.Wings
Banshee . F . Bangshees . Ruriska
Thriller . M . Bangshees . Atmadja
Rough Shards . M . RLCustom . Huni Pi
Cotton Fluff . F . Maxx Day Month 2016 . Fea Line
Fright Night . M . Halloween 2016 . Fea Line
Swamp Net . M . Cream on Top . Huni Pi
Centaur Fold . M . Xmas 2016 . zippedsiren

Out of Orbit . F . Polaris . LizzyMoo
Aquarius . M . Polaris . purplerosesbeauty
Nutter Butter . M . Hua Sheng Jie '14 . FrostyPeaches
Fondant Fancy . F . Valentine's 2017 . unohime
Melting Moment . F . Valentine's 2017 . Ruriska
Stuck Together . F . Valentine's 2017 . Minsuil
Rose Red . F . Valentine's 2017 . ~Twilight...Angel~
Sweet Tart . F . Valentine's 2017 . and be blue
Honey Lavender . F . Valentine's 2017 . Chrystali
Twirl 'N' Flick . F . Valentine's 2017 . Tristam Lockhart

Just Desserts . M . Rainbow Highs . zippedsiren
Whisk Away . M . Easter 2017 . FrostyPeaches
Dark Water . F . Cry 'Em a River . ex o ex Snoof
Ready to Mingle . M . Summer Stallies . Moonstone Dazzle
Lotus Eater . F . Ikemen . zippedsiren
Small World . M . Xmas 2017 . Ruriska
Shockstar . M . Phokemon Go . Fea Line
Baking News . M . Easter 2016 . BlueEyedMelloon
Olive Garden . F . MDM 2018 . Chrystali
Hot Cakes . M . MDM 2018 . Elvyralani

Tranquility . F . Natsu Matsuri 2018 . Fea Line
Regrind . M . RLCustom . Syrcaid
Rigged . M . Halloween 2018 . Ruriska
Pretzel . F . Halloween 2018 . Chrystali
Mucho Macho . M . Halloween 2018 . FrostyPeaches
Itsy Bitsy . F . Xmas/New Year Customfest 2018 . Ruriska
Seasons Change . F . Xmas/New Year Customfest 2018 . Tygress Dream
Maid in Heaven . F . Xmas 2020 . Erina_Nobara
Sugarplum Dance . F .  Xmas 2016 . purplerosesbeauty
Frostbite . M . Catmas New Year 2022 . cursedandwandering

Huntress . F . Catmas New Year 2022 . Pixeldeerest

. Unicorn .

Yawn . F . Pre-Opening Custom Request . Ruriska
Taiko . M . Pre-Opening Custom Request . Chrystali
Obi . F . Pre-Opening Custom Request . frozen_flames06
Nina . F . Pre-Opening Custom Request . thyPOPE
Camellia . M . Pre-Opening Custom Request . AnimeEyeshime
Starlight . F . RLCustom . Luafien
Sugar Skull . F . X'mas Grand Opening . Kaitaia
Lemon Lime . F . Easter 2011 . Hopelessly Pretty
Gearheart . F . Summer Carnival Custom Contest 2011 . Teh_Sil
Morning Glory . F . RLCustom . Astraea Pandora

Honeysuckle . M . RLCustom . Byagane319
Royal Blossom . F . X'Mas 2011 . Astraea Pandora
Tender Care . F . Valentine's 2012 . Roadkill
Sweet Bread . F . Summerfest 2012 . -Yasha Alchemist
Hidden Hearts . F . Pet Trade Custom . Lolli McHotpants
End of an Era . F . Halloween 2011 . Scaramouche Fandango
La Llorona . F . Halloween 2012 . LOLLI qAq
Knit Once . F . RLCustom . elvyralani
Twilight Jaws . F . RLCustom . Fairymount
Lunar Eclipse . F . RLCustom . Cihiru

Knots . F . Sleepy Pickles . Syrcaid
Dainty Delta . F . Georgie Porgies . Atmadja
Sea Whip . F . RLCustom . Huni Pi
Hydrangea . M . Sleepy Pickles . Fea Line
Pink Lemonade . F . Super Lemons! . Ruriska
Boomer . F . Angry Cogs . Rejam
Fruit Punch . M . Super Lemons! . Hopelessly Pretty
Lyra Heartstrings . F . Lyra & Bon Bon Sitting Pose Recolour Event 2013 . Scaramouche Fandango
Pale Moonlight . M . Mexican Standoff . Scaramouche Fandango
Chocolate Orchid . M . Moulin Rolls . PeanutButterpies

Jasmine Tea . F . Scentai Rangers . Byagane319
Jolly Roger . M . Maxx Day Month 2013 . Ruriska
Blushing Bride . F . Acute Angles . Atmadja
Willow Wisp . F . Decaf . zippedsiren
Boysenberry Pie . F .Easter 2014 . Luafien
Hard Truths . M . Phony Points Redemption . Kitomyx
Cast Aweigh . F . Knotty or Nices . Syrcaid
Ragdoll . F . RLCustom . Luafien
Mossflower . F . Pickly Sleeper . Ruriska
Knockout . M . Oh Yeah! . Hopelessly Pretty

Bureaucracy . F . Jobstar Summerfest Rehome. Syrcaid
Jump Scare (jump scare warning) . M . Halloween 2014 . Scaramouche Fandango
Belldandy . F . Twilight . Astraea Pandora
Rock Sugar . M . Croissant . Elvyralani
Moondance . F . Twilight . Scaramouche Fandango
Umbra . M . Polaris . Luafien
Starry Knight . M . RLCustom . Lita Maxwell
Nightshade . M . Gastlies . Luafien
Expired Expectations . M . Croissants . -Yasha Alchemist
Hex Maniac . F . RLCustom . Yunonia

Zen . M . Scentai Rangers . Chrystali
Rocky Road . M . Customfest 2015 . Chrystali
Fairy Ring . F . RLCustom . purplerosesbeauty
Just Lance . M . Mothra . Moonstone Dazzle
Torchwood . M . Purple Rain . Scaramouche Fandango
Whistle . F . Phree! Summer 2015 . Astraea Pandora
Dabberlocks . M . Cream on Top . grasshopper pie
Mad Aristocrat . M . Take A Bowie . LOLLI qAq
Earthling . M . Take A Bowie . Scaramouche Fandango
Dangers Untold . M . Take A Bowie . ex o ex Snoof

Starbright Wish . F . RLCustom . Astraea Pandora
Chiffon Swirl . M . Easter 2016 . Byagane319
Sugar Petal . F . Throwing Scones . Yushika
Labyrinth . F . Gastlies . Astraea Pandora
Buttermint . F . Second Brew . Chrystali
Regality . F . Second Brew . Fea Line
Spick n Span . F . Cream on Top . anemosagkelos
Overboard . M . Knotty or Nices . elvyralani
Truly Scrumptious . F . Valentine's 2017 . Astraea Pandora
Nightvine . M . Pickly Sleepers . Syrcaid

Wildflour . M . Throwing Scones . Ruriska
Morning Star . M . Summer Stallies . Scaramouche Fandango
Fable . M . RLCustom . Astraea Pandora
Synthesis . M . Quartz-Universe . cursedandwandering
Fatal Attraction . F . Xmas 2017 . cursedandwandering
Oathkeeper . F . Never Born . Ruriska
Kokeshi . M . Natsu Matsuri 2018 . Ac.Wings
Marquee . M . RLCustom . zippedsiren
Bombette . F . Xmas/New Year Customfest 2018 . zippedsiren
Crystal Clear . F . Hallowitch 2021 . Astraea

Hemlock . M . Hallowitch 2021 . Nym
Tricky Treat . F . Hallowitch 2021 . Atmadja

. Pegasus .

Keela . F . Pre-Opening Custom Request . elfgurl1234
Sunshine Sparkles . M . Pre-Opening Custom Request . Frezir
Burning Bright . M . RLCustom . Kamileunaire
Noël . F . X'mas Grand Opening . Astraea Pandora
Hot Rod . M . RLCustom . Tygress Dream
Feathered Fury . M . Pet Trade Custom . and be blue
Razzle Dazzle . F . Easter 2011 . Reverie Rose
Feathered Serpent . M . Pet Trade Custom . endejester
Water Hawk . F . Pet Trade Custom . lilwolfpard
Espresso Brulee . M . X'Mas 2011 . zippedsiren

Sudden Storm . M . RLCustom . lostandtold
Total Party Kill . F . RLCustom . Scaramouche Fandango
Roll to Dodge . F . RLCustom . Scaramouche Fandango
Cherpumple . M . RLCustom . Syrcaid
Starbuck . M . RLCustom . Cihiru
Fourseam Fastball . M . RLCustom . Atmadja
Moon River . F . RLCustom . Ac.Wings
Nocturne . F . RLCustom . Luafien
Night Flyer . F . RLCustom . ex o ex Snoof
Moth-Drops . F . Bleached Bones . Scaramouche Fandango

Dusk Glider . F . RLCustom . -Luxona-
Sky Brush . F . Michie's April 2013 . Rapidashtrainer
Cirrus . M . Halloween 2012 . Ruriska
Midnight Snack . M . Awsum Sauces . Atmadja
Brass Button . F . Angry Cogs . and be blue
Sunny Delight . F . Awsum Sauces . DivineSaturn
Marvel . F . Thinkgeeks . elvyralani
Roc n' Rolls . M . Awsum Sauces . Syrcaid
Warp Nine . M . Thinkgeeks . Scaramouche Fandango
Flits n Giggles . M . Wing It 2013 . Syrcaid

Wicked Stitch . M . Halloween 2011 . Ryuthulhu
Nevermore . F . Decaf . Astraea Pandora
Noble Born . M . Decaf . Ruriska
Lavender Lace . F . Easter 2014 . Carneli
Sprinkles . F . Summerfest 2014 . zippedsiren
Macaron Critique . M . Summerfest 2014 . Blue Eyed Melloon
Mint Buttercream . F . Summerfest 2014 . Vesperiie
Doom and Gloom . F . RLCustom . Yunonia
Hen Cackle (jump scare warning) . F . Halloween 2014 . LOLLI qAq
Po Tay Toes . F . Awsum Sauces . Scaramouche Fandango

Maximum Ogredrive . M . Kiss Kiss Bang Bang . Scaramouche Fandango
Meat Death of the Universe . F . Kiss Kiss Bang Bang . Scaramouche Fandango
Smooth Swing . M . Shoot the Moon . Kitomyx
Fantasia . F . Gastlies . zippedsiren
Blind Love . F . RLCustom . Yushika
Star Spangled . F . Shoot the Moon . Atmadja
Haute Couture . M . Beasty Beauties . Kitty Sprightt
Kaiju Blue . M . Phony Points Redemption . Scaramouche Fandango
Geode to the Stars . F . Xmas 2015 . Byagane319
Torte Bar . F . Easter 2016 . purplerosesbeauty

Lavender Lemon . F . Nightcap . purplerosesbeauty
Blade Waltz . M . Second Brew . Astraea Pandora
Foundry . M . Rainbow Highs . cursedandwandering
Dude Food . M . Nightcap . Ruriska
Bijou Blende . F . Second Brew . -Yasha Alchemist
Eyeblack . M . RLCustom . Atmadja
Vanity Fair . F . Valentine's 2017 . Atmadja
Cloudy Kisses . M . Summer Stallies . ~Twilight...Angel~
Agony Aunt . F . Customfest 2017 . Atmadja
Perish Song . M . Xmas 2017 . zippedsiren

Royal We . NB . Mothra . Biblioburro
Highgarden . F . Never Born . Astraea Pandora
Planchette . F . RLCustom . Astraea Pandora
Fairy Floss . M . Halloween 2018 . Atmadja
Kettle Corn . F . Halloween 2018 . Ac.Wings
Midnight Flight . F . Xmas/New Year Customfest 2018 . Kesmi
King Cock . M . Jelly Rancher Easter 2019 . Gl!tch~
Crackophony . F . Jelly Rancher Easter 2019 . Chrystali
Chikadoodle . F . Jelly Rancher Easter 2019 . Fealine



Because sometimes for inexplicable reasons you need your Phony to look like that.

Some Phonies need glasses, some Phonies want ribbons......some Phonies need saddlebags, and working Phonies uniforms...some Phonies love dresses for special occasions (rarely) and some shirtfronts and bowties instead...some Phonies wear hairclips, or hats, out around just because...and there's scarves in the winter, and things to tote around...

...Okay, so there's no end to the kind of things some Phonies may want, but no Phony knows how much it'll cost in Bux or RL$ because Maxx is the tailor, and he's working off an offer system instead.




Phonies and People alike may pick up a pet of your very ownsome, a perfect companion to fill your days with poop and joy!

Phonyland is not just filled with Phonies, Phonyland is also filled with cute and cuddly* critters that will give your little Phonies love and affection - and you love and affection also, if you'd like! Let's not think too hard about this. Phony Pets! Pets are often distributed during official events with great enthusiasm, and sometimes new species are unveiled with great fanfare amongst the festivities - so do keep an eye out if you or your Phony might like a new friend! Pet breedings are also sometimes offered during events, so do look out for that if you'd like new little mixes from your old friend!

But sometimes you might have something more specific in mind (within the available species templates), or would like a breeding out of season, and we can understand that. This is where the Phonyland Petshop comes in. Let's also not think too hard about that. Custom pets are rare, but occasionally possible through Bux offers, Phony Points, and especially RL$. See details below...

❥ Any Phony or person may own a pet - this includes Babbies and people without Phonies. Pets with Phony-owners will be certed under their Phony-owner's name and pets without will be certed under the owner's username. Pets certed under owner usernames can be recerted to a Phony-owner in the future if desired.
❥ Sex and name are to be decided by the owner where applicable - there are no naming restrictions for pets, so anything from My Little Pony-style names to human names to usual-pet-names are all allowed within reason - and cert size. It's a pretty small cert!
❥ Pets are fully RPable - they may not speak human (or Phony...) language, but may possess cartoon-animal levels of intelligence and undertake a variety of cartoon-animal activities
❥ Yes, pets can breed within their species. Pet breedings may be obtained through events, and possibly through Bux offers, Phony Points, and RL$.
❥ No, most of these animals do not appear as such in the cartoon, Jun desperately made them up.
❥ Any one Phony or person can own as many pets as they'd like, but typically only two pets may be kept per event unless specified!




Ceremony Slots for 2021:
Summer . Christmas


Additional Services / RL$ Commission Information
November 11, 2020, 03:32:28 PM
My Little Phony RL$ customs currently operate on a per-offer basis, priced in USD.
Offers will be considered with regards to both offered amount and the concept/details of the request.

For our consideration, please email your offer to adopts(at) with the title MLPhony: RLC Semi/Custom/Breeding/Phony Pet/Phonywear.
Please delete the irrelevant parts of the title according to your request.

Currently closed for offers, next likely to open in late 2021.


Sometimes, you just really wanna build your own Little Phony...

What could be more fun than dreaming up custom Phonies? It must be something really really fun, but we wouldn't know about it! 8D
If you want to know all about dreaming up your own custom Phony, here are the places you should go...

The Official Phonyland Guild Customs Quest Forum!
Here's where you go to create your very own Phony Custom Questing Thread! But before you do, be sure to take a look at...

PLEASE READ: Quest System+Customs Template+Rules
...because that'll tell you everything you need to know about setting up your very own Quest Thread and dreaming your way to the perfect Phony for you!

Having said that, we will definitely be concentrating on the predrawns that otherwise nobody would want, and we really advise
against becoming attached to your Quests - there is never any guarantee that a Quest will ever be made into a real Phony!
If you're really, really into the idea of having your very own Custom Phony, we usually have at least one
Custom Contest every year, between June to September, and sometimes have other events for Semi(or Quasi)customs.

If you'd prefer to pay real holla dolla for Phonies, please check if RL bribes are open here.

Phony Information / About Breeding & Permababbies!
November 11, 2020, 03:23:12 PM


Now that your Phony is old enough, you may be experiencing an Empty Stable Syndrome because they're out all the time, doing constructive things and making a living. You may long for the time where they were big-eyed babbies, clueless and cute.
You are entertained by thoughts of a new babby that somewhat resembles your elder babby so that you can troll them by saying, "Look! I've replaced you with a younger and cuter version!"

We understand that. Let's put you on the path to having a new babbin that kinda looks like your old babbin.

❥ Breedings may be potentially obtained via events and event ceremonies
❥ Any combination of sexes (e.g M/F, F/F, M/M) is able to undergo gene-splicing to create Babbens, with M/F able to get it on for Newbabbens

❥ Each regular breeding involving BOTH parents of a regular strain (Earth/Unicorn/Pegasus) will have 3-4 Babbens, as determined by RNG on
- The maximum batch of 5 is only achievable through the official event ceremonies with RP requirements
❥ Regular breedings involving ONE parent of a rare strain (Flutter/Carousel/Mer/Alicorn) will have 2-3 Babbens, as determined by RNG on
- The max. batch of 4 is only achievable through the official event ceremonies with RP requirements - the rare DNA is too delicate to produce more!
❥ Regular breedings involving BOTH parents of a rare strain (Flutter/Carousel/Mer/Alicorn) will have 2-3 Babbens, as determined by RNG on
- The max. batch remains at 3 even through the official event ceremonies with RP requirements - all that delicate rare DNA! Breaking down...!!!

❥ The sexes, strains (e.g. Earth, Flutter), and inherited characteristics (e.g. colours, hair-types) and traits (including non-normative - e.g. Brush 'N' Grow, Twice-as-Fancy) of Babbens are primarily determined via RNG on, and then artist/colourist discretion.
- As part of ensuring balance (but largely 'cos Jun rolled 0 BnGs once but was too nice to let it stick), breedings involving traits not present on both parents and/or parents of different strains will likely have each strain/trait pass down to no more than 2/3 of a batch, nor less than 1 of each batch.
HOWEVER, when there is more than one non-normative trait involved in a breeding, there is NO GUARANTEE that any one trait will pass down - the more non-normative traits involved in a breeding, the less likely it is that all of the traits will be passed down.
- In the case of multi-generational breedings, there is a very rare possibility of a throwback to a previous generation at artist's discretion: this occurs most often with characteristics, but may also rarely happen with traits. However, it will almost never happen with strain, as it's all fun and games when your EarthxEarth Babben is a surprise Flutter, but we'll be facing lawsuits when your FlutterxFlutter Babben is a surprise Earth. In any case, throwbacks are a very rare occurrence at artist's discretion, so STRICTLY no requests!

❥ Babbies that result from propagation will either come out as Newbabbens or Blister Packs, collectively referred to as Babbens.
- Newbabbens only occur for M/F pairs who opt to get it on and undertake (a quick and easy) gestation and birth on the mare's part
- F/F, M/M, M/F pairs who opt for/are entered into gene-splicing, acquire Babbens via gene-splicing, and therefore obtain Blister Packs.
❥ Babbens may be considered your Phony's children, or merely half-clones or siblings, depending on your level of commitment-phobia.
❥ Babbens only grow from Newbabben/Blister Pack to Permababby unless specified.
- to become Old Enough, babbies will have to display the 5 Elements of Harmony and find their purpose in life.
...i.e., 6 complete RPs to gain their cutiemarks and grow to the unique lineart adult stage, as detailed below.

❥ Phony-parent owners may only keep ONE Babben each (and may opt not to keep any), and may gift or contest any others away.
- Phonyland heavily urges you to surrender a Babben or two for contesting away, especially if you are an event couple, as Babben contests are often a much-anticipated part of Phonyland events. Of course, if you'd rather not risk your precious babbens, by all means gift them to loved ones! We understand this protective instinct.
- If your generous hearts, however, heed our plea, the procedure is as such: you maintain FULL CONTROL over the contest, including writing up the contest itself, and judging. Phonyland will host your contest as a Phonyland event, but you will keep track of the entries and ultimately decide where your Babbens will go!



Here are all the different types of Phonies currently available at Phonyland!
NOTE: Sizes of each Phony as shown NOT relative to each other...



Earth Phonies are the dominant strain of Phonies, despite the lack of flight or magic ability to preserve them from predators.
This proves that Earth Phonies are very good at one thing, to be able to maintain such high numbers in relation to the other types.

Yes. They are very good at running.


Unicorn Phonies possess "unicorn magic" - manifested through a sparkly glow around their horns. All unicorns possess the "magic" of telekinetic manipulation of reasonably-sized objects, a skill more important than it sounds for a species without opposable thumbs (not that that's ever seemed to stop the other Phonies).

But Phonyland's "unicorn magic" isn't actually's nanites.

Unfortunately, that means that every unicorn Phony's personal "special talent," usually related to their cutie-mark and purpose in life, is rather minor, and possibly even...trivial. Just like us all. ...Anyway, you may, but are not required to, assign a "special talent" to your unicorn - and admin is quite happy for you never to, because as soon as you decide on a 'special talent' that your unicorn should officially have, you will have to vet it with Phonyland to ensure it is ICly possible...


Pegasus Phonies can fly. That's all you need to know, because if you're into Pegasi, we had you at the word fly. Or is that wings? Pegasus Phonies have wings. That's all you need to know.

Pegasus Phonies are probably the rarest standard strain in Phonyland, as Pegasi wings are relatively difficult to manufacture...


*Pre-move park map, updated map coming soon

In an unspecified location in an urban world somewhere in cyberspace lies the massive themepark-city known as Phonyland, a fun and exciting home to lots and lots of living plastic Phonies, where anyone may come and play!

:: Phony City
A visitor entering through the welcoming gates will find that they open out into a small but complete Phony town - our beloved Phony City, with all the amenities you may expect of modern civilisation! Here is where most of the residing Phonies work and live, their myriad shops and businesses populating the charming city streets, around and past the beautiful town square that greets all entering for the day, often hosting stages and booths for various seasonal events.

Off to the left are the Phony dormitories, colloquially referred to as the Stables, where most Phonies, both owned and unowned, may be housed. The architecture of the dormitories is varied, from modern apartment blocks to cosy cottages, and a number of hotel accomodations, both grandoise and boutique, are also available here for for staying visitors.

On the opposite side of the City lies the Administrative sector, fronted by the gleaming Administration Building, and brought up by the various factories that form the lifeblood (both literally and also not) of Phonyland. Let's not go there.

:: Phony Kingdom
The wide, cobbled path that cuts through the middle of Phony City from town square, its lamplights often festooned with seasonal decorations, leads to...Phony Castle! The gorgeous Castle heralds the fairgrounds of Phony Kingdrom all around it, an exciting cornucopia of rides and greets and fair food - every imaginable sort of themepark fun!

The lavish yet exacting Quirosel! The elegantly creepy if somewhat self-aggrandising Phontom Manor! The excitingly splashy Mount Drippy! The ingeniously terrifying Towel of Terry*! The aggressively dizzying Angry Soup Bowls! The ubiquituous Diminutive Planet! These are only some of the beloved attractions of Phony Kingdom!

Twice a day - once in the bright sun, and once after night falls, right before park closing - a dazzling Phony parade circles through the Kingdom, with themed floats showing off a varied array of Phonies in their sparkling best. Another wonderful day comes to an end at Phonyland.

:: Adventures in Nature
Past the concrete and cobblestones, the rest of the park boasts natural landscapes for Phonies to roam free and seek adventureTM! The rolling grassy plains are bordered by all the conveniently adventure-laden features any self-respecting Saturday morning cartoon may wish for: a mysterious forest, a mountainous region undoubtedly hiding a network of caves, and a shimmering lagoon complete with waterfall!

The sizeable lagoon houses a considerable number of Mers, many with custom habitations far under the surface, and the mountains still host quite a few Flutters out in the wild, where you might even encounter a rare Windywing or two! And the woods and caves have all kinds of weird things. Don't go there, man.

Somewhere beyond the lagoon lies a wide sea, the seaside but a brief journey from the park for further adventures.

:: Transportation
Phonyland is accessible via many types of transport, including by road to the park gates. The Phonyland subway stop is located right in front of the park, and connects to Phonyland's own light subway system to continue under much of Phony City for its inhabitants' convenience.

Past the Phony Kingdom stop at the border of the City, however, it is the sleek and cheerful Phonyland monorail that ferries commuters through Phony Kingdom and beyond, with a stop or more at each natural zone, through to the Lagoon's Ferry Stop, where the Docks at the far end of the Lagoon hosts a ferry service that brings visitors to and fro the seaside.

There is also a helipad atop the Administrative Building, but we don't talk about that.

:: Phonies Leaving Phonyland
Phonyland is happy for all its beloved Phonies to work and play in Phonyland forever! We just love you all so much! But we know there are many adventurous Phonies with your lives ahead of you (and also owners), who might just want to leave your childhood home and make your way in the big wide world.

Fly free! Being in an unspecified location in an urban world somewhere in cyberspace, it means that Phonies who leave, whether on a short trip, or for good, may also experience all the various adventures and excitement the average modern world has to offer.

Have fun!

*"First, a bellhop locks you into a hotel room - there are towels everywhere! They are towels of terrycloth. You have to solve the locked room mystery to escape.
Then you open the door and step out - into an elevator! The elevator drops." Towel of Terry was a surprisingly hard ride to pitch.


Long, long ago in 2010, on an ancient forum called GaiaOnline...

With market interest in their primary petshop business waning, Jun took a portion of their HyTech savings to reinvest in a quiet new startup.
Blinded by the cuteness of the new My Little Pony cartoon, he decided that live versions of prancing plastic ponies were the way to go with his new project.
The costs of being a franchisee were much too high, but Jun and Maxx aren't Azn for nothing - no, they knew all about 'the other plastic ponies made in China'...
so after a few transactions, a shady factory was erected in a corner of a modestly vast plateau on the grassy outskirts of Barton near the HyTech building.
The plot had been bought for this very purpose...and the theme park that would be built around it - Phonyland!

Where little Phonies may frolic all day - and prospective owners may shop for Phonies all day, heheheheh...

...but then, everything changed when 2020 attacked, and...

With fortunes dwindling and Gaia slowing to a crawl by the day, Maxx and Jun were reluctantly contemplating shutting down the Phony business...
when they were visited by the ghosts of Phonies melted and the Horses of Phony Past, Present and Yet to Come!
Shown the bleak future if they were to continue down this path, the message was clear: Phonyland can't end this way!

Phonyland must be built anew in its own little patch of cyberspace, and work began at once.
But due to COVID-related delays, it could not be completed by Christmas, and so construction goes on around you as you enter...

...but we'll get there!


[spoiler]. WELCOME! .
. Map&Updates . Phony Types Showroom . Phony Life Stages .
. Sales&Terms . Phony Directory . Product Album .
. Boutique . Petshop . Breeding . Customs .
Phony Staff + Owners . Affiliates .
. EVENT @ Pg 2! 8D .

[ Latest Drop-Offs & Announcements! ][/spoiler]

Upon joining our forum, you will instantly become a Phonyland Friend!
The benefits are endless! You can - you'll get back to you on that one.

But as a Membership Card-carrying member, you'll receive an email announcement every time an event starts up in Phonyland!
(Unless you opt out - or your email thinks we're spam - in which case we will sigh and stare at you from a distance when a new event begins.)
With your Phonyland Super Membership, you'll never be out of the loop again! 8D

Phonyland also has a Discord server that will also keep you in the loop,
so do join us there, especially if your email hates us!