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[ORP] Speed Dating - Seeking Mr. Right or Lady Love! [CLOSED]

Started by HopelesslyPretty, May 16, 2021, 07:24:08 PM

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Happy had long grown immune to feelings of rejection and when the purple mare ignored him he shook it off without a thought, he'd long outgrown such emotions in his line of work.  Instead took the time to survey the other attendees of the mixer.  Was there anyone perfect for him here or just phony perfect for his services?

As he contemplated the options presented to him, the flutter found himself startled mid-thought by another flutter. 

Always grateful to have a companion, the stallion smiled.

"Oh, love languages?  There's a theory that phony have specific ways they like to show and also receive love.  Not every phony has the same preferences either.  Some phony prefer to give and receive gifts, some phony prefer to give physical touch and receive words of affirmation.  The five love languages are quality time, gifts, physical touch, words of affirmation, and acts of service.  If you know your love language and are able to communicate it to your partner and your partner is able to do the same you'll be able to feel more loved by each other."

Happy gave a shrug, "I figured it's an important thing to know at these sorts of events."

"Might I ask, why did you choose to ask about orcs of all questions earlier?" 

I am disabled, so if I'm slow to reply or disappear for a bit that's probably why.  Thank you for your understanding.


Hush relaxed into her seat a little bit, enjoying the salty taste of the fries and the warmth of them in her mouth.

"Mmm," she moaned, tipping her head back and closing her eyes.  French fries always hit the spot.

Her ears swiveled as she listened to him, wondering if maybe those words could apply to her.  Dependable?  Certainly.  She almost never took a sick day.  Kind and honest?  Well, those weren't things she could always afford to be.  Maybe it would be different around a partner, but when it came to interacting with the public?  It would be foolish to be too honest or let people in too close and more often than not there was a price to pay for being to kind.

The mare peeked open an eye.  "I think this version of you is cuter," she smirked.  "Although I do always enjoy a challenge."  For a brief moment she was tempted to ask him how he thought she tasted now, but that idea was quickly silenced by a blush coming to her cheeks.

"I think these fries are great," she said with a laugh, lifting one up with her magic to give a twirl.  "Obviously I'm not as sophisticated as you though.  However, if there is someplace with what you would say is 10/10 fries I would love to know where."

"Favorite food?  Hmm."  The alicorn straightened up in her seat.  "It's too tough to pin down one specific favorite.  I have multiples.  One for each restaurant I like.  Some restaurants do rank higher than others though.  I suppose if we were talking more generally about flavors I prefer flavorful savory foods, sweets aren't bad either but they tend to give me an upset stomach if they're too rich."

"You know, I could show you some hidden gems like that chocolate shop I was talking about earlier.  I have a ten page document on my computer of local restaurants I like to frequent if you were maybe interested in getting delivery sometime?" 

The mare pulled out a business card from between the feathers of her wings and retrieved the pen she'd used to write the questions earlier, scribbling a phone number on the gold foil embossed card.  "If you're interested call that number.  The normal number on my cards just goes to my manager, this one is my private number.  Call me and I'll give you my address ok?  Also, if you give that number out to people I will totally kill you." 

She gave him a small, hopeful smile, sliding out of the booth.  "I told my bodyguards I wouldn't stay here too late, so I should probably get going, but, it was nice meeting you."

With a bob of her head she began to head toward the door, taking one last peek over her shoulder before she made her exit.

((Hush has left Cloud Nine and is no longer available for discussion D;))
I am disabled, so if I'm slow to reply or disappear for a bit that's probably why.  Thank you for your understanding.


Oh -- what a smart guy! She fluttered her wings in consideration; what was her love language? Well, she had plenty of time to figure it out (and hopefully soon!), and it seemed like something you couldn't really know without... experience. Anyway! She wasn't going to dwell on those things, instead enjoying the evening for what it was.

"Sometimes throwing someone into an unexpected and spontaneously ridiculous situation tells you a lot about the person," she admitted, warmly smiling. "You'd seduce an orc? Really? Now that I'd like to see -- do you think you'd win the date with them?" She giggled, bell-like and playful. Admittedly, she had no clue how one could go about seducing a orc, but if there was a will there was a way!

"What was your favorite question of the night? There were so many interesting ones, compared to mine."



Blind Love hadn't sensed danger at first, and she still didn't, but something tightened at the base of her neck, radiating through her body as Fatal peered closer at her and fired a million questions. She blinked up at the taller mare, smile on her face as she considered what was happening. Fatal hadn't given her any reason to fear her, though, and Blind Love was firmly in the camp of everyone deserved kindness and love. That predatory feeling seeping through Blind, as if she was prey in waiting, was ignored. She hadn't come here to judge, after all.

"I quite do!" She answered, laughing softly and delicately. "I haven't brought my kids to one, yet -- perhaps I should? Do you think they'd enjoy your place of work?"

The second two questions were welcomed -- work talk was easy. The first one made her flush, taking a sip from her drink.

"Sometimes, but I don't put any weight into it. The people who use my service often are lonely and don't believe my services will work, at first. Usually, after I set a date up for them, they stop flirting with me." She sighed softly around the edge of her drink, setting it down. "I haven't had a client persist after their evening with their paired blind date."

As for food, well...

"Oh, well, we have so many delicious options. The cooks are incredible, truly! But I love our flan~ And tiramisu! They're absolutely to die for. You should come by and try it sometime, if you like sweets." She paused, flushing faintly. "But enough about me, what about you? What is your favorite ride at the amusement park? What would you recommend?"



"For myself, just a select style or brand. I try to keep things organized," Regrind shrugged.  "As for bits of flowers, you can float almost anything in resin.  I've seen people make dolls and things with it, I think it'd be a lot of fun to see what sort of trouble I could get into with it."

He fished around for something, pushing his hair aside.  Underneath his mane was a small shoulder bag almost the same color as he was.  Well, almost the same color as his head.  The distinct line around his neck was more visible now, making him look as though the rest of him was grafted on but badly matched.

"I brought business cards, I had no idea what to expect," he admitted sheepishly.  "But it's got my number on it and where I work.  Just leave me notes or things on what you'd like for your office or tree, I'll put them aside for you.  It's no trouble, really!  We love seeing things sent to be loved at new places at the recycling center.  Saves it from going to the garbage heap."



"Of course," the flutter chimed in with a smug look on his face.  "If this were the type of scenario that had orcs in it then i'd roll a 20 on charisma or something like that.  Besides, wouldn't you rather seduce the orc than fight it?  Lot less physical pain involved that way."  Happy tipped his head up, pleased with himself.  "Romance novels have taught me that it's not always about beautiful flowing manes or well-manicured hooves, it's the insides that count.  Maybe the orc is great poet and then wouldn't you feel bad for killing him?"

The stallion twirled a strand of hair around his hoof.  "Favorite question of the night..."  He had to think about that one.  Obviously it would benefit him to flatter her, but...  "Your question was certainly one of the more interesting ones, but I'd have to go with the question about what everyone's vices were.  Asking to assign a sin to ourselves is a good way to get an idea of what demons a person may be hiding.  Lust and greed are mine, but I wouldn't want to be with someone who had wrath as an issue personally."

"What about you?"

I am disabled, so if I'm slow to reply or disappear for a bit that's probably why.  Thank you for your understanding.


Her breathing was getting a little unsteady, a little too labored for what the situation called for.  This mare had such nice pores and shiny hair.

"Oh, colts and fillies love going to the park.  I'd give you a personal tour if you decide to come," or she would just follow them from a distance, either worked.

To Fatal it sounded almost like the psychic at the park.  A lot of phony didn't believe in psychics and Fatal too had once thought the green pegasus was a fake.  But, she'd since learned to take comfort in the psychics advice and predictions regarding her relationships.  She wondered what the other phony would have to say now.     

"You must be quite the talented mare to be so successful.  Have you ever had a customer you've been tempted to pair with yourself?"  The unicorn was definitely going to be stopping by to see if she could arrange that for herself..

Blind Love seemed to have quite the sugar tooth she observed.  Good to know for when she needed to buy gifts to leave mysteriously on her porch.  "Lots of sweet options, like yourself."

"I rather like thrill rides.  Anything that spikes your heart rate.  The haunted house is my favorite."

I am disabled, so if I'm slow to reply or disappear for a bit that's probably why.  Thank you for your understanding.


"Is there a particular brand you prefer?  Do you go for superior make or aesthetics?" HB's eyes sparkled, she liked to collect costumes to put on her patients and had favorite clothing brands herself.  "If you make one with flowers and would consider selling, I would definitely love to buy it."

The mare watched him reach for his bag, eyes lingering on his neck for a few extra moments.  She didn't want to be impolite, but it was fascinating.  Was it an inherited trait from a family member?  Had the factory put him together 'wrong' (he was certainly beautiful regardless of the oddity)?  Or was there some mad scientist out there stitching bits of different phony together?  It would be rude to ask, but she couldn't help imagining some fantastical story for his mismatched parts.

When he pulled out a business card she smiled.  "That seems quite smart.  I should of done something like that.  Although I wasn't really thinking when I wandered my way over here."

She took the card and gave a little grateful nod of the head.  "I'd really appreciate that.  I'm sure it would make my coworkers very happy."

I am disabled, so if I'm slow to reply or disappear for a bit that's probably why.  Thank you for your understanding.


Shockstar seemed to stare silly like at BC, his face somewhat of an odd twisted smile but it was crooked and... wiggly? What was he doing?

"Mmmm... that was nice." he hiccupped, still almost nose close to BC, just happily staring at her, eyes half shut. At least... until Fruit Punch walked in.

Blinking, a few moments came back to him as he leaned back and stared at FP, confused and shocked, though his face was still seemingly half melted, as he stared at the stallion. "Wha?" he blinked before he glanced back at BC again. Then at FP.

Then at BC.

Then at FP.

Then at BC.

His eyes went wide and he suddenly shot backwards, backing up into the nearest appliance, knocking several things off in the process as it all came clattering to the ground, some on top of his head. A series of oofs, owes and ahks erupted before everything stopped moving and he rubbed a hoof against his head. "Ooooowwwweeeeeee........."



Expired blinked once as a business card with a scribbled number was placed in front of him. Bewildered, he picked it up and continued to stare as she spoke. He got a phone number? He looked up and gave a nod. "Yeah. I would love to...."

He gave a little wave as the alicorn slipped out the front door. Exp sat back and slouched in the booth. He was absolutely floored. He flipped the card in his hooves a few times before tucking it away for safekeeping. She may actually kill him if he lost it.

He decompressed for a bit until his mother found him. Sweet Bread asked about his evening and the two of them started to chat. He offered to walk her home and they made their exit.


(Expired and Sweets are out!)

Scaramouche Fandango

"She'd appreciate that. I've been teaching her basics- we've really been working on endurance, that kid can fly forever." Kaiju chuckled a little bit, thinking of his kid. What was she up to? Probably playing video games or tinkering with something. She liked to stay up late. But his amusement turned to something grimmer when the bartender came over. He didn't find himself in need of another drink, but something seemed to be wrong. He knew stormclouds when he saw them, and there was one brewing on Knockout's face.

"I think we're good," he said to the bartender firmly, but still politely. "Maybe they need you at another table? We're fine here by ourselves." Something inside him encouraged him to reach out in solidarity, gently touching the other pegasus's hoof with his as he watched the unicorn.

When he was gone, he turned back to Knockout. "Everything ok? You seem tenser now."


It was her breathing that caught Blind Love off-guard, firing alarm bells she hadn't truly considered or trusted before. Her mouth parted into a soft 'o', face careful to stay neutral and unsuspecting. Something was off, but Blind Love was a graceful sort. Or tried to be, at least.

She also was the forgiving sort, easily calmed by soft words and kind gestures. Fatal didn't seem outwardly harmful, aside from the breathing....

"With myself?" She echoed, softly shaking her head. "Plenty of clients are wonderful in their own way, but I do my best to pair them with others seeking love through my service. I can't steal every diamond, after all." A twinge of loneliness spiked through Blind Love's heart, suffocated by a smile.

"But thank you, Fatal. I love my business."

Oh! A haunted ride? She loved those! So many opportunities for romance to blossom! She laughed softly, glancing at her pocket watch, ever so neatly tucked into her bag.

Oh- it was late.

"I'll have to schedule a trip," she answered, positively charmed by the idea of the park. Fatal had convinced her -- she needed a day off, anyway! "Oh, it was lovely to meet you," she breathed, smiling wide. While she felt the softness of danger beginning to creep up her spine she also was unwilling to be rude to the phony before her, who had been nothing but sweet. She fumbled with her bag, pulling out a card for Fatal.

"You should come by my restaurant. Tell them you know me personally. I'd love to see what you think of our flan."



Oh, she liked his confidence! It was an admirable trait, something Kiwi Kiss often exuded and sought in her pursuits. She smiled, a soft giggle leaving her lips like a bell.

"If the orc was a romantic poet with a heart of gold then I can't say I could resist! You bring up an excellent point~! Orcs need love, too." She nodded firmly, pleased with the image for the night. Her head cocked to the side at his question, taking the chance to sip her drink. Her personal favorite? He was right -- the sins one had been quite interesting, like her own, but when she truly thought on the matter...

"The one about if your partner was a 'good phony'. It made me think, and I'm still figuring my answer out on the matter. It's easy to say you'd always accept another no matter what, but what about in action? Would the me who answered that question match her answer with the me presented with the actual situation?" She shrugged softly, taking yet another sip.

"I hadn't quite thought I'd challenge my morality tonight, but I like the mental exercise."

She beamed, noting the time and her own obligations for the night. Oh, but he was a cutie, and Kiwi Kiss was here to shoot her shot. She fetched around in her bag, pulling out paper and a pen. "Would it be presumptuous to offer my number?"



Fruit Punch wasn't surprised by the glare that Knockout gave him, but he was a bit shocked by the protective response from Kaiju Blue. He didn't expect that someone who might've only just met Knockout in one evening would actually be feeling up to pushing him away. With a slight shrug of his should her smiled politely at the two guys. "Alright, I'll give you two some space. Thanks for coming out tonight - if you do need anything just call for me." He excused himself to get away for the moment, returning to the bar counter since it appeared that no one else needed his attention at the moment. At least now he could start working on cleaning up the bar... keeping himself occupied tidying things up until the event would inevitably close for the night.


It seemed like things tonight were going exponentially better than he had expected. Knockout couldn't help noticing that his cheeks felt hot suddenly... and it wasn't just from the frustration he felt directed toward his gene donor. "I... Yeah, I'm okay. That bartender, Fruit Punch, is the one who phony I can't stand. I get mad just looking at him. Despite the fact that we don't get along well he still bribed me to come here tonight. I hate his guts after he left me on the streets but I think meeting you made tonight worth the trouble for me after all." The vigilante couldn't help looking down at their hooves, his tail swishing softly with satisfaction... He was pretty sure he'd actually met someone special tonight.

"Hey, um... I'm not sure if you're planning on going home by yourself, but I have to say thank you for sticking around with me tonight. I'd like to see you again, and maybe next time we can go someplace where my gene donor won't be. I'll be a lot more comfortable then and hopefully your daughter can join us, too. She might get on with my younger cousin, Butter Beer. I've taught him how to fight so he could use another sparring partner whenever he's not working on a new business strategy." He took his mobile phone out of his saddle bag, unlocking it to let Kaiju put in his own contact information. "If you're ready to get out of here, I'll walk you home."