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Messages - Jun

In that moment, Diamond decided she would never partake in one of these CYOAs expeditions again.

She turned around and chose to E. All of the above D: RUN!!!
Diamond warily fluttered up towards the giant playhouse until the fence stopped her.

It's Paradise!!

Well, it turned out having wings counted for nothing.

Maybe being a tiny babby would count for something. Maybe that was how the screaming cat bab got out in the first place.

Diamond looked around for a hole to wriggle through and make bigger for people who were not tiny babbies.

C: Look for a hole in the fencing to enlarge.
Diamond looked pityingly at the other babbies. They were too young to die at the hands (?) of jorts.

But so was she. It was every bab for themself.

D: Screw this, she's got wings
"Uhhhhhh, I'm not very strong, and I'm not very daring," Diamond said, looking around at the other Phonies, "so I guess I'll go with the Rescue Team."

The wings had to count for something, right? ...Right?

C. Rescue Team
"Whoah!" Diamond shouted, but what she really meant was AAAAHHHH!!!

She scrambled up the nearest pile, threw her wings open midway, and didn't stop flying.

Her mama (and papa but mama sounded catchier) gave her these wings, she wasn't gonna waste them and get eaten by whatever the hell was going on!

But, uh...she probably can't fly very long.

C: Climb a nearby plastic pile!
"Your mother was a transistor radio!!" she screamed. She didn't know what that meant, but it felt good - and it worked!

6 to back

Back: 14/10 total...
[blockquote]Rolled 1d6 : 6, total 6[/blockquote]
Picture two babbies taking turns to boot the back of this poor robot while screaming invectives under the mistaken impression it will improve their kicks and not hurt the robot's feelings, but one of them is doing it especially badly.

1pt to back

Back: 6/10 total
[blockquote]Rolled 1d6 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]
Diamond felt some kind of sympathy for the cat babby. She, too, had witnessed people booting boots while shouting, "Stupid car!"

She fluttered over to also boot the back, but without the 'stupid car.'

...She was just as ineffectual, so maybe she should have shouted 'stupid car.'

Back: 1 pt u_u

Edit since I'm pagetop (thanks thy):
Arms: 2/10
Legs: 9/10
Head: 10/10
Back: 10/10
as of this post
[blockquote]Rolled 1d6 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]
Diamond watched Torte Bar scale the plastic mountain in slight awe, and decided that was a good use of wings. She scampered (halfway, and then huffed-and-puffed a quarter way, and then decided she should just fly the rest of way) up a plastic mound, and, beating her wings as hard as she could, tried to squint as far into the distance as possible.

A: Try to climb one of the plastic mountains to see if you can see a way forward.
"Oh, yeah, they've been talking about that," Diamond nodded, "Phony's Diner just isn't doing as well as it used to ever since the Birthday Crew had to be shut down after the, uh, incident, so they've been thinking that maybe redoing the whole place to be more Champs-Élysées and less Rhode Island might go over better with the Millenial and Gen Z crowd.

"I dunno, I still think there's something to be said about a hotdog and soda after a baseball game. Screaming kids. Cheese sticks. Anyway, they're still thinking about it. Maybe they'll just open one on the next street instead."

(Does it count as lying if she thought Distro was bistro? If so, B. Lie, if not, C. Deflect XD;; )
"There was supposed to be a Valentine's event!" Diamond blurted out, as if the secret had been weighing heavy on her ever since she overheard Quill screaming at people over Zoom - it wasn't her fault, Fireflight had been taking her to the staff canteen when he put his ear against the office door, "but they were late with the Christmas event so it turned into a Lunar New Year event and now no one's happy!"

She wondered, with a sudden chill, if the plastic bits of scrapped Valentine phonies might be lingering around this dump somewhere.
Diamond stared uneasily at the mountain of plastic around them. For a moment, she had half a mind to look for other clues in the possible form of bright red strands, that mayhap could have come from a certain admin pegasus who surely must have known all about this nightmare place. But what else could that serve, aside from letting her have the satisfaction of saying, ahah, I knew it, eat the rich? This was clearly the work of Phonyland. This was what Phonyland was built on, in some respects literally.


At least it was serving a purpose, she supposed.

She decided to look for signs of a camp instead.

C: Look for signs of a camp.