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Messages - cursedwanderer

Hellion: -He flinched mid garbage dive as a familiar voice called out to him from the gloom.-  Oh!  -He scrambled out of the dumpster with a sheepish look on his face as he turned to the familiar adult who had happened to catch him.-  I wasn't expecting to see you again.  Don't tell me, you're also guarding this dumpster?  -The colt laughed and fiddled with his mane with an idle hoof.-  I'm looking for some relatively untouched leftovers if I can happen to find them.  Although, realistically, I'm not unfamiliar with the taste of maggots.  They do have quite a bit of protein as they say.  -He smirks as he tries to gross out the stallion, although there was a twinge of bitterness behind his eyes.-  It was supposed to be my brother's turn to dumpster dive, but...

Hellion:   Why is it that I got stuck with food duty today? It was supposed to be Hoax's turn. -He grumbled under his breath and his stomach rumbled loudly in response.  The foal traipsed down a street lined with shops and restaurants, hoping to find a satisfying meal for the group.  His nose tipped to the air as he scented something tasty from a dumpster in a nearby alleyway.  Wings aflutter, he lifted himself up to the dumpster's lip and peered in.-  Well...  It's certainly no banquet.  Hijinks likes banana peel, right...?
Grimoire watched the filly with amusement.  It was sort of fun to see her pitch a fit, something about being a little wicked filled him with glee.  He certainly would not be against teasing her more. 

Not to mention he could think of several magicians who did have quite the talented assistant or two.  The gears began turning in his mind, plotting ways he could use her talent as a distraction for slight of hand.  He could just imagine the audience getting caught up in her balancing on a ball or some such all the while he used the distraction to make some choice items disappear.  There was a use to her and her abilities, he just had to plan it out.

"Well, it certainly would be going better if someone would just accept that magic is superior," he said with a sly grin to the teacher.  "I'm about ready to put her in a box and make her disappear," he turned to Adagio and waggled his eyebrows, interested to see her reaction.

Hellion tipped his head, surprised by the adult's sudden turn to kindness.  Although speculative, he was grateful that the adult wasn't going to cause him trouble.  "My name is Hellion," he murmured as he reached around into his knapsack to pull out a can of spray paint.  "Happy treasure hunting!"  He gave a small laugh, fluttering over to the wall he'd chosen as the perfect place during his scouting mission.
He couldn't argue with that.  He and his siblings were all lovers of the four hoof discount.  "One might stumble upon some forgotten treasure.  Our memories tend to be fickle and unreliable at best."  Hellion shrugged his knapsack back onto his shoulders.  "Depends on my mood.  I'm not foolish enough to just tag my name on a wall, that's for unimaginative plebs to do."  He turned his eyes to the old worn brick.  "I wanted to emphasize the decay and make something gritty yet impressionistic.  A rotting carcass to suit this rotting carcass of a building."
Well now that was an interesting twist.  "I suppose that would explain why you weren't here when i checked out this place before..."  Hellion quirked an eyebrow as he looked over the red male.  "I think once I'm done here they won't really need anyone telling them there were trespassers, my art will make it obvious enough, not to mention whatever you're planning on doing.  Planning something nefarious perhaps?"
The adult was smiling, which Hellion thought was certainly a curious reaction.  Perhaps this guard was smug for having caught what he supposed a thief.  While the colt was not against stealing or 'trashing the place', he certainly wouldn't consider his intentions for the walls of this building to be either of those.  In fact he was almost affronted at the possibility that someone would view his art so negatively.  "I certainly would not consider my intentions to be anything but positive.  I was simply wanting to emphasize the sadness and state of decay of this place.  One might even argue I'm making it prettier..." He grumbled under his breath.
Hellion pursed his lips as the adult spoke and mused over his options.  The stallion certainly did seem to buy his pitiful act.  If only his siblings had also been here to run interference...  The colt gave a small sigh then looked up to the stallion, doing his best to look as innocent as possible. "I don't have a home sir."
  He didn't like that the stallion had taken note of his belongings.
Certainly he would notice the clanking of the clans if he tried to move his bag, but he didn't want to just leave them here.  He chewed his lip.  "But I'm not looking to live here either."
Speak of the devil.  Hellion jumped and cursed under his breath.  Maybe he should of brought his siblings along for this little outing, then one of them could of been a lookout.  He hadn't thought he'd needed it after giving the place a good look over, but evidently he'd been wrong.  His wings twitched as he weighed his options.  It was a little difficult to fly with his bag, he could ditch it and try to escape.  But, those cans were hard to come by.  The stores typically kept them under lock and key which meant he had to persuade adults to buy them for him.  On the other hand though, if he got caught with his paints...  The colt slid the bag off his shoulders and nudged it behind him, trying to hide it from view.  "Oh no, officer," he simpered as he tried his best to sound innocent.

Hellion's ear flicked, did he hear someone yell about a raccoon or was that just his imagination?  The colt pursed his lips, not pleased with his current vulnerable position of half under the garage door.  He wiggled as he tried to maneuver his lumpy bag under the door without damaging any of the cans.  Once the bag was clear he pulled himself the rest of the way through the opening, leaving the stone to keep it propped as a way out.  Wary, he looked around.  He was pretty sure he hadn't seen guards when he had surveyed the place earlier, but that didn't mean they couldn't of just been hired on.  If  he got caught he'd be screwed once they checked his bag and wouldn't that be just his luck?  The colt pressed against the wall, trying to scoot towards a hiding place.
Hellion moved at a slow trot down the cracked and overgrown pavement.  A makeshift backpack constructed of old burlap sacks was nestled between his shoulder blades, a soft clanging of spray paint cans could be heard with every step.  The colt squeezed between a gap in the chain link fence, bag momentarily snagging on the metal loops before he gave it a sharp tug.  Once free he took a breath and looked up at the warehouse.  He'd scouted it out a few days past and had been waiting with nervous anticipation since.  The location was going to be perfect for his latest idea he mused as he walked towards the garage doors that had previously been used for deliveries.  He'd slid a stone under one of the garage doors when scouting the place out, now he just had to lift it enough that he could fit under the door without making too much noise...
I would like to name the alicorn Hush Money please :D
Grimoire stared at her, incredulous.  Who wasn't impressed by magic?  Plebeians with no sense of wonder?  Even idiots could be fascinated by simple tricks.  How could anything be greater than making the impossible possible?

"Hmph, well I don't much think anyone will mind," he drawled.  "After all, with you cut in half wouldn't there just be more of you to love?"  He smirked.  "You could even have a new balancing act.  One where you have to balance one half on top of the other.  Now wouldn't that be a treat!" 

As offended as he was by her suggestion that magic was inferior to the simple act of balancing, he could picture in his mind's eye some way to incorporate balance into his tricks.  It wasn't inconceivable that he could come up with a purpose for her talent in his act. 

"And what did you expect me to do while you're balancing on a pair of balls?  Watch?"  He quirked an eyebrow and crossed his hooves.

"Balance?"  He scoffed.  "Why anyone can balance.  It's not like all of phonyland is stumbling around at all times.  Do you suffer from vertigo and that's what makes it particularly special?"  He huffed.  As if balancing was anywhere near as cool as the art of magic, such nonsense. 

"Keep up?  Why I could magic circles around you." He tossed his mane, having hoped it would look cool but ending up with a face full of hair in his eyes.

"How do you think balancing will impress the judges when I could make their scorecards vanish in thin air?"  He grumbled around a mouthful of hair as he worked to brush it out of his eyes with his hooves.  "Clearly it would be better for you to let me saw you in half on stage," he said and grinned just a little too widely with hopes it would unsettle her.  Let the scary guy get his way, right?

Phony Stables / Re: Cursed's collection
January 18, 2021, 04:25:54 PM

(insert image here)
[color=   ][u][b] (insert name here)[/u]

[b]Cutie Mark:[/b]
[b]Purpose in Life:[/b]
[b]Theme song:[/b]

[b][u] Relationships[/u][/b]


[b][u]Romantic Interests[/b][/u]




[u][b]Companions [/b][/u]
