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Phony Democracy: Vote on the Permababby Growth System!

Started by Ph0ny, December 26, 2020, 01:01:53 PM

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How would you like us to run Permababby Growth opportunities?

As current: First come first serve - quickest applications after slot(s) open
0 (0%)
Waitlist applications anytime, then first come first serve when Jun is able
8 (38.1%)
Waitlist applications anytime, then roll when Jun is able (1 tix per Perma)
4 (19%)
Waitlist applications anytime, then roll when Jun is able (1 tix per Perma + unlucky bonus)
9 (42.9%)

Total Members Voted: 21


As we slowly transit into more regular Phonying schedule, we thought we should do a couple of polls for a fresh start!
We're open to potentially changing our system for permababby growths (vote in this thread) and wedding ceremonies - please let us know your thoughts!

Besides voting above, please feel free to post with any other thoughts/concerns you may have.
We may not end up with the highest-voted option pending logistics, but we'll do our best to accommodate!

1. As current: As current: First come first serve - quickest applications after slot(s) open
This was the way we ran things on Gaia: we open slot(s) without notice, and quickest applications after opening get the slots.

2. Waitlist applications anytime, then first come first serve when Jun is able
Owners submit their permababby applications any time they're ready and are added to an overall waitlist. When Jun is able and ready to work on growth, we will reach out to the first application on the list.
In the event there is no response, we move on to the application next in line.

3. Waitlist applications anytime, then roll when Jun is able (1 tix per Perma)
Owners submit their permababby applications any time they're ready and are added to an overall waitlist. When Jun is able and ready to work on growth, we accord a 1 ticket to each application in order, and roll.
In the event there is no response, we roll for another application in the waitlist.

4. Waitlist applications anytime, then roll when Jun is able (1 tix per Perma + unlucky bonus)
Owners submit their permababby applications any time they're ready and are added to an overall waitlist. When Jun is able and ready to work on growth, we accord a 1 ticket and potential bonus tickets for previously unrolled applications in order, and roll.
In the event there is no response, we roll for another application in the waitlist.