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Messages - cursedwanderer


Paws Button bounced into the bar full of glee.  The mare was so happy she was practically vibrating (but maybe that was just all the candy she had eaten earlier).  The small mare twirled and skipped, oohing and ahhing at the decorations and frolicking amongst the scattered rose petals.  Once she was satisfied that she had thoroughly enjoyed the scenery she made her way over to the tables and took a seat at the table next to her mother.

"Hello mama!  Looking for a handsome prince?"  She giggled, coyly hiding her smile behind a hoof.  "I hope we'll meet lots of nice people here.  It would be even better if I could find someone who loves to dress up as much as I do.  I'd really love to have someone to go to the conventions with."


[color=#8A0886][b]Do you enjoy wearing costumes?[/b][/color]

[color=#8A0886][b]If you could dress up as any fictional character who would you choose?[/b][/color]

[color=#8A0886][b]Have you made anything you're really proud of?[/b][/color]

Fatal Attraction was practically quivering with excitement.  It'd been so long since she'd last had a paramour and she was beginning to feel awfully lonely after her love interest errr...  Disappeared.  At least that's what she'd told the cops when they'd come knocking at her door.  Now here she was, dressed to the nines in her best maid costume (that's what the mares and stallions found attractive, right?) and ready to meet the phony who would definitely be her one true love this time, unlike all the other times before.  Those phony had obviously just tricked her, made her believe that they were destined to be together forever when it was all just a lie.  Some of them even had the audacity to tell her that they thought she was creepy.  The nerve!

Well that was not going to happen tonight, the mare was feeling confident and giddy as she walked into Cloud Nine.  She was so certain that tonight was the night, the night she would meet her one true love.  They would instantly hit it off and then they would be whisked off in a whirlwind romance culminating in lots of foals and a cute little house.  Of course her perfect partner would never think she was creepy or say they didn't like her collecting their used tissues.  They'd also never even consider looking at another phony with love in their eyes.  That was all for her!

[color=#63350f][b]How do you feel about horror movies?[/b][/color]

[color=#63350f][b]Would you love me forever and ever and ever?[/b][/color]

[color=#63350f][b]Would you find it weird if your partner dug through your trash?[/b][/color]

Happy Endings strolled into the bar like he owned the place.  This wasn't his first (or last) rodeo.  When you made your money by comforting the lonely you went to a lot of singles mixers.  After all, why wait for your clients to come to you when you can go to them? 

The flutter swung by the bar to grab a cocktail and maybe flirt with the bartender a little.  It couldn't hurt to get some additional free drinks, he thought.  Plus some liquid courage would help after the recent series of rejections he'd gotten lately.  Had he lost his touch or did he just need some practice?  The stallion ran his ghostly hoof through his mane and surveyed the crowd from the bar stool.

"Any bets on who will leave here happy and who's night is going to end in tears?" He smiled.

[color=#A3D6C5][b]What is your favorite genre of book?[/b][/color]

[color=#A3D6C5][b]Fabio or Fabi-no?[/b][/color]

[color=#A3D6C5][b]What's your love language?[/b][/color]
"Life's tough for everyone, get over it," she hissed.  That was certainly something she had known to be true.  Her father had made sure she knew that when he taught her how to do things like dumpster dive.  For a moment she recalled her own childhood somewhat fondly.  Her father and her were two peas in a pod, even if he wasn't quite as put together as she'd managed to make herself.

Error eyed the bag again and considered it's contents for a moment.  There was an unspoken rule her father always had, that children must be protected, no matter if they were annoying little shits.  The mer gave a sigh and rolled her eyes, an unspoken curse for her father's weakness for children.

"Hey, little brat!" She called through gritted teeth, not wanting to attract too much attention from the hopefully sleeping residents of the nearby buildings.  "Take your crap and go home," she grunted and tossed the bag towards the filly.

Hush Money had heard about the event from her viewers, whom had begged her to cover the event.  Some of them had been positive, hoping their favorite streamer would find romance, while others had hoped she would have cringy encounters for the stream's entertainment.  Hush, ever mindful of her income source, was interested in the latter and had planned on livestreaming the event from her phone.  She encouraged her regulars that they should suggest ideas (for her consideration of course) on who she should interact with once the basic questioning portion was over and even what sort of questions she should ask in the earlier stages of the event.

The alicorn arrived dressed in her most eye-catching outfit, complete with makeup and an elaborate updo.  She was here to provide a service to her viewers and to perhaps acquire a few new ones IRL.  If there was one thing streaming taught her it was how to be charming and get attention.  She knew her best (camera) angles and the most seductive way to pitch her voice.

As the alicorn entered she spoke to the mic clipped to her dress, "well would you look at that chat," she whispered.  "I wonder if there's rooms in the back they're letting attendees use, as this place could rival a love motel."  The mare turned about the room, allowing her loyal viewers to somewhat see through her eyes (or at least her go-pro's) what the event was like.  "Think we'll find any new simps here for the army?"  She said with a wink.

[color=#bfd8a1][b]What is your opinion on ASMR?[/b][/color]

[color=#bfd8a1][b]Would you consider yourself wealthy?[/b][/color]

[color=#bfd8a1][b]Do you think I'm the most beautiful mare in the room?  I'm a gamer girl, by the way.[/b][/color]

The flyer had been stapled to a telephone pole outside the morgue and for a brief moment Heavenly Body wondered if the neighborhood surrounding the morgue really had many singles.  The mare had pursed her lips, hair falling across her eyes, and considered that she herself was single.  It was hard to think about romance when surrounded by so much death, but more than that, it was hard to think about finding romance for herself when she was also thinking about the stories of her patients.  With a small tinkling laugh, HB had yanked the flyer from it's staples and tucked it into her purse, deciding maybe it was her turn to have a fantastical romance for once. 

When the large mare arrived at the event she was a little shocked, although it would be hard to tell by the half-lidded sleepy look she seemed to perpetually have on her face.  She hadn't been expecting someplace so thoroughly decorated and official.  Once she checked in at the front door, she took her ticket and made her way over towards the bar to order a mint julip iced tea to take the edge off.  She wasn't much for drinking, but she also wasn't much for talking to alive people outside her coworker Doppel.

Cocktail in hoof, she carefully picked her way across the rose petal covered floor (nearly taking a tumble at one point) and settled down at the largest table she could find to fill out her question card.

Code: [Select]
[color=#df9db8][b]What is the greatest adventure you've ever been on?[/b][/color]

[color=#df9db8][b]How comfortable are you around dead things?[/b][/color]

[color=#df9db8][b]On a scale of one to ten, how coordinated are you?[/b][/color]
Babby: Hellion
Brief Bio: Hellion is aptly named, a troublemaker through and through. He believes that any and all surfaces are his canvas and has a habit of drawing (sometimes crude) depictions on anything he thinks could use some spicing up, with his preferred medium being spray paint. While generally hating to sit still, when he's creating something he can get lost in it for hours. Despite his annoying little punk attitude, Hellion considers himself to be akin to great gothic poets, just with a different medium. He is of the opinion that no one really understands him and his cold gray heart. Clearly he must be a troubled soul like Poe.
Wrestler Ring Name: The Conqueror Worm
Face or Heel? Heel
Wrestling backstory: Was to be an orphan not enough?  Rumor had it his own parents hadn't wanted him due to his creepy appearance and they'd abandoned him after they'd seen him crawling about on the ceiling, caked in mud.  Now he's entered the ring to dig through the muck and show the other wrestlers that they're nothing more than food for the great Conqueror Worm.
What did you tell your parents you were doing instead of coming to join an illegal underground babby fighting ring? Life on the streets means that one doesn't need to make excuses to their parents about sneaking out at night.  Concerned siblings on the other hand...  The colt had told his siblings that he was about to win a prize that would set them up for life.  No more worrying about finding scraps from dumpsters, if he was an adult he could get them a real place to live and food not covered in flies.
Links to Elements of Harmony RPs, if any: Kindness Laughter Generosity Honesty Loyalty Purpose
It was his most ambitious work yet, a giant sprawling beast painted across the backside of several brick apartment buildings.  He had been building up to this for weeks, researching a location that could fit a work of this scale without being too easily visible by unhelpful passersby.  One could never tell if such people were prone to calling the cops.  The location, he'd deemed after days of lurking, was perfect and now his work just had to be too. 

For quite some time now he'd taken to signing his work with a stencil of a little imp.  The imp, he found, to be a suitable symbol what with his (and his siblings) tendency to rile up trouble and the bat like wings he'd inherited from his mysterious gene donors. 

For this work the imp was his sole inspiration, how flexible it was with it's meaning.  The imp; a symbol of naughtiness, a metaphor for man's foolishness, a creature of sin.  First he'd painted a stenciled pattern of his signature across the walls.  The repeating demonic creature spaced as evenly as the colt could manage, ever thankful for his wings.  It had taken him several days just to spray paint the pattern alone.  Today was the day he would finish, the focus a large unique imp that he had freehand painted.  He scrawled it crouching across the buildings, beckoning the viewer in, encouraging them to make an unwise decision.  Neon colors popped out of the blacks and deep blues, burning symbols and haunting eyes.  A thousand mouths with screams unheard, a great beast of scaly, rotten woe.

As the last drops of paint left the can, he took a step back to examine his work.


Hellion: -The colt let out the breath he didn't realize he'd been holding when the other adult left the room.-  My siblings and I are quite skilled at lying to authority figures when we need to.  Part of growing up on the street.  -He gave a shrug then cast a concerned look towards KO.  That had certainly been a weird encounter between the two adults and he almost wondered what was going on there.-  I almost never say no to free stuff, but I think the food is enough for me since that's partly what started the trouble in the first place.
Hellion: -The colt chewed his lip, this new adult certainly was angry, apparently mostly at Knockout which boldened him a little.  Of course, he couldn't let this stranger just go treat his, dare he say friend, like that.-  Oh for sure.  My brother and sister would love to help too.  We're quite fond of running places out of business.  -He smiled, pearly whites flashing to emphasize his bold-faced lie.-  My sister is quite the prominent food critic. -Of course this was in the privacy of their cardboard home as she complained about the garbage they were eating for whatever meal.  But this stranger didn't need to know that.-  And my brother is a junior writer for the newspaper.  I'm sure he'd love to write about this.
Hellion: -The colt nearly jumped out of his skin as the glass smashed upon the floor. Instinct kicked in as he started to scramble, but he wasn't fast enough with the heavy food bag to make it out of sight before the strange adult came bursting in the room.- Rats. -He squeaked, trying to subtly drop the food bag to the floor without implicating himself.  He stated anxiously in Butter Beer's direction as the other colt managed to come up with a lie. He gulped and nodded along.-  Yes, the milk...
Hellion: -Evidently this was a time he should of forced his siblings to come along.  The more hooves the more stuff they could carry.  He made a note to periodically try the backdoor of this place from now on.-  All this stuff makes me wish I had one of those fancy backpacks with the cupholders on the sides. -He moaned and eyed the more hard to come by fruits and such in the fridge.  Produce went bad fast, even if it was often easier to pocket.-  Do you guys do this often? -The colt cracked a grin with one eyebrow raised before grabbing the handles on a packed to-go bag.  He was glad KO was going to be carrying the much harder to balance drinks.-
Hellion: -His ears flicked as he listened, head bobbing along with their words.  Helped him out and didn't judge?  That was very interesting info that he would certainly take advantage of later.-  A pleasure to meet you, Butter Beer.  -He bowed his head for a moment, taking note of the mysterious he KO spoke of, the uncle.  Evidently he was the one who'd leave you to die on the streets.-  I have ... -He pursed his lips, pondering the virtue of revealing their numbers to essentially strangers.  If he said there were more of them than there were he could get more food...  But, if this kid was a sucker like it seemed, maybe it was better to just be honest about their situation.  Pity could go far.-  One brother and one sister.  We like milk if we can get it before it's gone sour I suppose.
Hellion: -The colt trotted in behind the stallion, doing his best to stay as close (and hidden) behind the adult as he could manage.  If some angry adult was going to start throwing stuff at them while they screamed at them to go out he'd rather have KO between them.-  That is surprisingly kind of you given you're not one of my siblings. -He mumbled under his breath and glanced around the kitchen. Eyes alighting upon the other foal he pursed his lips. A foal wasn't as much of a physical threat, but that didn't mean he wasn't a snitch.-  I take it this isn't the one who lets people eat shit and die?  -He whispered and cast a glance up at KO.-
Hellion: I don't think the title of trash king would suit you anyways.  You're too put together and clean.  -He chewed his lip as he listened to the stallion.-  Eat shit or die?  Not an uncommon thought from the restaurateurs to the likes of us.  I guess we do have grabby grubby little hooves.  -The colt relaxed a bit.  It would be nice to have an adult manage sorting a meal out for him for once.  They tended to have money and they had the added bonus of being able to use as a shield against other, angry adults.-  I suppose if we're barred entry I won't be any worse than I started at least.