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[ORP] Speed Dating - Seeking Mr. Right or Lady Love! [CLOSED]

Started by HopelesslyPretty, May 16, 2021, 07:24:08 PM

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Willow Wisp

Fruit Punch

Wisp was unsure what to make of the host exactly. He was handsome, but someway showy her.
What's your favorite drink (alcoholic or non)?
An iced latte with caramel syrup.

What brought you here tonight? Do you think you'll find true love or just a new friend?
The lure of the wind, I just went where it blew. Maybe? I don't discount any possibility.

Technically I'm off the menu. But if I wasn't... Talk dirty to me.Wisp was confused but went with it, "well your rafters look kinda dusty."


Banana Cream

Ah, this one seemed shy and approachable. A comfortable presence to be in.

If you could be anywhere other than here tonight, where would you be?
Any place can do, I have a wandering soul.

I watch a lot of movies when I'm not making macarons and the like. What's your favorite movie genre, and why?
Oh I like fantasy movies, tales of adventure and suspense with a dash of romance and the mythical.

...What's your opinion on mares with a little more... junk in the trunk? This is purely for scientific research. That I'm interested in. Very important.
Wisp's eye widened slightly, her interest peaked at the question. "Do you have a trunk of junk? I wouldn't mind seeing that, sometimes something that you think is junk is actually a real treasure." Wisp wasn't... necessarily a hoarder, but she loved to collect objects and find all sorts of things.

Torte Bar

The brown flier definitely seemed to have a lot energy, which helped to keep the calm unicorn to bring her attention back around.

I like a GOOD, strong drink. What did ya get from the bar?
Oh, I don't know. I just sort of took the first thing that was offered. It tastes good though.

What's the most RECKLESS thing you've done? For legal purposes, don't tell me any crimes.
Splunking with my daughter, Labyrinth. She's fairly adventurous, you'd probably like her.

Last, but not least! Sports?
What about them? Do you need a new ball? I don't have one on me.

Shimmering Sea

Wisp had not met very many mers, she was fascinated right away with their floatation devices and tails.

Do you enjoy hanging out on the beach at night?
Yes, it's a lovely place to stargaze and do a little beach combing. I hear sometimes you can see jellyfish that glow like I do.

Do you have any hobbies? Mine's collecting shells from the beach - I have like, a gajillion of them!
I like collecting too, but not just shells. Anything unusual I happen to come across unusually finds a way into my home.  I'd love to see your collection.

Would you rather be the artist creating art for a showing or a spectator enjoying the gallery? There's no wrong answer!
A spectator, there's always so much to see I wouldn't want to miss anything.

Heavenly Bodies

Next Wisp rotated tables to encounter a large mare. She did have such a soft spot for pegasi, and this one had an air about her that felt very serene.

Code: [Select]
What is the greatest adventure you've ever been on?
Hmm, it's hard to choose just one adventure. I hope the greatest is yet to come, I'll go anywhere and give anything a try once. It'd be neat to go to the moon, but I don't think the park reaches there just yet.

How comfortable are you around dead things?
"Like, taxidermy? I have this stuffed squirrel that sits on my mantle with a top hat and googly eyes, but one of them is falling off. I haven't figured out how to get it fixed yet." Oddities never bothered the unicorn, with her unique traits and unconventional family, spookier topics and things never bothered her much.

On a scale of one to ten, how coordinated are you?
I always seem to land on my feet even if I might stumble a little now and again.

Hush Money

She was a very pretty alicorn for sure, but wow that was a long horn. Wisp felt like it could pierce her if she wasn't careful, but she knew not to judge anyone based on their looks alone.

What is your opinion on ASMR?
Wisp whispered back, looking a little embarrassed "I'm sorry, I don't know what that is."

Would you consider yourself wealthy?
I haven't thought about that. I don't think I've ever needed to worry about money much. My parents always said we were royalty, and I've never gone wanting.

Do you think I'm the most beautiful mare in the room?  I'm a gamer girl, by the way.
Everyone has something to make them shine, I appreciate everyone here.

Their 5 minutes probably didn't go very well, but Wisp didn't seemed phased by it.
Blind Love

A pretty and pale peg, Wisp found her a welcome breath of air compared to the last one.

Have you ever been in-love before?
Yes, once.

Do you ever see yourself settling down with someone?
I guess that depends on what your definition of settling down is. If it's staying in one place, probably not.

What's your first memory?
Arguing with my sister over arranging our shared room.

At the end of the conversation, Wisp felt a little bad as Blind Love rushed away in tears. Oh no... guess that one went badly too.

Kiwi Kiss

The flutter was interesting in having wings almost as bright as her horn, she couldn't help but be interested in looking at her pattern.

Oh no! An orc breaks into the restaurant! What do you do?
I'd go talk to it and offer it some of my drink. Must be a reason it broken in, maybe it lost it's keys? Hope I can help.

Describe your ideal first date!
Um... a long walk through the park at night, enjoying nature and a gentle breeze. Maybe look in the grass for clovers or lost treasures.

What's your favorite fruit?
Lemons. Sour but can be made sweet if done right.

Knock Out

The stallion came of as brash, but she was willing to give it a try and entertain him for a moment or two.

DC or Marvel?
Have you ever been to Washington, DC? I hear it's fun, but I've never heard of a place called Marvel.

Name your top superhero or supervillain from any movie or tv genre.
"Batman is the only one I remember... " She had a little bit of a thing for bats.

How would you feel if your partner wasn't necessarily a 'good phony'?

"I think everyone is capable of being good under the right circumstances, wrong circumstances sometimes need help to course correct." Wisp was always one to look for silver linings and think the best of others, she was familiar with 'bad reputations' but never really believed them about anyone.

Shimmering Sea

How do you feel about water?
It can be really relaxing. I don't mind it.

What's your favorite thing to do at the beach?
Look for sea glass or messages in bottles.

Have you seen Chad?
No? Should I? Oh no, is he lost?


Oh, so small. The next table has a mare who was good bit smaller than Wisp was. She didn't often feel tall in comparison. It was an interesting feeling.

Do you like to dance?
Yes, I've been know to sway to the rhythm every now and again.

What is your ideal music to dance too?
Something slow and steady.

What relaxes you most?
Reading a book under covers by horn-light.



This was a phony who seemed very intense... maybe she could calm him? Why did he look like he was ready to fight everyone in the room?

What's your favorite Pocket Monster type?
Wisp titled her head, "There are monsters small enough to fit in your pocket? Do you have one, can I see it?"

What's your dream Pocket Monster team?
I guess my team would be all made up of monsters who liked to be around me? I'm not picky.

How do you level up your mons?
"With uh some tools and leveler?" Wisp was thoroughly confused and had no idea what he was talking about.

Country Kitchen
Wisp had never seen a phony with a coat pattern like Kit's before and his hair was such a bright blue, it reminded her of the sky.

What is your favorite comfort food and why?
I like this coffee soaked tiramisu cake that my dad makes. It minds me of being a foal at home.

What simple pastimes do you enjoy?
Playing games, taking hikes in nature and going off the beaten path.

What is your favorite topping to put on potatoes?
I have a dog who is like a potato, Russet! He likes when I put silly hats on him.


Seemed mellow, and shy. Wisp didn't mind that at all and it felt refreshing compared to some of the more upbeat and competitive phonies around.

What are your feelings on renewable energy/resources?
I have my own light always, and I love to keep things for as long as I can.

Would you eat lab created meat/food?
I would give it a try, I don't see why not.

Do you think Phonyland is energy efficient?
I haven't noticed really, my energy bill is always low. But I guess I don't need much at night myself.
Lemon Lime,

Next on rotation was a mare whose hair was probably almost the same shade as hers, maybe brighter. Wisp wondered if she ever had trouble keeping it from dulling. She almost asked, but forgot and just smiled when she sat down

Is MILF on your menu for tonight? ;D
I'm sorry I'm not very good with acronyms. Is that some type of new dessert?

Tell me all about how you won your coolest gold medal, award or achievement.
I guess I didn't really win it, but I found this broken bowling trophy with one of the arms missing from it. At least I think it was bowling, it's hard to tell without the ball and arm. I kinda it.

Who's your favorite sports team or sports player? Mine's Rumbling Rocket, a female three time gold medalist for Tennis Single's Match Tournaments.
Wisp paused for a long time trying to think of a name, but came up empty. "I guess I don't really follow sports."

Happy Endings

Here was another phony that Wisp immediately seemed to feel comfortable around. She couldn't quiet place was it was about him, but it was almost like she could see through any guises.

What is your favorite genre of book?
I like a good fairy tale. You know, castles and mythical creatures, tales of true love.

Fabio or Fabi-no?

What's your love language?
I didn't know you could speak love, is it hard to learn?

King Cock

This pegasus looked nice with his hair cut, but gosh his stare was intense. He seemed really stressed out? Maybe that was just her. "Maybe you should drink some water?"

Do you like and/or have hens?
I have a dog who would probably chase them, but I don't mind them myself.

Which pellet mix do you think is the best?
For dog food? Chew Chow.

Free range or pasture-raised?
Always be free.

Shrill X seemed familiar, but Wisp couldn't place where it was from or why. After so long in the park, some faces just seemed to blurr together, but the shades of purple and green certainly felt like she had seen it before. But maybe it was another phony.

Do you like to party?
If there is a party to go to.

Yell really loud for me. Do it. It's fun.
Wisp hestitated, yelling wasn't really her thing, she was sweet, calm, like a smooth peanut butter. But shrugging, she agreed and let out a "WRIGGLY- TIGGLY". Utter nonsense, but she was right it was kinda fun. It probably wasn't loud enough though compared to the bustle of the rest of the bar.

How do you feel about monogamy and why does it suck?
I mean, if it is what two phonies want, I don't see anything wrong with it. Do did you mean monogramming because that can really help to label what is your.

Sweet Bread

This lovely pink mare felt cozy and comforting to be near, like a warm bun fresh from the oven. Wait, maybe Wisp was just smelling the kitchen.

What's your favorite sandwich?
I like Paninis that are squished so flat the cheese oozes out the side.

Do you have any children of your own?
"I do!" Wisp almost lit up, literally, thinking of them fondly. "Two daughters and a son. One of them is in the movie business."

Have you ever loved someone before?
Honesty was easy for Wisp to give, she didn't try to hide her feeling nor was bitter. Sometimes phony come and go, sometimes they disappear - maybe they'll return one day, who knows. Lost in her internal monologue, Wisp eventually returned to Sweet Bread with an answer, "Yes. Once upon a time. Seems like a dream, it was so long ago."

Expired Expectation

! That hair, that leg. Wisp remembered this phony, but it seemed that he didn't recognize her. They had met long long ago are foals and she had not seen him since then. She smiled, remembering him back then and was pleased to see him grown now.

What is one food you could go without?
Licorice. Forever. It's maybe one of the few things I can't ever understand why people think it's a candy, it tastes like tar.

What do you look for in a partner?
I like someone who can be accepting of other's quirks and able to look past their physical form to see what really makes them shine underneath. It took me a long time to be comfortable with my mutations, especially the fangs, that I would hope someone else would like me just as I am now too.

Why are you here?
"It wasn't really planned, I just sort of felt drawn, came in and realized it was ... " Wisp gestured around at the whole bar, " an event. I figured why not."

Bijou Blende

Ah, Wisp was so pleased to retreat for a moment and feel totally at peace at the next "date". She didn't really feel like she needed to ask anything, but have a nice chat with her sister.

What's your work life balance like?
Flexible enough these days, I think I'm keeping things even. Thanks for asking.

Out of the seven deadly sins, which one is yours?
Oooh. I guess if I had to pick one, maybe Gluttony. It's hard to resist when there's always treats of some sort back at our parents' place.

Coffee or tea?
You dad would disown us to say anything other than coffee.
Fatal Attraction

Usually, almost always, Wisp was relaxed. But now, there was just something about this one that made a tingle shoot up her neck. Maybe it was just the drink.

How do you feel about horror movies?
My daughter is in some, I'll occassionally watch them with her.

Would you love me forever and ever and ever?
Hearts are fickle, but I believe story-book love can be real. My parents are examples.

Would you find it weird if your partner dug through your trash?
Not really, maybe I accidentally threw something out and it;s the last place that needs to be checked.

Paws Button

This little mare looked similar to another. Wisp did a double take to look back to make sure they were not the same person and that she had done a full round about. Nope, definitely different.

Do you enjoy wearing costumes?
Yes, it can be really fun to escape into another world with dress up.

If you could dress up as any fictional character who would you choose?
HMMM... I think I'd make a pretty decent werewolf, just need some make-up and clothes for it.

Have you made anything you're really proud of?
Once I carved a pumpkin with this funky face, but he decayed a long time ago.


Rough Shards,

When Wisp sat down, she saw how nervous the large stallion seemed to be and tried to make him feel welcomed by smiling, and flashing her fangs at him.

What is your ideal Sunday afternoon?
Looking for buried treasure along the beach, and watching the waves fill in the holes even if nothing was found.

How do you feel about rainy days?
They're the same as any other day?

Where would you hide a present to keep it a surprise? Oh, I don't hide things much, I'm really better at finding things. I guess I hide them things in plain sight? You'd be surprised what people miss seeing.

Cent (skip skip because I'm lazy)


Kaiju Blue

Ah another flier, Wisp always was an easy target for them and his purple hues reminded her of another lost love.

If your destiny was to save the world, what threat would you be defending it against?
Probably the threat of missing socks coming to life to seek revenge to find their lost mates. I could be good at helping them pair up again.

If you were on a monster-fighting team with your best friend, what would your team name and theme be, and what would your uniforms look like?
HMM. Wisp wondered who she would team up with if given the chance. Maybe Nevermore if she had the time, but sister-duos didn't count. Right? "voo-duo. And we'd probably wear whatever Nevermore suggested."

Would you rather go to the deep ocean or deep space, and why?

Space would be so interesting, but I don't think I could stay there long, so maybe the deep ocean. I've heard that there are fish that can glow like I can way under. That'd be neat to see.


Last one to go and Wisp couldn't help but wonder what products Nina used to keep her mane so upright.

How do you stay in contact with your pals?
The art of letter writing isn't totally lost.

How do you wind down after work?
A nice long walk followed by a hot bath to soak in, maybe a good book.

What's your sleep schedule like?
Open and flexible. I don't feel defined by patterns and if I'm tired I'll sleep and if I wake up, then I wake up.


Scaramouche Fandango


Nicely single and ready to mingle, Kaiju Blue moved happily from one phony to another. He didn't really care one way or the other about gender, so everyone in the room was potentially a partner. What made things challenging was not knowing what they were looking for- and also not really knowing what he was looking for. It wasn't... it wasn't necessarily love. What he was after was connection more than anything else.

The first phony he spoke to was a fascinating unicorn mare. She looked really fun, but what was truly intriguing was her cutie mark. He wondered what it meant- was she just a really grape mathematician? After he answered everyone's questions, he'd have to go back and figure out a way to ask.

How do you stay in contact with your pals?
"I'm a big fan of texting. But not like, textwalls. Memes, mostly, if I'm being honest."

How do you wind down after work?
"I love throwing on a movie, making some popcorn, and having a beer. I'm not all that complicated when it comes to chilling."

What's your sleep schedule like?
"I sleep when I can. I usually work fairly late and do a lot of night patrols, so it's not super uncommon to just crash when I get home and sleep into the afternoon."


Kaiju looked his next partner up and down. Six limbs. Two of them with fingers. Was it wrong of him to think how handy he'd be to help get his bodysuit and armor on?
Do you like hands on experiences?
"If you mean active stuff, by all means. I like to do stuff! If you mean like, a back massage, sure, I'd be down. Helps keep the body limber, y'know?"

"Wanna arm wrestle?" Centaur Fold slap down an arm to the table ready to challenge. He always makes use of the extra limbs.
"God yes. Even though you've got a... handvantage, I am so ready to throw down."

"How do you feel about finger... foods?" Cent eyes the menu and winks.

"Ladyfingers are pretty boring but they're nice when you put 'em in tiramisu. Chicken fingers are pretty good, too."

Kaiju's next partner was big enough to fold him in half, and- was everyone here hot? Lucky that his dark fur hid a blush so well. Damn, these mai tais were stronger than he thought.
What is your ideal Sunday afternoon?
"My work schedule's super weird, so I'd say... hm. A quiet one. Even if I'm working, a quiet day is better than one where I actually have to fight a sea monster or, uh. Save people who can't swim. I swear I'm not just a glorified lifeguard, it's just that when someone's in peril I can't help but help 'em.

How do you feel about rainy days?
"Love 'em. Nothing like cutting through the mist and feeling the wind push you around as you're flying.

Where would you hide a present to keep it a surprise?
"At the bottom of a lake. I'd wrap it up nicely first, put it in a water-tight container and everything. Nobody would think to look for it there!"

Kaiju winked at the little mare as he sidled up next to her, which was... admittedly a little odd on his grim visage, but he was having a lot of fun. And her questions were endearing!

Do you enjoy wearing costumes?
"Depends on the costume. The stuff I normally wear to work is basically a costume- it's a neoprene bodysuit and some armor plating. I don't think, like, a mascot costume would be great, but I'd be very into something a little more... form fitting."

If you could dress up as any fictional character who would you choose?
"I've never really wanted to dress up as a specific character. I'm more into archetypes- knights and the like."

Have you made anything you're really proud of?
"Here, I'm gonna give you my phone for a sec, just let me get the album open. Feel free to flip through, it's literally all my training robot. It's what I spar with every day to keep fit, and it can shoot lasers from its eyes."

The mare and her costume were cute and all, but it was the towel service that caught his eye. He appreciated a good towel, and he dug her energy. She seemed intense. He liked intense.
How do you feel about horror movies?
"I love 'em! What's your favorite? I've always been a fan of things with monsters and aliens and stuff like that- I'm not as into slasher flicks, but I'll watch them and enjoy them."

Would you love me forever and ever and ever?
"When I care about someone, I will do anything for them. I'm kinda... intense. So... yeah, if we're being honest, if this crazy whirlwind of a speed dating ends up with me and you together? I'd be in it for the long haul."

Would you find it weird if your partner dug through your trash?
"I'd like them to ask first, I guess. Sometimes there's sharp things and toxic waste in there, and I wouldn't want anyone I cared about to get hurt. But if there was something they wanted or needed, and I knew about it, I could save it for them and they wouldn't have to go through the garbage."

Oh, he liked this one. She smelled like coffee, and that was wonderful. And her tiara was pretty.
What's your work life balance like?
"My work is my life, and my life is my work. So, uh. Bad."

Out of the seven deadly sins, which one is yours?
He was silent for a moment, brooding. "Pride." A dark look flashed across his face, like he was remembering something terrible from long ago. Something he'd done, or something that had been done to him. "Yes. Pride."

Coffee or tea?
"Coffee, definitely. A nice hot thermos of black coffee is just the thing for a long, rainy night watch."

This stallion looked almost as grim as he typically did. And he had a really nice haircut- the way the choppy mane framed his face was appealing. Kaiju didn't even notice the bread leg at first, or the... bloodstain? Hm. Maybe this fella was in a similar line of work. Even though the other stallion seemed to be in a dark mood, Kaiju could appreciate that. Sometimes things that weighed heavily on one were just more important than socializing- and even though he was here to socialize, that didn't make somebody else's mood any less valid.

What is one food you could go without?
"I hate olives so much it's not even funny."

What do you look for in a partner?
"Someone who has my back but can operate independently as well. When you're out in the field protecting the coast, performing search and rescue work, or fighting a sea monster, you have to be able to trust your partner to be able to keep a clear head and make their own decisions, while at the same time working in the parameters of the plan the two of you devised together. Loose cannons are just as dangerous as someone who goes to pieces when the going gets rough. You need a solid working relationship more than anything else.

Why are you here?
"Honestly? I forgot it was happening. But I figured why not roll with it? It's a chance to meet people, maybe get some numbers, and just see where the evening goes. Sometimes it's nice to do something where you can let your guard down a little bit."

There was something sad in those golden eyes. Kaiju's protective instincts kicked in a little- he wanted to make it better, but how could he? He had a feeling she was here to exorcise something- maybe not a proverbial demon, but some intense emotion- and he assumed it was the sort of thing she'd have to do on her own.

What's your favorite sandwich?
"Definitely a Cubano. The mustard's what makes it. Your cutie mark- that's bread. You're a baker, then, and with a name like Sweet Bread, I bet you make some pretty sweet bread. You got a good mustard hookup?"

Do you have any children of your own?
"Yeah! I only really know one of them, though. I did the gene donation thing, and one of the blister packs found her way back to me. She's my apprentice and a really, really good kid. A tough little customer, like me. She's great, and I'm..." his face softened a little. He did dote on Third Impact. "It's like I tell her... pretty often, actually. She always rolls her eyes and says I'm a dope but I know she feels the same way because she refuses to go to sleep unless she's given me a hug and a kiss goodnight. I tell her all the time I'm glad I'm not just her father, but that I'm her dad. I'd like to meet the others but I don't want to invade their lives if they don't want me around. I figure they can always look me up if they want to reach out."

Have you ever loved someone before?
"I figure you mean romantically, which... not really. I've met a lot of people I've kinda clicked with, but it's never really gone anywhere. It's never really been a huge priority for me- I've never really gotten involved with anyone who wanted to be super serious. And I'm pretty married to the job- I work long nights and sometimes go a few days without being home- and that would be real rough on a long-term partner, I think.

Sometimes you just made an instant connection with someone. Kaiju didn't think he'd met the mare before, but she really did look like the kind of lady he'd get along with. It was the mohawk. Definitely the mohawk.

Do you like to party?
"I work hard, but sometimes I certainly DO like to play hard. Hard, loud, and fast. I have a feeling we probably enjoy the same kind of concert." He grinned, thinking of the first time he got a black eye in a mosh pit. "Anything with glow sticks and I'm down."

Yell really loud for me. Do it. It's fun.
"You don't know what you're asking for, lady." He smirked, knowing just how loud he could be. His lungs were extremely strong from all the flying and exercise, and his diaphragm breathing was impeccably trained. He could not only yell, he could keep it up for a while. He'd heard other phonies yelling, so he knew that it was an acceptable thing to do. But what to yell? He could start with a rumble and work his way up to a monster roar, or he could shout a warning from work. "CIVILIAN! THIS IS A NO-SWIM ZONE! BACK AWAY FROM THE GIANT JELLY. IT MAY LOOK DELICIOUS BUT I ASSURE YOU IT IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS." Loud enough and long enough to be impressive.

How do you feel about monogamy and why does it suck?
"Honestly, I don't really care about it all that much. I've found just playing the field to be fun, though. My heart, much like my other organs and all of my bones, is pretty resistant to being broken."

Kaiju read the card three times. There... was no way... that was really his name, right? Did his parents and/or the Phonyland quality assurance team... did they know what that meant? And where was this dude's cutie mark? Was his purpose in life to just... be a chicken?

Kaiju hoped that didn't mean he was a coward.

Do you like and/or have hens?
"Hens are fine, but I don't have any. I'm not really a "pet" kinda guy, although I do have a jellyfish that's pretty cool."

Which pellet mix do you think is the best?
There was no way this guy was asking about buckshot or BBs. "You... mean chicken feed, right? I don't know much about chickens, but I do know that pretty much anything will grow well on a high protein/high fat diet."

Free range or pasture-raised?
"Aren't those kinda the same thing?"


The delicate flutter's color scheme was similar to his own, but different enough he knew they weren't part of the same product line. Purple and teal were always good together, though.
What is your favorite genre of book?
"Seinen manga. Don't get me wrong, books that just have words are great, but there's something really appealing about the action and motion in a manga."

Fabio or Fabi-no?
"Fabi-no, for sure. He's all glamour muscles, no actual core strength."

What's your love language?
"Words of affirmation. Like when somebody says "Hey, I can affirm that there's a giant monster over there and you need to save the town." I love it when I hear words like that."


Though her attraction seemed to be elsewhere, the questions were fun! He dug her zippy stripes. There were a few phonies like that around- must be related.
Is MILF on your menu for tonight? ;D
"Sorry, I'm lactose into- oh you did not say milk. Oh. Um. Oh. Ma'am I am so sorry I didn't mean to be rude. Um."

Tell me all about how you won your coolest gold medal, award or achievement.
"I fight monsters for a living and lifeguard on the weekends, but I'm pretty sure my coolest achievement was when I fought a sentient block of dry ice." A silent beat. "Oh my god that wasn't funny, I was trying to joke, that wasn't funny at all I'm so sorry I implied I was allergic to you just a minute ago I need to stop talking now." He was stern and stoic, but he didn't like being RUDE.

Who's your favorite sports team or sports player? Mine's Rumbling Rocket, a female three time gold medalist for Tennis Single's Match Tournaments.

Kaiju took a minute to recover after being an absolute asshole to that poor mare. Fortunately at least she seemed to have other things on her mind. Next up was a delightfully huge stallion with a sweet, genuine face and a really cool hat.

What is your favorite comfort food and why?
"A big, juicy burger with all the fixings. I'm talking tomato slices, grilled onions, good lettuce- bibb, not that iceberg crap- a nice melty slice of cheddar, pickles... dang, I really want a burger right now."

What simple pastimes do you enjoy?
"There's something awfully relaxing about sitting on the shore with a rod and reel. I'll be honest, sometimes I don't even bait the hook, I just practice casting and watching the water."

What is your favorite topping to put on potatoes?
"Ok so for a truly good baked potato you need sour cream, chives, cheddar, and chili. The four Cs. Anything less than that and it's not worth the starch."


Kaiju had never seen hair so silky, but what really caught his eye were the questions. Either this guy was a supervillain or a facility manger on the rise. Either way, these were good questions and he was going to need to pay attention to his answers- and Regrind's reactions.

What are your feelings on renewable energy/resources?
"Like all energy, we need to be careful with it. Radiation, for instance- it's powerful stuff, but if it's in the wrong hands or mishandled, it's just as dangerous as our overreliance on fossil fuels."

Would you eat lab created meat/food?
"Absolutely, but we'd have to ensure biosecurity and focus on muscle and smooth organ tissue without any of the brain capacity necessary for independent life. Don't want any mutant monsters running around!

Do you think Phonyland is energy efficient?
"Yes, but within sane limits. It's not like the admins are trying to create a perpetual motion machine that's going to wreak havoc... are they?"


This guy had a cat and wanted to talk about monsters. Awesome. Kaiju LOVED to talk about the monsters he wanted to beat up.

What's your favorite Pocket Monster type?
Monster... type? I like ones that put up a good fight. If they're too easy to beat, it's kinda... I dunno, it feels mean. Why do they have pockets?"

What's your dream Pocket Monster team?
"Ok, if I'm fighting them all at once... OG '54 Godzilla, Rodan for aerial support, and then I'm going to do a deep cut and say Kumonga and Reptilicus, even though Reptilicus isn't one of the Toho monsters. I wouldn't want to fight more than four, but I wouldn't want to make it too easy. I'd rather take on Rodan than Mothra, and I think Kumonga's got enough legs to be a fun challenge. Reptilicus would be a good water fight, although if this was on land it wouldn't be fair to him, and god, being able to fight the '54 Godzilla... I'd get my ass kicked but it'd be so worth it."

How do you level up your mons?
"That's a weird way to talk about workouts, but the same way I do everything else: Viciously destroying opponents!"

Another super cute little mare, like the one who had asked about costumes. Were they sisters? Possibly. Did that mean he could lift them both at the same time? Also possibly.

Do you like to dance?
"I'm not much of a dancer, I'm afraid. Too punchy for most partners."

What is your ideal music to dance too?
"I guess... hm. Something fast and electronic. High BPM, kind of angry energy."

What relaxes you most?
"Grooming my wings after a long flight. I have this- don't laugh, but I have this really nice lavender feather wax and cleaning them up and making sure my feathers are in good enough shape to fight the next day? Totally soothing."


A merphony! Kaiju had always wanted to have a merphony on his team. Somebody who could function so well in the water would be a great asset in a fight. And she was extremely cute, too!

How do you feel about water?
"Can't get enough of it. The ocean is to be respected, but never trusted. The things that lurk in the depths are beyond our ability to truly know. The sea and sky have much in common- in many ways, swimming and flying are brothers.

What's your favorite thing to do at the beach?
"Defending it from sea monsters."

Have you seen Chad?
"Chad is a landlocked country, so unfortunately while I do enjoy traveling, it's low on my list of priorities."


Kaiju liked this guy. There was something about the way he carried himself, something about his attitude... something about his obvious wing strength. There was something guarded about him, and a strength he could respect.

DC or Marvel?
"Dark Horse. That's not a joke, I'm just not really into the big universes- I like stories that are a little grittier and morally grey than those tend to publish."

Name your top superhero or supervillain from any movie or tv genre.
"Most of my favorites aren't really supers. Or heroes. I'm more into stories about normal people who push themselves. I guess the closest to an actual superhero would be someone like Wolverine."

How would you feel if your partner wasn't necessarily a 'good phony'?
"Now that is a question. Sometimes we mean 'nice' when we say 'good,' and nice... nice is overrated. Nice phonies don't want to, or sometimes can't make hard decisions, and if you care too much about being nice, it can interfere with doing what's right. Sometimes we mean 'obedient' when we say 'good,' and that's worse than nice. I'd rather have a partner who was truly good- who did what was right, even if it meant that they were breaking the rules or upsetting people- than someone who thinks they're good because they do what they're 'supposed' to and don't make waves. Maybe that means I have a different standard of what a good phony is. Maybe that means I'm not a good phony. But like I said. I'd want a partner who can get past social conditioning to do what they know in their heart must be done." Kaiju smiled grimly. "That's the best question I've heard all night. Better than a lot of the small talk. I'd like to know what you think a 'good phony' is, if you'd be up for talking more after the speed round's over."


It took him a minute to tear himself away from the red pegasus, but the cheery little flutter was worth his attention, too! She seemed energetic and fun.

Oh no! An orc breaks into the restaurant! What do you do?
"So when you say 'break in,' I assume you mean they came in with the intention of causing violence. If they just came into the restaurant I wouldn't do anything, because they have the right to be there! But if they're to do harm? I'm gonna harm them first."

Describe your ideal first date!
"A nice flight along an empty stretch of beach, on a hazy day where you can't see the difference between the sea and the sky. Then we land, and we walk and talk for a while, and we get to know each other. And we've brought lunch with us, and maybe a bottle of wine, and we see where the wind takes us."

What's your favorite fruit?
"Dragonfruit. I like sour!"

There was a kindness and a sweetness to Blind Love that Kaiju found himself wanting to protect. She seemed... strong, in a way, under all that sugar. Maybe a little delicate, and maybe that wasn't fair to assume, that she wanted someone to protect her or something- but still, that... not innocence. That intangible something was worth preserving.

Have you ever been in-love before?
"Not romantically. I do really love my daughter, and I'm glad she sought me out after the gene donation- but I've never had anybody long-term special."

Do you ever see yourself settling down with someone?
"Even if I have one long-term partner, we're never going to settle down. We'll always be moving, one step ahead of the other!"

What's your first memory?
"So, I'm a blister baby. I'm not sure what I was made to know versus what I actually experienced in my early life, but I can tell you that when I'm thinking back to the oldest things that are part of me, I remember salt. The taste of it, the sting of it, the smell of it. Sea salt and sea air has such an incredible sensory experience. It's not something you taste on the tongue, but in the back of your throat, and the first thing I really know that I remember is the experience of sea salt.


Oh dang, he recognized this one! He didn't know her personally or anything, but he'd seen that face pop up in gaming stream recommendations before. The way the alicorn walked was delightfully confident. It was obvious she was putting on a show, but it was also obvious that she knew this and that she was calling all the shots. He could absolutely respect that, and if she was... wait, was she livestreaming this? This wasn't covered in the registration. Not that he minded, but the bar might.

What is your opinion on ASMR?
"Can't say it does anything for me. Are you streaming? Can I say hi to the chat?"

Would you consider yourself wealthy?
"I've got a pretty solid nest egg and I always have the cash to buy new tech, so yeah, I'd say I'm fine. I don't like to hoard piles of money, though- it's way more fun to spend it on new tech, weaponry, and investing into monster research."

Do you think I'm the most beautiful mare in the room?  I'm a gamer girl, by the way.
"So lemme ask, I've only seen a couple of your streams- mostly collab stuff. Have you tried any of the new VR stuff? I preordered the first Oculus release back in the day, and VR fighting games are just so cool. The different scenarios you can set up and play around with, and you can even train in different fighting styles- heck, it doesn't even have to be fighting, Beat Saber's one of my favorite ways to kill time after work. I bet you'd be real good at motion controllers, what with the magic and all." Had he heard the first part of the question? Probably not.

Awwww, she had cute little fangs! Very, very cute little fangs!

"What animal do you feel the most kinship with and why?"
"Barracuda. They're fast and ferocious, like me.

Wisp becomes distracted midway through your conversation by literally anything and points to something else in the room. "Would you look at that, isn't that neat?"
"Dang, the bartender just lit like five shots on fire! Very cool."

If you could get back any one thing you've lost what would it be?.
"If I couldn't hang onto it, then I didn't need it that badly."


Now this was a mare he'd never met before- she was like something out of space. No, she was space. She was the night sky reflected on water, and everything about her seemed floaty.

What is the greatest adventure you've ever been on?
"Is it too cliche to say "life?" Because life's an adventure, every day of it. It's unpredictable, even if you think you know what might happen- little elements of chaos keep us from knowing what's just around the corner.

Also, I fight monsters for a living, so... yeah, everything I do is an adventure."

How comfortable are you around dead things?
"I wouldn't say I'm comfortable, but I am respectful. The dead are just... things that aren't alive anymore. That's all."

On a scale of one to ten, how coordinated are you?
"Ten. I have to be. Anything less than that and I'm vulnerable."


Another merphony! She was like seaglass, and looked like she'd be up for some challenging dives.

Do you enjoy hanging out on the beach at night?
"Do you hang out on the beach at night? You might have actually seen me. I do a lot of night patrols along the lagoon's edge, making sure everything's safe and nobody needs rescued or defended. If you ever see a dark shadow overhead, gimme a shout, I'll come down and say hey."

Do you have any hobbies? Mine's collecting shells from the beach - I have like, a gajillion of them!
"I like video games, monster movies, manga, and martial arts. Hm. I need to go ask Miss Gamer Girl back there if there's a word for video games that begins with M. The alliteration'd be cool."

Would you rather be the artist creating art for a showing or a spectator enjoying the gallery? There's no wrong answer!
"Oh, definitely enjoying the gallery. I'm not much of an artist at all!"


Torte Bar looked, for the lack of a better word, aerodynamic. She had that classic pegasus build and the need for speed. He could tell just by looking at her, and her questions were very fun. Nothing to be particularly introspective about, but fun.

I like a GOOD, strong drink. What did ya get from the bar?
"I am on my THIRD mai tai because I like pineapple and see hangovers as a CHALLENGE."

What's the most RECKLESS thing you've done? For legal purposes, don't tell me any crimes.
"One time I took a bite of a jelly monster I'd defeated. Don't, uh. Don't do that. It might look like blue raspberry but it tastes like death."

Last, but not least! Sports?
"Sports! They're fun to watch but more fun to play. I really like watching hockey, and I do a lot of different martial arts. Mostly with other pegasi as sparring partners- there's something super fun about throwing someone who can fly, and being thrown and turning it into a dive."

Finally, he came to the last phony. Or the first phony. He'd gone around the table backwards because he liked being difficult sometimes. She seemed shy and nervous- he hoped she was having a good time.

If you could be anywhere other than here tonight, where would you be?
"Probably out working. I enjoy what I do, and it's a nice night for a patrol flight."

I watch a lot of movies when I'm not making macarons and the like. What's your favorite movie genre, and why?
"My name is Kaiju Blue. It would literally be illegal for me to say anything other than kaiju eiga. I really enjoy tokusatsu in general, and honestly I'm down to watch any action flick, mindless or not.

...What's your opinion on mares with a little more... junk in the trunk? This is purely for scientific research. That I'm interested in. Very important.
"It doesn't really matter to me. What makes someone attractive isn't their shape, it's their energy. Who they are, what kind of intensity they put out. That's what's important to me."

Having made the rounds, he approached the bartender again. Wait, what was that? A card?

What's your favorite drink (alcoholic or non)?
"These mai tais. In particular. These ones. What rum are you PUTTING in them? It's delicious."

What brought you here tonight? Do you think you'll find true love or just a new friend?
"Honestly, I forgot it was happening, so what really brought me here was wanting a drink after work. What I've found is the best bartender in the park, and I think maybe, if I'm reading things right, maybe some new... sparring partners."

Technically I'm off the menu. But if I wasn't... Talk dirty to me.
"I have absolutely no idea how to even begin doing that." The stoicism wouldn't let anything else break through.


[spoiler]Fruit Punch
Fatal Attraction smiled at her first partner, teeth glittering almost menacingly in the low light of the bar.  He was handsome, although she wasn't quite happy about his answers to her questions.  She'd pouted a little bit at his response to the second one in particular. 

What's your favorite drink (alcoholic or non)?
"Bloody Mary" she murmured, a disappointed look on her face.  He wouldn't love her forever and ever?  She didn't like that.

What brought you here tonight? Do you think you'll find true love or just a new friend?
"Of course I'm going to find my true love here, it's destiny.  I just know it."  She gazed out across Cloud Nine at all the pretty little prey phony there were to choose from.  Some of them were particularly appealing, she hoped maybe one of them might be the one.  If not, maybe she'd just have to convince her favorite that they were.

Technically I'm off the menu. But if I wasn't... Talk dirty to me.
"Disgusting pig, I can only talk like that to my one true love, and since you aren't him..."  She huffed, eyes glittering.

Banana Creme
This next girl was cute and this girl had responded to her questions rather favorably.  Fatal eyed her with interest, taking her in.

If you could be anywhere other than here tonight, where would you be?
"Outside your bedroom window, watching you sleep."  Fatal did not think that was a weird thing to say.

I watch a lot of movies when I'm not making macarons and the like. What's your favorite movie genre, and why?
"Horror.  I find it inspiring how creative they can get with the different ways to kill someone or drive them mad."  Fatal chewed her lip, for a brief moment wondering if that was too extreme.  "I work a horror ride of course, so it's for... Research."

...What's your opinion on mares with a little more... junk in the trunk? This is purely for scientific research. That I'm interested in. Very important.
"I like to get my hooves dirty in a good pile of junk."  She did dig through trash after all.

Torte Bar
The unicorn thought it was interesting that this mare had asked if she was a cop and even more so when she overheard that Torte was a lawyer.  The law typically didn't approve of her... Romance techniques.

I like a GOOD, strong drink. What did ya get from the bar?
"Bloody Mary"

What's the most RECKLESS thing you've done? For legal purposes, don't tell me any crimes.
"I-" Fatal narrowed her eyes for moment, unsure of the legality of 'threatening' her previous love interest's wife.  "Flirted with someone I knew was married."

Last, but not least! Sports?
"If my one true love likes them then I like them."

Shimmering Sea
Oh this mare was very cute and Fatal wouldn't mind her one true love being a beautiful princess.  She found the answer's to her questions to be rather adorable.

Do you enjoy hanging out on the beach at night?
"The only thing better than the night stars is the eyes of my one true love," she said, staring into Shimmer's eyes as she spoke.

Do you have any hobbies? Mine's collecting shells from the beach - I have like, a gajillion of them!
"I like to...  Investigate people," she giggled. 

Would you rather be the artist creating art for a showing or a spectator enjoying the gallery? There's no wrong answer!
"I like to watch" in more than one way.

Willow Wisp
This mare hadn't seemed enthusiastic when answering her, but she hadn't responded negatively either.  Fatal looked her over.  She was definitely cute at least.  She pondered for a moment what she would find out about this mare if she did some digging.

"What animal do you feel the most kinship with and why?"
"The African wild dog.  They're known for their persistence." And Fatal was nothing if not persistent in her hunt for love. 

Wisp becomes distracted midway through your conversation by literally anything and points to something else in the room. "Would you look at that, isn't that neat?"
Fatal was a rather distractible mare herself when she wasn't focused on someone in particular.  "Oh yes.  I've seen that phony around.  Did you know that everyday at 3PM they go get a coffee before returning to work?  They also like to buy softies brand toilet paper."

If you could get back any one thing you've lost what would it be?.
Fatal lets out a sigh and slumps in her seat.  "My ex, that horrible witch stole him from me.  She brainwashed him.  He said he didn't even know who I was!  He knows now though.  He knows..."

Blind Love
This mare was really cute and she seemed like the romantic type.

Have you ever been in-love before?
"Oh yes, but...  He's gone now." 

Do you ever see yourself settling down with someone?
"That is my biggest dream," she sighs happily.

What's your first memory?
"Looking at a beautiful doll that belong to another foal and wanting it."

Kiwi Kiss
This mare was a flutter, so slender and delicate.  It reminded Fatal of those bugs that people pinned inside frames.

Oh no! An orc breaks into the restaurant! What do you do?
"If they're a threat to my beloved then I would grab one of the steak knives and cut it's hamstrings."

Describe your ideal first date!
"A romantic candlelit dinner where we spend hours staring into each other's eyes."

What's your favorite fruit?
"Blood oranges."

This stallion was a little rude, she sniffed.  She bet he'd be the type to try and steal her one true love right out from under her.  Fatal pondered if he needed to be dealt with in some way...

DC or Marvel?
"I don't like you."

Name your top superhero or supervillain from any movie or tv genre.
"Hannibal Lector," not super, but she certainly envied his intellect.

How would you feel if your partner wasn't necessarily a 'good phony'?
"That doesn't bother me."

Tsunami Waves
The answers to her questions from this mer felt like a rejection and Fatal did not like that.  Clearly this mer was just more competition.

How do you feel about water?
"People can drown in even the smallest puddle of water."

What's your favorite thing to do at the beach?
"People watch."

Have you seen Chad?
"Chad arrives home in 13 minutes and 47 seconds.  Then he will spend five minutes looking through his mail before he begins to prepare dinner.  He typically makes spaghetti and meatballs on Friday nights," she said flatly.

Another negative Nancy so it seemed.  Fatal was beginning to get annoyed.

Do you like to dance?
"Only with my one true love."

What is your ideal music to dance too?

What relaxes you most?
"Watching my beloved from a distance."

This rude little stallion just up and left her at the table.  Fatal muttered curses under her breath.

What's your favorite Pocket Monster type?
"Poison."  She was considering slipping some in a drink or two right now.

What's your dream Pocket Monster team?
"Whatever is cutest and deadliest."

How do you level up your mons?
"By using them against my enemies."

Oh, this one also liked to go through the trash.  Fatal wondered if perhaps they might be kindred spirits.  Maybe he was the one?

What are your feelings on renewable energy/resources?
"They're not as important as finding my one true love who will never leave or betray me," she said quickly, a wild look in her eyes.

Would you eat lab created meat/food?
"Does it taste bad?"

Do you think Phonyland is energy efficient?
"The rides definitely aren't."

Country Kitchen
This one was kind of cute.  She wondered how they would look together.  He looked strong, like he could protect her from whatever wicked phony tried to steal him away from her.

What is your favorite comfort food and why?
"Grapes.  I like how they pop when you eat them."

What simple pastimes do you enjoy?
"People watching."

What is your favorite topping to put on potatoes?
"Curry ketchup."

Lemon Lime
This mare was fun and flirty, but she seemed to be flirting with every mare in sight.  Fatal did not do well with jealousy.

Is MILF on your menu for tonight? ;D
"It wouldn't be the first time."

Tell me all about how you won your coolest gold medal, award or achievement.
"I broke into my ex's house and stole it off his mantel."

Who's your favorite sports team or sports player? Mine's Rumbling Rocket, a female three time gold medalist for Tennis Single's Match Tournaments.
"The most beautiful one."

King Cock
Well if he didn't look like a prey animal Fatal didn't know what did.  She rather liked his answers to her questions, but...

Do you like and/or have hens?

Which pellet mix do you think is the best?
She squinted at him.  This was not romantic at all.

Free range or pasture-raised?
There was no way this was her one true love she thought, staring at him.

Shrill X
Mmm, this one seemed kind of tasty.  Fatal was digging it..

Do you like to party?
"I prefer to watch."

Yell really loud for me. Do it. It's fun.
The mare takes a deep breath then lets out a guttural scream at the top of her lungs, uncaring of the opinions of others.

How do you feel about monogamy and why does it suck?
Well this was certainly a deal breaker.  "I don't like sharing my one true love's affections," she said with a scowl.

Sweet Bread
This mare was pretty, though from her answers she didn't seem to be quite Fatal's type.

What's your favorite sandwich?
"Roast beef, horse radish, banana peppers."

Do you have any children of your own?
"Not yet.  I'm interested in acquiring some."  Then it would be harder for her one true love to leave her.

Have you ever loved someone before?
"Yes.  He's gone now."

Expired Expectations
Fatal looked at the next stallion and smiled.  He was handsome and interesting, she especially liked that mysterious blood streak he was sporting.  For a moment she made note of the odd loaf of bread the stallion was sporting.  How delicate was it she wondered?  Did it break easily?  "Wally's Wonderland, it's an indie film.  I particularly enjoyed Midwinter though." she said in response to his response.

What is one food you could go without?
"Pork sausage.  I prefer mine made of horse," she winked.

What do you look for in a partner?
"Loyalty.  I can't stand wandering eyes.  They make me feel so insecure," she sighed, fanning herself.

Why are you here?
"To find you of course."  Was that smooth?  Fatal thought it might of been.

Bijou Blende
This mare liked cuddling, which Fatal thought was pretty cute.  Someone she could perhaps protect from anyone nefarious who might try to steal her away.

What's your work life balance like?
"I do what I want when I want."

Out of the seven deadly sins, which one is yours?

Coffee or tea?
"Tea.  Caffeine can make you make mistakes."

Rough Shards
Big and strong, Fatal considered that she wouldn't want to face this stallion in a physical fight.

What is your ideal Sunday afternoon?
"Watching my beloved do whatever their heart so desires" as long as it wasn't looking at other potential love interests.

How do you feel about rainy days?
"I like them, particularly when there are thunderstorms.  Then it's the perfect time to watch a horror movie."

Where would you hide a present to keep it a surprise?
"The same place I hide everything else.  In the walls."

Centaur Fold
This stallion had hands.  Those could be a problem in certain... situations.

Do you like hands on experiences?
"Depends.  What is the experience with?"

"Wanna arm wrestle?" Centaur Fold slap down an arm to the table ready to challenge. He always makes use of the extra limbs.
"Will you cry if i cheat?" She certainly was interested in testing the strength of those arms.

"How do you feel about finger... foods?" Cent eyes the menu and winks.
"Fingers can be quite delightful depending on how you prepare them."  Fatal laughed at her own joke.

Kaiju Blue
He was handsome and considerate, Fatal nearly swooned.  "I prefer psychological horror the best, but I'm fine with gore."

If your destiny was to save the world, what threat would you be defending it against?
"People who cheat or steal away someone's love."

If you were on a monster-fighting team with your best friend, what would your team name and theme be, and what would your uniforms look like?
"They'd be covered in sharp and jagged spikes so that our enemies couldn't touch us and the name would be...  The followers." 

Would you rather go to the deep ocean or deep space, and why?
"I'd go wherever my beloved is."

This mare was cute and spunky, not to mention the last of the offerings Cloud Nine had to provide Fatal with.

How do you stay in contact with your pals?
"I keep track of their schedules and show up when I want to see them."

How do you wind down after work?
"Nothing beats people watching."

What's your sleep schedule like?
She cracks a laugh but otherwise doesn't answer.
I am disabled, so if I'm slow to reply or disappear for a bit that's probably why.  Thank you for your understanding.


[spoiler]Fruit Punch
Paws was determined to do her mama proud.  The mare bounced over towards the bartender for her 'practice round.'

What's your favorite drink (alcoholic or non)?
"Strawberry milk," she grinned.  "It's such a happy drink.  Strawberry soda is good too!"

What brought you here tonight? Do you think you'll find true love or just a new friend?
"I'd be happy either way!"

Technically I'm off the menu. But if I wasn't... Talk dirty to me.
"Look, I play video games online.  I know lots of swear words."

Banana Creme
This cute mare looked like she could use some extra pep in her step and Paws was here to bring it.

If you could be anywhere other than here tonight, where would you be?
"A convention!  I love seeing all the crazy and wonderful costumes, not to mention the art and the new games that haven't come out yet."

I watch a lot of movies when I'm not making macarons and the like. What's your favorite movie genre, and why?
"Hmm, i guess it'd be action comedy!"

...What's your opinion on mares with a little more... junk in the trunk? This is purely for scientific research. That I'm interested in. Very important.
"It requires a little extra work when pattern drafting but that's not a big deal!"

Torte Bar
This mare seemed like she would make a great commander for an army.  Paws could just picture the costume now.

I like a GOOD, strong drink. What did ya get from the bar?
"I LIKE PINA COLADAS AND GETTING CAUGHT IN THE RAIN," was she hyped to be here?  Yes she was.

What's the most RECKLESS thing you've done? For legal purposes, don't tell me any crimes.
"Waited till the last minute to finish up my cosplay costume a day before the competition.  Whew, that was a close one!"

Last, but not least! Sports?
"Not really my speed, but it makes me happy to see other people get excited about things."

Shimmering Sea
Paws could tell she and this mer would vibe well.

Do you enjoy hanging out on the beach at night?
"Of course!  Think of all that extra beach to yourself!  Though it'd be more fun if you brought friends alone and had a bonfire!"

Do you have any hobbies? Mine's collecting shells from the beach - I have like, a gajillion of them!
"Well, my true love is cosplay, but I also like reading manga, watching cartoons and anime, and playing video games!"

Would you rather be the artist creating art for a showing or a spectator enjoying the gallery? There's no wrong answer!
"The artist!  I love coming up with cool costume designs!"

Willow Wisp
Wow!  This phony looked so magical!  The mare wondered for a moment if the horn had LEDs hidden somewhere on it to get that cool glowing effect.

"What animal do you feel the most kinship with and why?"
"A kitten cause they're playful and fun," she smiled.

Wisp becomes distracted midway through your conversation by literally anything and points to something else in the room. "Would you look at that, isn't that neat?"
"WHOA!  THAT IS THE COOLEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!  They've got everything here!"

If you could get back any one thing you've lost what would it be?.
"Hmmm, well I did lose my original copy of Breath of the World...  i bought another one though!"

Blind Love
This mare was pretty and twice-as-fancy like her!  Paws admired her cute marking.

Have you ever been in-love before?
"Nope!  My sister has though!"

Do you ever see yourself settling down with someone?
"Maybe!  I hope so I guess."

What's your first memory?
"Playing dress up with my sister."

Kiwi Kiss
This flutter seemed COOL.  Paws really liked her first question.

Oh no! An orc breaks into the restaurant! What do you do?
"Oh my gosh!  Ok!  So, first I would put on my battle ready armor, then I would throw one of the glasses in another direction as a distraction, then I would take my sword and..."  The mare rambled on for a few minutes going over her plan.

Describe your ideal first date!
"Someplace fun, like a carnival or an arcade!"

What's your favorite fruit?
"Hmm, you might think strawberry but actually cherry!"

Paws thought maybe she'd seen this phony around or maybe it was some relative of his at the convention center.

DC or Marvel?
"I like both.  I'm not going to limit my enjoyment based on other people wanting to start a feud," she grinned.

Name your top superhero or supervillain from any movie or tv genre.
"I'll cosplay as most any of them, but I like Catwoman the best!"

How would you feel if your partner wasn't necessarily a 'good phony'?
"Good as in nice or good as in law abiding?  Those are different!"

Tsunami Waves
This mer looked like a whole lot of fun!

How do you feel about water?
"It's fun.  I like splashing around and playing with squirt gun and water balloons."

What's your favorite thing to do at the beach?
"Bury my sister and then turn her into a sand mermaid!"

Have you seen Chad?
"Pft, yeah!  He wins all the costume contests," she huffed.


Do you like to dance?
"Mama, you know I only do dancing video games!"

What is your ideal music to dance too?
"The video game kind!"

What relaxes you most?
"Sewing of course!"

Was this guy cosplaying?  If so his costume was impressive!

What's your favorite Pocket Monster type?

What's your dream Pocket Monster team?
"All magikarp!" She giggled.

How do you level up your mons?
"I like to give them candies and also rotate out who is the lead.  Everyone deserves to feel special!"

This guy looked so cool!  He could definitely see someone trying to cosplay him!

What are your feelings on renewable energy/resources?
"They're good!"

Would you eat lab created meat/food?
"Sure!  i'll eat whatever!"

Do you think Phonyland is energy efficient?
"I have absolutely no idea!"  She laughed.

Country Kitchen
Paws stared in awe for a moment.  She'd met Kit before and she'd always thought he was pretty.

What is your favorite comfort food and why?
"Pizza!  It's like the go to food for when you want to chill with your friends."

What simple pastimes do you enjoy?
"I guess watching cartoons?"

What is your favorite topping to put on potatoes?

Lemon Lime
This mare kind of reminded her of her mama, it was nice.

Is MILF on your menu for tonight? ;D
"Oh!  Did you meet mama already?"

Tell me all about how you won your coolest gold medal, award or achievement.
"Well I spent three months planning my costume.  I pattern drafted it from scratch and hand dyed the fabric.  I even did extensive embroidery work on it!"

Who's your favorite sports team or sports player? Mine's Rumbling Rocket, a female three time gold medalist for Tennis Single's Match Tournaments.
"Uh, I like the swim team from that manga!"

King Cock
Wow!  This stallion had a lot of energy!  Paws vibrated with excitement, hoping they could talk about something fun.

Do you like and/or have hens?
"Nope!  I have a jelly though!"

Which pellet mix do you think is the best?
"Well Double Jump just kinda oozes over things and then they dissolve...  I think?"

Free range or pasture-raised?
"I don't let Double Jump outside.  Someone might squish her!"

Shrill X
Paws thought this mare might be fun to meet out on the dance floor, she might even bust out the moves she learned from DDR.

Do you like to party?
"YES!  Especially in costume!"

Yell really loud for me. Do it. It's fun.

How do you feel about monogamy and why does it suck?
"I don't really care either which way.  I just want to have fun!"

Sweet Bread
Sweet Bread seemed so pretty and well... Sweet.  Paws sighed, feeling a bit calmer just by looking at her.

What's your favorite sandwich?
"I like ham with provolone cheese, mustard, and potato chips inside!"

Do you have any children of your own?

Have you ever loved someone before?
"Not that I an recall!"

Expired Expectations
Whaaa!  This guy was cool looking!  Was the bread leg real or was it a prop he made she wondered.

What is one food you could go without?
"Calamari.  Yuck!"

What do you look for in a partner?
"I guess I'd like someone nice who knows how to have fun and has similar interests!"

Why are you here?
"i thought it would be fun!"

Bijou Blende
Was that a princess or a cosplayer?  Paws was happy either way.  She wondered if maybe Bijou needed rescuing from an evil turtle perhaps?

What's your work life balance like?
"I make costumes for other people for work, but I make costumes for myself for fun!"

Out of the seven deadly sins, which one is yours?
"Oh, that's a tough one.  Maybe envy?"

Coffee or tea?
"COFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.  How else would I stay up late working on costumes?"

Rough Shards
This guy reminded her of that show she liked with the rock people!  Was that show actually non-fiction?!  Paws couldn't help but squeal.

What is your ideal Sunday afternoon?
"Probably playing some video games, maybe sewing a little.  Read the latest manga if there is a new one out."

How do you feel about rainy days?
"Splashing in puddles is fun!"

Where would you hide a present to keep it a surprise?
"Under my excess fabric!"

Centaur Fold
This guy had hands!  Those sure would be helpful when sewing!

Do you like hands on experiences?

"Wanna arm wrestle?" Centaur Fold slap down an arm to the table ready to challenge. He always makes use of the extra limbs.
"I probably wouldn't be good at that, but ok!"

"How do you feel about finger... foods?" Cent eyes the menu and winks.
"They're great to eat at cons!"

Kaiju Blue
This guy looked cool as heck and he said he wore some sort of costume for work.  Paws stared at him in awe.

If your destiny was to save the world, what threat would you be defending it against?
"Any villains!  All the villains!  When I dress up I'm ready to go against anyone (from the relevant series or book)."

If you were on a monster-fighting team with your best friend, what would your team name and theme be, and what would your uniforms look like?
"I think my sis and I would make cute magical girls and I don't think we've cosplayed that yet!  Our team name would probably be something like the caped cuties!"

Would you rather go to the deep ocean or deep space, and why?

Paws liked the look of this mare, though her cutiemark made her wonder if the questions were going to involve a lot of math.  she hoped not!"

How do you stay in contact with your pals?
"Oh I message them online or send them a text!"

How do you wind down after work?
"Video gamessssssss"

What's your sleep schedule like?
"If I don't have a commission to do I like to sleep till noon, but if i have work then NO SLEEPING ALLOWED!  Ha ha!"
I am disabled, so if I'm slow to reply or disappear for a bit that's probably why.  Thank you for your understanding.


[spoiler]Fruit Punch:
The bartender was playing? Kiwi Kiss flashed a wide smile, raising her glass in a soft 'thank you'.

What's your favorite drink (alcoholic or non)?
"I have to limit it to one? Well, hmm," she frowned, scrunching her nose. She wasn't good at these things. "Have you had kiwi wine? It's delicious."

What brought you here tonight? Do you think you'll find true love or just a new friend?
She wistfully sighed, swirling her drink. "I'm ready to find my other half. I know they say good things come to those who wait, but what if my waiting is prolonging their arrival? I gotta be proactive, y'know. But also I love make friends, too."

Technically I'm off the menu. But if I wasn't... Talk dirty to me.
Kiwi Kiss' eyes glittered, cheeks darkening in color as she giggled and leaned forward, whispering something low and naughty. She snapped back into her seat and took a large sip. "I heard that one on the radio!"

Banana Creme
Oh! Oh! Banana! Kiwi's wings buzzed as she settled in, absolutely delighted to see Banana. Her heart flipped, causing a pause in the usually active flutter's movement. Whatever that was it could wait!

If you could be anywhere other than here tonight, where would you be?
"Making you a new tart! I just got some golden kiwi's in the other day -- I heard they're your favorite~!"

I watch a lot of movies when I'm not making macarons and the like. What's your favorite movie genre, and why?
"Believe it or not I love horror! The cheesy kind, the scary kind, the gritty -- I like it all. A good hit of adrenaline is always nice! Keeps you on your toes." She paused, sipping her drink. "I also like ones about families and relationships. Something to cuddle up to."

...What's your opinion on mares with a little more... junk in the trunk? This is purely for scientific research. That I'm interested in. Very important.
"Junk in the tru- what does that mean? Is this about you? You're beautiful! Absolutely stunning~!"

Torte Bar
Kiwi was beaming after her encounter with her friend, settling nicely in her seat. Torte looked fun! She also had the prettiest hair....

I like a GOOD, strong drink. What did ya get from the bar?
"Vodka, with a slice of kiwi in it~!"

What's the most RECKLESS thing you've done? For legal purposes, don't tell me any crimes.
Kiwi tilted her head, lost in thought. "Um, I suppose buying a used and rundown store with cockroaches count? Hey, it looks better then ever now! But I guess that could have gone awry, huh?"

Last, but not least! Sports?
She blinked, laughing sweetly. "I'll try anything!"

Shimmering Sea
Wow, Shimmering Sea was stunning! Kiwi buzzed in excitement.

Do you enjoy hanging out on the beach at night?
"I do! I used to go for midnight strolls often when the store was first setting up."

Do you have any hobbies? Mine's collecting shells from the beach - I have like, a gajillion of them!
"Baking!" She chirped, although she was entirely preoccupied with Shimmering Sea's own hobby. "You do? Could I see sometime?!"

Would you rather be the artist creating art for a showing or a spectator enjoying the gallery? There's no wrong answer!
What a neat question! "The artist -- I like making others happy."


Heavenly Body
Wow -- just... wow. Kiwi Kiss made a tiny sound in the back of her throat, suffocating it with her drink.

What is the greatest adventure you've ever been on?
The greatest? She flushed, embarrassed she had never once been on an adventure. "I've lived a pretty relaxed life -- but I'd love to change that!"

How comfortable are you around dead things?
"Oh, well --  wait! Do you work with the dead? That's really cool -- I admire phonies in your work. Knowing my loved ones are safe in the hands of those who care... it's honestly relieving."

On a scale of one to ten, how coordinated are you?
She giggled, sipping her drink. "3."

Willow Wisp
There were so many mares and they were all drop dead beautiful. Especially this one~! Kiwi was enamored with her horn and hair, especially.

"What animal do you feel the most kinship with and why?"
She was going to say it -- she was going to say it!. "A kiwi bird! For.... obvious reasons. But also they're little and cute~ I- I'm not saying I'm cute, although on a good day I objectively think I could b- err, anyway!"

Wisp becomes distracted midway through your conversation by literally anything and points to something else in the room. "Would you look at that, isn't that neat?"
Kiwi was grateful for Wisp's distraction, eagerly leaning on the table. "Where?!"

If you could get back any one thing you've lost what would it be?.
She frowned in thought. She had a fortunate life, honestly, so.... "My drink, I suppose?"


Hush Money
An Alicorn! She'd never seen one before, honestly. Kiwi loved her hair -- green, like her!

What is your opinion on ASMR?
"It's pretty! I like the crackly kind -- like when people bite into a strawberry hardened with sugar."

Would you consider yourself wealthy?
She giggled, hoof waving. "I've been blessed with a rich life of happy faces and a loving family."

Do you think I'm the most beautiful mare in the room?  I'm a gamer girl, by the way.
"I think you're lovely~! I wouldn't scale anyone above one another, but I love your hair."


Oh! Wow! Handsome, dashing, and broody -- like a protagonist in a romance anime! Right?

DC or Marvel?

Name your top superhero or supervillain from any movie or tv genre.
"Beastboy! He's green, too~"

How would you feel if your partner wasn't necessarily a 'good phony'?
"That's a--" A hard question, she almost said, but he had asked and she was meant to be honest. "All that matters is if their heart is good. Everyone has circumstances and reasons for what they do -- we have to be compassionate, somewhere. The world can't go around if we label everyone as Bad or Good."


Tsunami Waves
Rattled by her last conversation, Kiwi was grateful to sit before another green phony!

How do you feel about water?
"It's pretty! I'm a horrible swimmer, though. These wings don't make for good use underwater!"

What's your favorite thing to do at the beach?
"Collect seashells, of course~!"

Have you seen Chad?
"Chad? No -- I can help you?" She stood up in her seat, head whipping about. "Chad?! Chad?" No response. "I'm sorry, I don't think they're here."


She looked so fun and vibrant! Her kind of phony!

Do you like to dance?
Kiwi giggled. "I'm clumsy! But I like it."

What is your ideal music to dance too?
"You know, whatever they have playing right now really does the trick...."

What relaxes you most?


What a neat phony! She absolutely loved their entire aesthetic.

What's your favorite Pocket Monster type?
Eh? Pocket Monster? Wait! OH! "Psychic!"

What's your dream Pocket Monster team?
"I feel like I'd be lying if I didn't say I want a mew on my team, ehe."

How do you level up your mons?
"Love and dedication!"


Tall! Kiwi smiled up at Regrind, folding her dainty legs.

What are your feelings on renewable energy/resources?
"Oh~! I have so many changes I want to make to my store to help the environment! Do you have any recommendations?"

Would you eat lab created meat/food?
"If I can afford it, of course!"

Do you think Phonyland is energy efficient?
She glanced up and around her. "Maaaaybe? I feel like you could educate me on the matter."

Country Kitchen
Another big phony! Kiwi buzzed her wings, almost enjoying feeling even smaller than she actually was.

What is your favorite comfort food and why?
"Kiw- those aren't comfort, huh? I suppose a good and hearty meatloaf."

What simple pastimes do you enjoy?
She smiled bright and lively. "Baking or sewing!"

What is your favorite topping to put on potatoes?
"Ohhh, dill?"


Lemon Lime
She looked like Banana! She grinned, head tilting at the look the other phony was giving her.

Is MILF on your menu for tonight? ;D
"What is that? It sounds delicious!"

Tell me all about how you won your coolest gold medal, award or achievement.
"I never have!" She giggled, fussing with the menu.

Who's your favorite sports team or sports player? Mine's Rumbling Rocket, a female three time gold medalist for Tennis Single's Match Tournaments.
Oh, um, uh -- "R-rumbling Rocket, I suppose? They're the only one I now know!"


Happy Endings
Another flutter! Her wings buzzed in greeting, straightening her posture as her shoulders lowered. It was nice to see her own kind!

What is your favorite genre of book?
"Horror! The suspense is so much worse when reading."

Fabio or Fabi-no?
"Fabio~! Of course!"

What's your love language?
She blinked, confused and uncertain. What was a love language? Could he help her out? "I don't know -- could you teach me them?"


King Cock
He was little, too! Also, he looked really cool! What a neat phony!

Do you like and/or have hens?
"Hens are so cute! I would love one~!"

Which pellet mix do you think is the best?
"Ummm -- whichever is the healthiest!"

Free range or pasture-raised?
She honestly had no clue what either really meant, but he was so nice and she wanted to answer his properly! "Well! You seem to know hens -- which one is the best?"


Shrill X
She had really pretty hair, too! Kiwi fussed with her own, wondering absently if she should have done something nice with it.

Do you like to party?
"I love a party! Do you know of one?"

Yell really loud for me. Do it. It's fun.
"WOOOOOOOO~! Was that good?"

How do you feel about monogamy and why does it suck?
She laughed softly, waving her hoof. "Monogamy is good for me!"


Sweet Bread
She looked so soft and delicate... and her hair -- now that was a beautiful mane.

What's your favorite sandwich?
"Egg salad sandwich!"

Do you have any children of your own?
"No, but I want to have kids! I just need to find the right somephony."

Have you ever loved someone before?
"No, but I recently discovered what a crush is like." She flushed, giggling nervously. "I doubt they noticed, though!"


Expired Expectations
Stunning -- he was stunning. She paused for a moment, noting his leg. Did it hurt? Was he okay?

What is one food you could go without?
"Turnips. It's not like they're the worst, but I won't really think twice if they're gone."

What do you look for in a partner?
She tilted her head back and forth, thoughtful. It was a good question, and one she knew the answer for. "Someone who will love me no matter what. Oh, and honesty. I need absolute honesty with my partner."

Why are you here?
"To find bae!" She giggled at her own response, arms waving. "No no, but seriously -- I'm sooo ready to find my person. But also I am happy to make friends here, too!"


Bijou Blend
Man, the girls were after her HEART, weren't they? Bijou was so cute~!

What's your work life balance like?
"I like to think I manage both well. You can't have one without the other!"

Out of the seven deadly sins, which one is yours?
She had to think long and hard, complete with soft humming sounds of thought. "Greed?"

Coffee or tea?
"Coffee! But I do like tea, too."


Fatal Attraction
She looked fun, and her eyes were mesmerizing! Kiwi couldn't sense the feeling of *~danger~* she probably ought to when around Fatal.

How do you feel about horror movies?
"Love them! Want to watch one with me sometime?"

Would you love me forever and ever and ever?
"If we fell in-love, totally!"

Would you find it weird if your partner dug through your trash?
She tilted her head. "I mean, I don't have anything fun in there, so go ahead!"


Paws Button
Super cute phony! Kiwi didn't feel nervous around her one bit.

Do you enjoy wearing costumes?
"Of course! Who doesn't like dressing up?"

If you could dress up as any fictional character who would you choose?
"Princess Zelda."

Have you made anything you're really proud of?
"My tart~! Banana Creme said it was delicious, so I'm happy!"


Rough Shard
He was green, like her! But big.... unlike her. Kiwi Kiss felt so little before him, nervously fluttering her wings. She kind of liked the feeling, too.

What is your ideal Sunday afternoon?
"Visiting my brother and drinking a smoothie with him as he tells me all about his latest creation."

How do you feel about rainy days?
"They're pretty," she answered, smiling brightly. "Rain brings flowers~!"

Where would you hide a present to keep it a surprise?
"Under my bed, I suppose? I've never had to hide something!"


Centaur Fold
What an interesting phony. She eyeballed his hands, wondering how much easier life must be.

Do you like hands on experiences?
"Eh?" She giggled, unsure what he meant.

"Wanna arm wrestle?" Centaur Fold slap down an arm to the table ready to challenge. He always makes use of the extra limbs.
"Oh, totally!" She reached across, eager to arm wrestle (and probably be utterly demolished).

"How do you feel about finger... foods?" Cent eyes the menu and winks.
Finger foods? His wink alerted her he probably meant something else, or at least a pun, eliciting a laugh from her. "You're funny. I like you."


Kaiju Blue
He was absolutely her type, Kiwi decided. Wait -- what was her type? She had so many... well, whatever the matter was, Kaiju was absolutely a snack.

If your destiny was to save the world, what threat would you be defending it against?
The cruel lack of kiwi-centered dishes? No, that was dumb. She thought carefully, finally ending with a gentle laugh. She had nothing good to say! "I'm not sure! But I'd help in any war against evil!"

If you were on a monster-fighting team with your best friend, what would your team name and theme be, and what would your uniforms look like?
"The Kiwi Busters!" She giggled, amused with herself. "And we'd be dressed all in green -- something cute. Because you always have to look absolutely smashing, even when fighting evil."

Would you rather go to the deep ocean or deep space, and why?
"Deep space! I don't think I can go there realistically now, so I'd want to if the opportunity presented itself."


She was so small! Kiwi smiled at the other phony, head tilting in thought. She'd seen them somewhere before... right?

How do you stay in contact with your pals?
"Visits~! And I guess phone calls, too."

How do you wind down after work?
"I make a smoothie and lay back on my couch, catching up on shows."

What's your sleep schedule like?
"It's important to have a healthy sleep schedule! I do my best to get the perfect nights sleep!"[/spoiler]



Lemon Lime

@Fruit Punch
Lemon Lime reach out to tussle her son's hair, earning a satisfying Stttopppp! from him. Damn, she loved her kids. She couldn't help messing with them, but truly, she was pretty positive she and Candy Cane were Phonyland's #1 Moms.

What's your favorite drink (alcoholic or non)?
Punch, you know my favorite- anything ending in Smash!

What brought you here tonight? Do you think you'll find true love or just a new friend?
-grins, giving her son a feisty little jab in the shoulder- I'm here to teach all you little sweet and shy spring chickens what a Real Babe looks like. Plus, the bed was gettin' a little lonely with just me and Candy. Ooh, did I say too much? I think you're turning a shade green, hon.

Technically I'm off the menu. But if I wasn't... Talk dirty to me.
-looks at her son sympathetically. She knew he did try to be lucky in love, but so far, it looked like Blushing Bride might've moved on without him- Punch... I'll be honest with ya. You've gotta look at what's right in front of you, and if ain't there for you to hold on tight, it might be long gone for a good reason... Think about that wisely, son.


@Banana Creme
Leaving Fruit Punch behind, she moved in to give Banana Creme a big hug. She knew her daughter hated the thought of putting herself out there but she was a firm believer that even her little girl needed some action if she was going to live her happiest and most fulfilled life. She could do it, and Mama had her back the whole way.

If you could be anywhere other than here tonight, where would you be?
If I hadn't decided I was going to come swing by the bar, you know I'd be at home having date night with Candy. I wanna surprise her and bri g home an extra friend or two, but I'll make sure to let you have a fair chance, sugar.

I watch a lot of movies when I'm not making macarons and the like. What's your favorite movie genre, and why?
I'll watch anything, but I do love action and horror. I'm all about crashing cars, explosions and shrapnel injuries everywhere! Let the city burn, I want monsters running wild and free, baby!

...What's your opinion on mares with a little more... junk in the trunk? This is purely for scientific research. That I'm interested in. Very important.
Sugar, you are what we call thicc. Do you hear my proununciation? "THICC, with two C's". You got your curves from me, baby. It's just your under-utilized muscle mass.


@Torte Bar
Torte was hot and ready to trot, right into Lemon Lime's court... She purposefully swiped her tongue over her lips before coming over to Torte's table. She got the feeling she'd take this girl home tonight if she wasn't making plans with anyone else.

I like a GOOD, strong drink. What did ya get from the bar?
That cute bartender over there's my son- he knows my favorite is a Whiskey Smash. But, that's not the only kind of smashing I have in mind for tonight... Care to join me this fine evening?

What's the most RECKLESS thing you've done? For legal purposes, don't tell me any crimes.
Ever had fun throwing a bar brawl for no good reason? Just smash a bottle against the counter and start screaming, then see what happens! Give it a try sometime! But anywhere except here, my kids don't need that kinda trouble.

Last, but not least! Sports?
-raises her glass in a cheers gesture with Torte- Finally, a fellow fan! I'm a tennis player so I do have a bit of a bias, but anything on the shotclock is fun to play or spectate. I like your taste, all around.


@Shimmering Sea
Lemon Lime didn't think she'd ever met a merphony before. She pondered the bedroom logistics, but those could wait for later. First, she'd have to figure out what Shimmer's spectrum was.

Do you enjoy hanging out on the beach at night?
Most of the beach stuff I participate in is during the day, like volleyball tournaments. I bet it's nice and quiet at night, would be good for a camping date!

Do you have any hobbies? Mine's collecting shells from the beach - I have like, a gajillion of them!
Getting a good workout! I enjoy living a very active lifestyle with my partner, Candy Cane. -winks suggestively-

Would you rather be the artist creating art for a showing or a spectator enjoying the gallery? There's no wrong answer!
If it was an art competition, sure I'd give it a whirl, but arts not really my thing by itself unless there's some kinda game or challenge to it.


@Heavenly Body
Hubba-hubba! Lemon Lime was quite literally seeing stars when Heavenly Body entered the room. This big and beautiful mare might not fit the mattress with both her and Candy too, but she didn't mind spectator sports.

What is the greatest adventure you've ever been on?
Ever need the keys to get out of your handcuffs but your girl's knocked out in the bed next to you? That's a REAL test of your flexibility, Doll.

How comfortable are you around dead things?
Fine enough I guess? As long as it's not somebody I brought home for the night, haha!

On a scale of one to ten, how coordinated are you?
-laughs at this one, flexing her defined arms to Heavenly- Doll, I am a solid fucking 10.


@Willow Wisp
What a sweet looking mare... she seemed a bit innocent, but Lemon Lime could sense some passion burning behind those beautiful eyes. She gave a nod of approval while sitting down.

"What animal do you feel the most kinship with and why?"
You ever seen a raccoon before? They've got stripes like me and they're ferocious when you stir up their nests. I like 'em, they're fiery little devils!

Wisp becomes distracted midway through your conversation by literally anything and points to something else in the room. "Would you look at that, isn't that neat?"
...My eyes are up here, Gorgeous.

If you could get back any one thing you've lost what would it be?
The keys to my handcuffs! I was so glad to be out of them the last time they were used, I threw them and their keys across the room! I found the 'cuffs the morning after but not the keys.


@Hush Money
Lemon Lime was definitely interested in this alicorn, but she found the camera to be a bit fishy. Was she a golddigger..? Well, she'd try and find out what made the lady purr whether it was dollar signs or a free drink.

What is your opinion on ASMR?
-shrugs- I have no idea what that is. What's your opinion on my A-S-S? That's what I really want to know, Belle.

Would you consider yourself wealthy?
Retirement life is great. My kids run this place so I take a royalty fee. My girl Candy and I made three outta the five who own Cloud Nine so why not live the cushy life while they do all the hard work?

Do you think I'm the most beautiful mare in the room?  I'm a gamer girl, by the way.
Belle, that's what we call a loaded question! I'm down to play games but do you think you're ready to handle all of this? -gestures toward her full figure with both hooves-


@Blind Love
What a precious pegasus! Lemon Lime wanted to play with her hair. There was a sad quality to Blond Love that even LL wasn't oblivious too, but if the filly was here it meant she was trying to take the next step. She'd be more than happy to meet Love halfway.

Have you ever been in-love before?
Yup! I'm really, really lucky that I met my girl, Candy, so quickly and fell head over hoof. I'm happy waking up next to her every single day, but we've got room for you too between the sheets, Darling.

Do you ever see yourself settling down with someone?
Candy and I have talked about it, but it's not really our thing. We always come home to each other regardless who tags along with us, so we know where our hearts lie. No fancy ceremony yet, but maybe one of these days I'll throw on a tux and take her down the aisle.

What's your first memory?
Tennis..? Tennis. Hm, Tennis. Tennis!


@Kiwi Kiss
Lemon Lime had never seen a more perfect flutter before in her life. She absolutely wanted to nuzzle her face between those—  -coughs, choking on her drink slightly- ...wings. Yes, lovely kiwi-toned wings. She wasn't sure if Kiwi was interested in other ladies but she'd definitely be trophy to take home tonight.

Oh no! An orc breaks into the restaurant! What do you do?
If it's a lady orc, offer to throw down with her in a shot drinking contest. If it's a guy orc, kick him in the balls and then yell for everybody else to get outta here!

Describe your ideal first date!
With you, Babe? I'll take you anywhere your heart desires. I will show you a whole new world- but we can take the first steps in whatever direction you want. I don't mind letting you take the lead, if you know what I'm sayin'.

What's your favorite fruit?
Lemons and Limes, Babe.


Lemon Lime, despite her lack of apparent contact or concern, actually knew exactly who Knockout was. She was very close with her daughter Pink Lemonade, and while updates were not exactly frequent she wished her grandson well- those stripes were unmistakable to her eyes. Being considerate of his position, she chose not to show any signs of recognition on her face or during their conversation, playing it chill-

DC or Marvel?
What's the one with Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy making out? That one is better, Bub.

Name your top superhero or supervillain from any movie or tv genre.
Scarlet Witch and Black Widow are hot. Next question.

How would you feel if your partner wasn't necessarily a 'good phony'?
I like my girls to be sweet and sour. You're not on my menu so bye-bye, Bub. -gives him a farewell salute before walking on to the next table-

@Tsunami Waves
Ooh, a sexy little surfer chick! She swore she'd seen Tsunami at the beach surfing before, and damn, had she enjoyed the view. It would be nice to get up close and personal with the Mer...

How do you feel about water?
I need you to be a little more specific, Sweetheart. Are we talking about sports? Are we talking about the drink? Are talking about how I'm hoping to make you feel after this shindig- 'cause I got a whole lotta wet things on my mind.

What's your favorite thing to do at the beach?
If I'm not busy setting up for a spike in volleyball, I'm busy checking other girls out. Have you seen this year's top swim in suit catalogs? Those models are BABES!

Have you seen Chad?
-frowns, not anticipating this question- ...Eww, no. He's not your boyfriend, is he? God, I hope it's nothing serious...


Lemon Lime was afraid that while this cutie was pretty, she may get stepped on by some of the larger mares and stallions in the room. She personally got up to escort Fox and ensure she traveled both safely from and securely from the previous table over to the blonde's own. When they both sat down together she sighed with a look of relief on her face.

Do you like to dance?
I love any type of exercise, so dance is absolutely something I like. What're you into? A bit of tango? I'll give you a nice twirl around the dance floor if you wanna meet up after this? -winks suggestively-

What is your ideal music to dance too?
Anything with a good, fast-paced beat. I like to get my blood pumping, you know? Whether it's flamenco or salsa, I want to feel the heat!

What relaxes you most?
Sitting back on the couch, watching the game with at least one gorgeous girl under my arm.


She'd noticed this little guy attempting to get over to her youngest daughter once he entered the room. She wasn't sure if anything was going on there between the two, but she wanted to make sure that she'd intimidated him properly, like any good Mother would!

What's your favorite Pocket Monster type?
Do you even know my daughter's favorite type? Huh, Punk'achu? It might've changed since she was little but she went all out with the cards and everything.

What's your dream Pocket Monster team?
Whatever Banana Creme's dream team is, is mine! You better name every last one of those monsters - all in numerical order, 1, 2, 3, GO!!

How do you level up your mons?
I suggest you level up first, Punk'achu! You want to go down on my sweet little Cremepuff? You better get on your knees and bow down to me first for permission to enter my home, kid.


He was pretty for a guy... but he was still a guy. -takes a long sip of her drink before staring at Regrind's face boldly. She downed his questions as fast as she could-

What are your feelings on renewable energy/resources?
Renewable-schmewable! Not why I'm here tonight.

Would you eat lab created meat/food?
I'm here for the girls, man. Whether they're lab created or gifts straight from their mothers, I will eat them right up.

Do you think Phonyland is energy efficient?
Do you have the energy to go further with this? Because I'm not feeling enough of a connection between us to even turn on a lightbulb here, my dude.


@Country Kitchen
Big Boy. Apparently a Big Country Boy by the size of his hat, but nonetheless, a boy.

What is your favorite comfort food and why?
Didn't the other guy ask me that? I said, I'm here for the girls. They comfort me, on all levels.

What simple pastimes do you enjoy?
Simply talking to girls, thinking about girls, or hanging out with girls. Next question.

What is your favorite topping to put on potatoes?
More like, which girl do I want to eat mashed potatoes off of, my dude.


@Happy Endings
This guy was also pretty. For 0.01 second she considered putting him a dress but no, it wasn't worth it. She figured if Fruit Punch had interest in the flutter, they might be an interesting enough match for her to get behind it.

What is your favorite genre of book?
Reading biographies of famous or former athletes. Someone with tiny legs like you probably doesn't play tackle-intensive sports.

Fabio or Fabi-no?
Fabio-no-no-NO. Farrah Fawcett, yes.

What's your love language?
Girls, so let's go ahead and move on.


@King Cock
....Who let a rooster out and into the bar? This wasn't a barn- oh god, it's a phony. She sat down at King's table, not finding his name to her tastes so she purposefully mispronounced it.

Do you like and/or have hens?
No, Chuck. I don't have any hens. They're hard working little ladies, but no, I don't.

Which pellet mix do you think is the best?
Chuck, this is a bar, not a barn. I'm here to pick up chicks, not those kinds of chicks.

Free range or pasture-raised?
I don't know the science behind it, but free range probably keeps the Chiquita's happier.

@Shrill X
Lemon Lime bit her lower lip, having a tough time "deciding" between this filly and Torte Bar. Fuck. Could she just have them both..? At the same time..? She hoped so!

Do you like to party?
Yeah, I'm down to crush cans and heads with my thighs. Day or Night. -waggles her eyebrow, gauging if Shrill the type to pick up what she was putting down-

Yell really loud for me. Do it. It's fun.
Challenge accepted. -finishes her drink before standing on her chair and then getting up on the table give her best Xeba, Warrior Princess battle cry. Once finished she got back down, crossing her arms to her chest with self-satisfaction- You should hear my girl, Candy.

How do you feel about monogamy and why does it suck?
Oh, please! You haven't met the right one if she doesn't give you permission to play, and even worse if she doesn't play with you. I got room for you and another hottie tonight. Wanna join, Gal?


@Sweet Bread
Lemon Lime debated on this one. She was cute, but obviously a mom- her MILF radar had definitely responded when she'd seen Sweet come in with Exp. She probably wasn't on 'lockdown' if she'd come out tonight but LL had learned a thing or two over the years about being a home wrecker... and generally it wasn't good news.

What's your favorite sandwich?
A cute girl between me and my partner, Candy Cane. You're welcome any time, if you're free, that is.

Do you have any children of your own?
Yeah, and three of them own this place, along with my son-in-law and his sister. They did a good job tonight, don't ya think?

Have you ever loved someone before?
I wake up every day next to her, but I like to say I've got a big heart and an even bigger bed at home. Plenty of room.


@Expired Expectations
Lemon Lime wasn't sure what the son of the previous table's guest might think of her but she shrugged any doubts off her shoulders. She was here to seduce his mom, not him.

What is one food you could go without?
-Doesn't break eye contact at all- Basic. White. Bread.

What do you look for in a partner?
A woman. The end.

Why are you here?
To bring some girlies home to my partner. I'm planning on walking out with at least two, but maybe three or four. My kids' game is rather weak compared to mine.


@Bijou Blende
A coffee drinking princess? Nice!. She waved her hoof over her head to catch Fruit Punch's attention- Hey, Punch! Bring this girl somethin' sweet, on my tab. -winks suggestively at Bijou-

What's your work life balance like?
Retired mostly, but I give lessons to foals needing a tennis coach or taking them to daycares while their parents are busy. It's that and working out, which is fun, not work.

Out of the seven deadly sins, which one is yours?
...Lust, Princess. It's hard keeping my hooves to myself.

Coffee or tea?
Both are good, but too much coffee isn't good for you. Make sure to stay hydrated, Princess. Your coat'll get dry if you don't. I want to see you liking soft and sweet.


@Fatal Attraction
An interesting mare, that's for sure. Lemon Lime could feel the hair on the back of her neck standing up but she attributed it to excitement, not fear. Her legs looked really damn good in that uniform.... She imagined they'd look even better out of it.

How do you feel about horror movies?
They're not my favorite, but I'll watch them. It's cute when my girl curls up to me because she gets scared.

Would you love me forever and ever and ever?
Sit on my face first, then we'll talk.

Would you find it weird if your partner dug through your trash?
If it makes you happy I don't mind, but touch Candy's canes without permission and I'll end you.


Paws Button
Lemon Lime thought Paws was adorable, and her cutie mark was sweet, too. She looked like a little white kitten that would fit perfectly curled up asleep on her lap, which was a pleasing mental image.

Do you enjoy wearing costumes?
If it's to bed, yeah. Otherwise I wouldn't bother.

If you could dress up as any fictional character who would you choose?
I wouldn't play dress up like that unless it's really a special occasion... but I guess it would have to be Batwoman.

Have you made anything you're really proud of?
My kids, first and foremost! Candy Cane is the love of my life for a reason, but I'm interested in making more little ones after a night of passion. -winks suggestively-

@Rough Shards
This dude looked shredded, which was cause for her to actually give him a slight nod of acknowledgment. Having the potential opportunity to grate cheese against his abs was intriguing, but he was still a dude so she chose to decline.

What is your ideal Sunday afternoon?
I take trips around to local bars, see what MILFs are open to threesome after a brunch date. You'd be impressed by how many makeout sessions a couple of good Bloody Mary will get you.

How do you feel about rainy days?
I have to switch over to table-tennis, which is lesser favorite of the tennis varieties... Next question.

Where would you hide a present to keep it a surprise?
I don't keep many secrets from my girl, but I'm the taller of the two of us, so I'll stick things on top of the fridge I don't want her to get. She's usually too lazy to climb up and get a chair.


@Centaur Fold
Damn, did this stallion look surprisingly handsome even to Lemon Lime. Did he have a mom, or a sister hanging around somewhere?? Please, let him have a sister that's down for a hookup!

Do you like hands on experiences?
Yes, with ladies!

"Wanna arm wrestle?" Centaur Fold slap down an arm to the table ready to challenge. He always makes use of the extra limbs.
I'll rip your arm off, Bro! Let's fucking go! If I win, you HAVE to tell me if you have a sister! -yells as she slams her elbow down on the table, clearly accepting all invitations to challenges-

"How do you feel about finger... foods?" Cent eyes the menu and winks.
Bro... You're not my type, but your sister would probably be AMAZING.


@Kaiju Blue
Lemon Lime didn't think that Kaiju Blue was someone she'd ever met before. His name sounded intense but once again, he was another dude. She sighed to herself, wasn't he the last one for tonight?

If your destiny was to save the world, what threat would you be defending it against?
The injustice of mares sleeping alone at night and being sad or feeling lonely. They can join me and Candy Cane, problem solved.

If you were on a monster-fighting team with your best friend, what would your team name and theme be, and what would your uniforms look like?
Ugh, you have a nice face and voice and body and all that, but aren't you talking a lot..? -grumbles, pushing her coaster around with boredom-

Would you rather go to the deep ocean or deep space, and why?
The only thing I want to go deep and down on is other ladies.


Lemon Lime swore that this grape-colored phony was around ages ago. She didn't know where the unicorn had been but it was good to see some tougher looking chicks arounds. The blonde leaned across the table, interested in getting to know Nina better for sure.

How do you stay in contact with your pals?
I call my gal pals all the time. You can catch us at the roller derby on the fourth of every month. You should come join us, Pretty Lady.

How do you wind down after work?
I don't really work, but I do workout. Got to stay fit for my very physically active lifestyle. -winks suggestively-

What's your sleep schedule like?
I start my day at 4AM, so I go to bed early if I don't have other girls to hangout with. Unless my partner or daughter wants to stay up and watch a movie or something, I'm down to bed early.


Centaur Fold

Fruit Punch

What's your favorite drink (alcoholic or non)?
Straight coffee, plain and black gets me through the average work just fine. Good Ol' buddy Joe.

What brought you here tonight? Do you think you'll find true love or just a new friend?
"The flyer advertising it?" Cent chuckled to himself, "But really, who could pass up a good time, chatting to all the eligible folks in the park. Maybe I'll get lucky."

Technically I'm off the menu. But if I wasn't... Talk dirty to me. "I can do more than just talk, " Cent used his little hands to reach out and brush Fruit Punch's hair while leaning in, "a client can always try and order off menu, with the strawberries."

The centaur was more than happy to give him a tackle and lock arm/hooves.

Banana Cream

If you could be anywhere other than here tonight, where would you be?
Target practice maybe, but just as fun to be here aiming at hearts.

I watch a lot of movies when I'm not making macarons and the like. What's your favorite movie genre, and why?
"Action! Non-stop adrenaline pumping is two thumbs up. " Cent then gave two actual thumbs up.

...What's your opinion on mares with a little more... junk in the trunk? This is purely for scientific research. That I'm interested in. Very important.
"Nothing wrong with having a little more to hang on to and touch." He again gave a little wink.

Impressed with the mare's willingness to try, he let her win at arm wrestling.
Torte Bar

I like a GOOD, strong drink. What did ya get from the bar?
"This tiny little coconut thing. A Pina colada? Honestly I just went for it for the accessories. " Cent took the umbrella out and put it in his own mane. "Fashionable right?"

What's the most RECKLESS thing you've done? For legal purposes, don't tell me any crimes.
Well... set up a not so legal shooting gallery for myself. But don't tell anyone, park security isn't keen on the bow as is.

Last, but not least! Sports?
SPORTS! Nothing like a good ol fashion contest of strength, skill and speed.

Shimmering Sea

Do you enjoy hanging out on the beach at night?
Yeah, sure why not, if that's where I can find you.

Do you have any hobbies? Mine's collecting shells from the beach - I have like, a gajillion of them!
Well, archery for one, but I work a lot and at a lot of different places. Sometimes it's hard to make the time.

Would you rather be the artist creating art for a showing or a spectator enjoying the gallery? There's no wrong answer!
The creator, hands gotta be extra good for shaping clay or finger painting at least.

Heavenly Bodies

Centaur Fold couldn't help but laugh at seeing HB here. He would have never guessed it would be her scene, but he was happy to see her.

Code: [Select]
What is the greatest adventure you've ever been on?
You know I can't talk about THAT in public.

How comfortable are you around dead things?
Well, I wouldn't visit you and Dopple if it bothered me that much, huh?

On a scale of one to ten, how coordinated are you?
"11, obviously." Cent held up his arms to his arms to flex.

Hush Money

What is your opinion on ASMR?
That's the sound stuff right? Not bad, but I bet I could help you be louder.

Would you consider yourself wealthy?
Hahahahahahahahahaha.... hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Babe, I'm a temp.

Do you think I'm the most beautiful mare in the room?  I'm a gamer girl, by the way.
Only if you think I'm the handsomest.

Blind Love

Have you ever been in-love before?
Nope! No one has ever caught me yet. You can try.

Do you ever see yourself settling down with someone?
Not really, but I don't even think too much past tonight. I could certainly settle for the night.

What's your first memory?
Scooping up my little starfish pal and given him a squeeze as a kid.

Kiwi Kiss

Oh no! An orc breaks into the restaurant! What do you do?
I'm ready to fight! Even got my own weapon ready to go to protect us if needed. I'd shoot that orc down in no time.

Describe your ideal first date!
Actually? This is pretty good, lots of first dates all crammed into one. It's pretty fun.

What's your favorite fruit?
Apples. They make great targets.

Knock Out

DC or Marvel?
Marvel totally.

Name your top superhero or supervillain from any movie or tv genre.
Hawkeye, no contest. But I could probably give him run for his money in sharp shooting.

How would you feel if your partner wasn't necessarily a 'good phony'?
Cent shrugged. "If they're good in bed they are good enough for me."

Shimmering Sea

How do you feel about water?
It's pretty refreshing drink after a hard work out.

What's your favorite thing to do at the beach?
Building sand castles and getting the details just right, before I go all godzilla on it. Fleeting but fun to be the creator and destroyer.

Have you seen Chad?
You know, I think someone in my office is called Chad. Describe him.


Do you like to dance?
"Of course!" Maaaaybe Cent misheard, but it took it as an invitation, getting out of his seat and offering his hand out to take the little mare for a spin.

What is your ideal music to dance too?
Anything with a upbeat tempo to get a body moving.

What relaxes you most?
Wanna come home and find out?

There was no going back, the wrestle, the dance, two bodies begging to be intwined, and she was so inviting. Cent picked up the little mare, holding her in his arms and did a full spin around the bar before lifting her up like in that dancing movie.



What's your favorite Pocket Monster type?
Machamp. We got somethings in common I think. And he's strong!

What's your dream Pocket Monster team?
I'd take a team full of strong monsters, probably fighting, ground and some flying.

How do you level up your mons?
Training practice, duh. I take a shot, they take a shot. But I would handle them with care.

Country Kitchen

What is your favorite comfort food and why?
I like anything that travels well and fits in my hands, usually fast food. I've mastered eating and walking at the same time,

What simple pastimes do you enjoy?
Archery is pretty big, but security frowns on that, so I try to keep busy with working odd jobs. Got one for me?

What is your favorite topping to put on potatoes?


What are your feelings on renewable energy/resources?
Sounds like a worthwhile investment, but I don't know much about it. Maybe you can teach me.

Would you eat lab created meat/food?
Sure, got some on you? I don't mind sampling some mystery meat.

Do you think Phonyland is energy efficient?
Probably could be better if my electric bill is anything to go by.
Lemon Lime,

Another challenger approaches!

Is MILF on your menu for tonight? ;D
When is it ever not? I'm up for anything.

Tell me all about how you won your coolest gold medal, award or achievement.
"Why tell when I can show!" Cent took out his bow and took aim, but without an arrow. Then he made wooshing sounds like an arrow was whizzing by.

Who's your favorite sports team or sports player? Mine's Rumbling Rocket, a female three time gold medalist for Tennis Single's Match Tournaments.
Can I say myself? Haven't met anyone who could out shoot me yet.

Happy Endings

What is your favorite genre of book?
Choose your own adventure. They're short and re-readable. Love to see what alternate endings there are.

Fabio or Fabi-no?
Fabio totally. We could be hair twins, I can't knock a mane like that.

What's your love language?
"Touch" Cent made a wiggly hands gesture.

King Cock

Do you like and/or have hens?
I don't have any myself, but ain't nothing wrong with having a few chicks around.

Which pellet mix do you think is the best?
I guess you'll have to tell me, I don't keep any hens to feed. I could tell you what proteins to get or recommend a good place to make photo copies, but not pellets. Unless you mean for nerf guns.

Free range or pasture-raised?
I want to break freeeeeeee. Can't keep anyone or thing tied down, unless of course they want to be tied down. Did I mention I can tie knots, and not just with my mouth?


Do you like to party?
Hell yeah, if you're offering I'll take it up. Gotta warn you though, I gotta be up at 7 am to get to work tomorrow though.

Yell really loud for me. Do it. It's fun.
Centaur let out a deep, primal war-cry like sound, immediately followed by a hearty chuckle as the all eyes at the bar turned to them.

How do you feel about monogamy and why does it suck?
Gotta have the freedom to move around, take chances now and then. It could be ok, maybe, if it didn't get stale.

Sweet Bread

What's your favorite sandwich?
Any sandwich you want to make sounds good to me. A breakfast sandwich especially.

Do you have any children of your own?
Nope, haven't had that pleasure yet.

Have you ever loved someone before?
I'm a blank slate, but eager to learn if you wanna teach me something about it.

Expired Expectation

What is one food you could go without?
I live for carbs so I can't say that, but I guess I could go without onions. I'd rather have fresh breath to be up close and personal.

What do you look for in a partner?
Someone willing to take risks, who's not afraid of a little adventure, in and out of the bedroom.

Why are you here?
To have fun and maybe go home with a mare or stallion, like you.

Bijou Blende

What's your work life balance like?
Unfortunately heavy on the work. I keep a lot of things on the go and rotate between jobs, but it's not too bad if you like being busy.

Out of the seven deadly sins, which one is yours?
"Pride , definitely. It'll be a cold day in hell when I stop inviting folks to the gun show. " And for the second time that night, Cent flexed his arm muscles.

Coffee or tea?
Coffee for sure. I got this little mug way back, it's great but I just wish it could be magically bottomless.
Fatal Attraction

How do you feel about horror movies?
Someone always does something stupid and it's hilarious to watch them make dumb mistakes that real people never would.

Would you love me forever and ever and ever?
"If I took your bed would you still be there in the morning? " Answering her question with a question.

Would you find it weird if your partner dug through your trash?
I ain't nothing to hide, but I can think of things better to do with you than dumpster dive.

Paws Button

Do you enjoy wearing costumes?
That depends on where I'm wearing them. Do you have one in mind you want to see me in? I could put on a show, for you.

If you could dress up as any fictional character who would you choose? I would choose from mythology, maybe Hercules. I'd look good in a white robe. Maybe you'll see.

Have you made anything you're really proud of?
"Well one time this mare and I.... " Cent leaned in and whispered something naughty that was best left between only consenting adults.


Rough Shards,

What is your ideal Sunday afternoon?
Getting errands done first, then checking out what's going on in town. Whatever tickles my fancy at thr time.

How do you feel about rainy days?
Their better if I got someone to hold on to cozied up inside by a fire.

Where would you hide a present to keep it a surprise? "Well if I told you that it wouldn't be a hiding spot anymore, would it?" Cent laughed.

Wisp (skip skip because I'm lazy)


Kaiju Blue

If your destiny was to save the world, what threat would you be defending it against?
Time bandits! Never know when they'll hit, so gotta make the most of all the time I have.

If you were on a monster-fighting team with your best friend, what would your team name and theme be, and what would your uniforms look like?
Arm and Hammer. I'd be the arm, but maybe you can fill the role of the hammer. Probably wear something skin tight, in green or red, but easy to move in. Like spandex.

Would you rather go to the deep ocean or deep space, and why?

Definitely space. I guess you could say that I share an affinity with the stars. I wouldn't mind exploring them.


How do you stay in contact with your pals?
Talk on the phony, sign language, written word, body language. The last one is my favorite if you know what I mean. Communication is easy if you got the right tools.

How do you wind down after work?
Taking shots, in every manner possible.

What's your sleep schedule like?
That depends on my work schedule, but usually it's some late night and early mornings. Gotta rely on that caffeine to keep me pumped up and going all day or night.



The night commenced. The calm, vaguely romantic bar became a blur of color - thanks in part to the throng of Technicolor phonies tonight, flitting from table to table. The occasional screams puncturing the hum of voices didn't clear anything up either. Nina shook her head, and set to meeting her dates for the night...

Ah, the bartender. With artfully tousled hair and a piercing gaze, Nina was happy to answer his questions anyway. He didn't need to be on the menu to be a possible friend, at least.
What's your favorite drink (alcoholic or non)?
"...I just like grapes," Nina admitted, glancing down at her flank in light embarrassment. Hey - she'd just been programmed that way! Right? "Artificial or natural or freshly long as they're purple." She raised her chuuhai cheerfully.

What brought you here tonight? Do you think you'll find true love or just a new friend?
Nina grinned. "I don't want true love - but there's a whole valley between that and friendship."

Technically I'm off the menu. But if I wasn't... Talk dirty to me.
"Sorry - I don't perform on demand."

A nervous-looking Earth phony stood before Nina, clearly getting progressively bolder as she drank. That was fine with Nina.
If you could be anywhere other than here tonight, where would you be?
Nina cackled. "Cross country cycling!" Though that wasn't exactly an ideal night-time activity. "I'd take a live concert, too - I'm not too picky on the genre, but the audience has gotta be sober enough to appreciate the acoustics, but not just staidly sitting there, either."

I watch a lot of movies when I'm not making macarons and the like. What's your favorite movie genre, and why?
This required a little more thought, because Nina didn't have much time for movies. Still, in media there was certainly an archetype of protagonist she liked - one she couldn't possibly emulate herself. "I like heists," she said. "Elaborate plans that go awry, and quick, creative thinking that pulls them together in the end anyway."

...What's your opinion on mares with a little more... junk in the trunk? This is purely for scientific research. That I'm interested in. Very important.
Nina looked. Then she smiled.

This pegasus did not seem to stop moving. Nina could certainly appreciate that.
I like a GOOD, strong drink. What did ya get from the bar?
She held it up for inspection. "Kyoho chuuhai," she explained. No matter what anyone thought, Nina would never outgrow a fruity drink.

What's the most RECKLESS thing you've done? For legal purposes, don't tell me any crimes.
"I'm often taken to aimless wanderlust," Nina admitted. "In the unmarked wilderness." She beamed. "Just wanna travel the world, ya know?"

Last, but not least! Sports?
"Ahh, I'm not much of a watcher," Nina said. Not for anything that typically grabbed the attention of bar-goers. "I like sports where the only opponent is yourself and your limits."

A seafoam-colored mer with lovely purple hair sat before her now. Nina grinned as she met those wide gold eyes.
Do you enjoy hanging out on the beach at night?
"Sure," Nina shrugged. It wasn't her favorite place to be, but she'd never turn down the beach. "I like bein' outdoors," she admitted.

Do you have any hobbies? Mine's collecting shells from the beach - I have like, a gajillion of them!
"I'm impressed!" she laughed. "Mine is cross country cycling. Love feeling the wind in my hair."

Would you rather be the artist creating art for a showing or a spectator enjoying the gallery? There's no wrong answer!
"Artist," Nina said immediately. "If performing arts counts." Though she didn't necessarily want to be the performer, either. Well - if Shimmering Sea cared, they could certainly discuss later.

This phony's mane had to be high-maintenance - all that and she glittered, too. Nina raised a brow in appreciation, but she didn't hesitate to get right into the questions.
What is the greatest adventure you've ever been on?
"I love biking, camping, nature - all of that." There was no hesitation. "The more untouched, the better - though I don't mind hoofing it when it really gets to tough to keep pedaling. Look, I climbed to the top of a waterfall once with my bird..." She whipped out her phone; the photo was her lock screen.

How comfortable are you around dead things?
Nina squinted. "Dead...things?" She glanced off to the next table. Had the phony before her really answered the same question? "I mean, I've killed bugs - I see carrion sometimes, and I've killed crabs before." To eat. "But I don't exactly hang out around dead things, either, and while I like nature I'm definitely no hunter."

On a scale of one to ten, how coordinated are you?
"," Nina said. "Eight? Guess I'm athletic, but - I'm no Olympian gymnast."

A charming phony with little fangs and a glowing horn greeted Nina.
"What animal do you feel the most kinship with and why?"
"I've never thought about that before," Nina laughed. "I dunno, assuming I can't say a horse - how 'bout a Tibetan sand fox? They like the mountains, I like the mountains...and they're smart and fast, which." She shrugged. "Not to be egotistical, but those are certainly qualities I value."

Wisp becomes distracted midway through your conversation by literally anything and points to something else in the room. "Would you look at that, isn't that neat?"
Nina turned. She had no idea what was being indicated here. "The clock?" she asked, hoping she'd guessed right. "The theming here is pretty on-point."

If you could get back any one thing you've lost what would it be?.
"I like to live in the present," Nina said. "But I guess I haven't spent very much time socializing with other Phonies, and I've been meaning to." She offered a wry grin. "Funny, innit? I'm not an introvert by any means, so I really can't say why it's taken me so long."

An alicorn with a very quiet voice and a camera waved at Nina, and she gaped just a little. What in Phonyland...? Hadn't there been some kind of confidentiality agreement before entering this bar? Well, whatever - she'd keep her secrets mum. Not that she had many of those.
What is your opinion on ASMR?
Nina raised a hoof, twisting it to indicate a non-opinion. "I don't really feel the sensation, but sometimes I let the ones without whispering play me to sleep - it's more organic than white noise."

Would you consider yourself wealthy?
"Nah," Nina laughed. But she didn't care very much about that, either.

Do you think I'm the most beautiful mare in the room?  I'm a gamer girl, by the way.
Ah - was the alicorn doing some kind of prank thing? Nina looked directly at the camera with disbelief and didn't deign to answer the question.

Nina trotted neatly to the table and settled in. This pegasus had long, luscious white hair and a sad look on her face.
Have you ever been in-love before?
"Nope." Nina said. She didn't plan on it, either.

Do you ever see yourself settling down with someone?
"...not in a romantic sense," she said. "Sorry."

What's your first memory?
"It's pretty boring," she warned. "But it's, ah, math competitions. Those things stick with you for life."

The enthusiasm of this flutter was quite endearing, Nina thought.
Oh no! An orc breaks into the restaurant! What do you do?
"An orc?" Nina grinned. "To the emergency exit for me, though I think I can chill by the coat racks 'til the worst of the crowd has already swarmed on by."

[color=greenDescribe your ideal first date![/color]
"Anything outdoors," Nina said. "Talking is important, so no concerts or movies, and I like hiking and biking and whatnot - so I'd want them to be able to keep up on at least a light trip."

What's your favorite fruit?
"Grapes," Nina said firmly. "Though I do really like fruit."

This pegasus had some hella anime bangs. Nina could appreciate that.
DC or Marvel?
"I'm not getting into that one," Nina said. "I like some indies though - but usually I pick by art style."

Name your top superhero or supervillain from any movie or tv genre.
Uhhhh. "One of the Tokyo Mew Mews." Nina said. She had neither read nor watched Tokyo Mew Mew, but she knew many of them had food names, which was kind of like a phony. "The Lettuce one. That name is bold."

How would you feel if your partner wasn't necessarily a 'good phony'?
"I don't plan to settle down," Nina answered promptly. "That said, I think it's stupid to call phonies 'good' and 'bad'. We're just people."

This very cheerful mer really did have a nice 'do. Nina gave her a nod of appreciation before they started on their question and answer session.
How do you feel about water?
"Thumbs up," Nina shot back, keeping her hooves firmly on the table.

What's your favorite thing to do at the beach?
"Hiking, climbing, spelunking - I like rocky beaches."

Have you seen Chad?
That wasn't a phony name - but then again, Nina wasn't really one either. "No," she said. Probably not, anyway.

This tiny purple phony was in full motion, and Nina couldn't help but appreciate it. She looked sharp, too.
Do you like to dance?
"Love it!" Nina beamed. "Ain't learned any ballroom or anything, though." Foxtrot was a ballroom dance, right?

What is your ideal music to dance too?
"Punk rock, probably - but anything that's not atonal is fine. Also, bonus points if it's live."

What relaxes you most?
"Being outdoors," Nina said. "I love a little breeze in my hair and a view from the peak."

Oh man - this phony looked fun, though Nina had to admit Pikachu was definitely a turn off for her. Still, that didn't count him out as a friend.
What's your favorite Pocket Monster type?
"Aw, man - definitely Psychic."

What's your dream Pocket Monster team?
"I haven't thought that hard about it," Nina laughed. "I like to take things as they come. My favorite as a kid was my shiny Swablu. I did not expect to catch her."

How do you level up your mons?
Nina shrugged. " random encounters, right?" Was there any other way?

This draft phony had some classic ringlets. Nina tilted her head to listen to his questions.
What are your feelings on renewable energy/resources?
"Cool with me," Nina said. "I mean...I don't know what else I can say," she laughed. "I don't think it's an individual's responsibility, though. Big corps are the only ones who can change anything."

Would you eat lab created meat/food?

Do you think Phonyland is energy efficient?
Nina squinted. " would I know?" she asked, genuinely stymied.

A Phony with an accent, hm? Nina didn't even know they made them that way.
What is your favorite comfort food and why?
"I'm guessing grapes aren't an answer...rice porridge?" she tried. "I like it with lean pork and century egg."

What simple pastimes do you enjoy?
"Math puzzles, I guess." That was simple, right? Very little investment required.

What is your favorite topping to put on potatoes?
"Definitely salt and pepper," Nina said. "Soy butter is okay too, but potatoes are nothing without salt."

Nina swapped to a confident unicorn with striped horn and striped legs - like the bartender himself. Wow.
Is MILF on your menu for tonight? ;D
"I don't think I'll get to be the sole arbiter of that," Nina laughed.

Tell me all about how you won your coolest gold medal, award or achievement.
"My coolest?" Nina paused to think. What did other phonies think of as cool? Citations probably didn't count. "Wanna see the waterfall I climbed last summer?"

Who's your favorite sports team or sports player? Mine's Rumbling Rocket, a female three time gold medalist for Tennis Single's Match Tournaments.
"I'm not that into team sports," Nina confessed. And she didn't really watch sports, either. Though any self-respecting cross-country cycler knew the phony whose name had launched entire video game series, so she cited that one.

A smug purple flutter greeted Nina, and she nodded in distraction. Wow, a transparent hoof!
What is your favorite genre of book?
"Heists, I think - anything with a mastermind type protagonist," Nina laughed. "I like seeing plans fall apart and then come together again at the end."

Fabio or Fabi-no?
"No." Nina said firmly.

What's your love language?
"Quality time."

Those wings were tiny, Nina marvelled.
Do you like and/or have hens?
"Like? Sure. Have? No."

Which pellet mix do you think is the best?
"I don't eat dog food," Nina said firmly. "Not even for dares."

Free range or pasture-raised?
Nina ran a hoof down the shaved-smooth side of her head. "I am not an expert in that," she said. "I barely even cook."

Oh, this was a hairstyle Nina could definitely appreciate. It looked a lot more effortless than her own, too. Nina offered a salute in greeting and settled in for the questions.
Do you like to party?
"Sure," Nina said. "So long as I can remember it in the morning."

Yell really loud for me. Do it. It's fun.
Ah, was this the source of that intermittent yelling? Well. She looked up at the ceiling and let loose. No one else had been kicked out yet, right?

How do you feel about monogamy and why does it suck?
"I dunno about that," Nina said. "But I am not a romance gal, so you'd be better off asking someone else."

What was with all these sad looks tonight? Nina offered the other purple unicorn a smile.
What's your favorite sandwich?
"Oh, man," Nina said. "I like BLTs that are heavy on the T - grilled grape tomatoes are especially great."

Do you have any children of your own?
"Yeah, a couple," Nina said. The result of a one night stand. They did all right.

Have you ever loved someone before?
"Nope." She popped the "p" at the end.

This crabby unicorn didn't quite look pleased to see Nina - but it was only a minute, right?
What is one food you could go without?
"I don't know," Nina said. "Maybe aspic."

What do you look for in a partner?
Ah. "I don't," Nina explained. "Or maybe - well - " She shrugged. "I don't like romance, really, but as long as we vibe - who knows?"

Why are you here?
"Just want something with low commitments," Nina said. "Some Phony company wouldn't hurt, either. Might as well get to know my own species, huh?"

The sweet smile on this pegasus was quite disarming. She was cute.
What's your work life balance like?
"...maybe a little heavy on the work lately, but I have hobbies, ya know."

Out of the seven deadly sins, which one is yours?
For Nina? "Jeez, I don't remember them all - is there one for, like, hubris?"

Coffee or tea?
"I like 'em both. Tea if it's flavored, either otherwise."

What the hell was this unicorn wearing?
How do you feel about horror movies?
"They're...I mean, they can be scary. I don't seek 'em out but I don't avoid them."

Would you love me forever and ever and ever?
"No," Nina said. "Sorry."

Would you find it weird if your partner dug through your trash?
"Yes, unless they told me what they were looking for. Like...I dunno...if they thought I'd thrown a receipt out?" Nina shrugged. "What kind of question is that?"

A small, cheerful, and also purple-and-white phony was practically bouncing at the table. Wow.
Do you enjoy wearing costumes?
"I prefer for others to wear my costumes," Nina said. "Used to do a lot of theatre and dance costuming - just as an amateur. I don't hate them though."

If you could dress up as any fictional character who would you choose?
"Aw man - uh - Iris from Pokemon, maybe? Though the clothes themselves aren't really my thing...I don't know." Most of her other favorite characters didn't have interesting looks at all.

Have you made anything you're really proud of?
"Plenty!" Nina grinned. "Most of them are kinda, ah, boring, though. A lotta papers. The math kind."

There was a seafoam-colored draft Phony here with quite an interesting hairstyle. Nina nodded and settled into his table.
What is your ideal Sunday afternoon?
"Biking on a mountain trail, with a picnic - probably a catered one - and my bird."

How do you feel about rainy days?
"They don't harsh my mellow. You can still hike in the rain!"

Where would you hide a present to keep it a surprise?
Nina laughed. "In one of my Math Folders - I keep my house pretty well-labeled, and no one wants to see that kinda stuff."

A sparkly phony with...with...tiny arms...sat in front of Nina now. Well - she'd seen a lot of things at Phonyland, that was for certain.
Do you like hands on experiences?
"Sure, love 'em," Nina said. He'd probably asked for the pun, but she might as well answer honestly anyway.

"Wanna arm wrestle?" Centaur Fold slap down an arm to the table ready to challenge. He always makes use of the extra limbs.
"...those arms are tiny," Nina marveled. But he was still, on the whole, a lot larger than she was. Why not, though? She was pleasantly buzzed. "Sure, if you don't mind that I've got no arms."

"How do you feel about finger... foods?" Cent eyes the menu and winks.
"I like grapes," Nina said. Though maybe she was due for a snack. There was no drinking on an empty stomach, after all!

Aw, this Pegasus was cool. Or so Nina thought until he opened his mouth, anyway.
If your destiny was to save the world, what threat would you be defending it against?
"Man, I'd like to say something cool - but it'd probably be, like, something political. Not because I'm good at politics, but because that's basically just a stats game now." She laughed. "It pays, though."

If you were on a monster-fighting team with your best friend, what would your team name and theme be, and what would your uniforms look like?
"That is a loaded question," Nina whistled. Also, way dorkier than she'd thought. She was a nerd herself, though. "I'll get back to you on the name, but I like smart pinstripes and a starched collar." She shrugged. "You can never go wrong with the classics. No idea how we'd fight in that getup, though."

Would you rather go to the deep ocean or deep space, and why?
"The ocean," Nina said firmly. "Space is cool and all - but there's so much we don't know here on earth, y'know?"[/spoiler]


It looked like a pretty sizable crowd had come into the bar tonight. The mood was feeling good as phony chatted and table-hopped, although the periodic screaming did make him wince from time to time. He'd poured a lot of drinks and was pleased with the overall results of the evening so far. It looked everybody had made their ring-arounds so now it was time to do his other function of the evening - host.

He made his way over to the dance floor, using unicorn magic to tote a wireless microphone over with him. He waited until the last of the guests had finished their conversations before he spoke directly into the mic. "Hey there everybody, if I can borrow your attention for just a second, please." He flashed another smile, enjoying being the center of attention of such a sizable group. "On behalf of my family and friends who worked hard to set things up for the guests tonight, I want to say thank you for joining us this evening! I hope you've all been having a good time- meeting phony you otherwise might not get to see on any ordinary day. Tonight is about mixing things up from our usual routines and trying something brand new: Finding common interests and making new Friendships, for those bold hearts a first or second chance for Romance, and I think some of you might even get Lucky in other ways." He couldn't help chuckling to himself. He was sure that Lemon Lime had worked her 'magic' on a few ladies tonight.

"The dance floor is now officially open, so it's time to Mingle! Get up and dance, order a bite to eat, or work your charm on those phonies who caught your eye tonight." Wrapping up his brief speech, Fruit Punch gave his audience a bow before returning to his former position behind the bar counter. He hoped that if there were any phony out there who'd missed out on Rounds 1 and 2 would still feel brave enough to join them this evening. Cloud Nine was welcome to all patrons but especially those on this gorgeous evening who were starry-eyed lovers just waiting for their chance to shine.



Hush Money found that this event had brought up a lot of feelings that the streamer had normally kept shoved deep deep inside.  Was there a hint of tears in her eyes?  No, of course not, she was a strong and powerful mare and she wouldn't let anyone make her feel like that ever again.  She wasn't a small, baby streamer anymore, she knew what to do with trolls and haters.  "Judgmental pricks," she muttered under her breath.  Whatever, these people didn't see her, which meant they were no better than the simps in chat and she knew what to do with people like that. 

At least the bartender was relatively normal, she thought, grabbing a shot from the bar and downing it as fast as she could.  She could still use this night to make money since evidently she wasn't going to be finding love here.

The alicorn lingered by the bar for a moment as she glanced at her phone, it seemed chat was interested in seeing more of the more 'freakish' phonies and Hush could work with that.  The Pikachu kid in particular was a real hit, not to mention the weird chicken guy.  She pursed her lips and swirled the few remaining dregs around in her glass.  She'd definitely consider having the electric mouse on her show sometime, although she felt a twinge of pity for the kid's obvious delusions.  Maybe she'd have a gentle talk with him sometime off stream...

With a gentle sigh she considered her options.  The boy with the weird leg, he was kind of cute but he'd been a real jerk and Hush was beginning to be in a real foul mood.  She wouldn't mind teaching him a lesson and a little drama always boosted her stream.  The alicorn made her way through the crowd towards the stallion, intent on making the food critic swallow the sourest pill he'd ever tasted.

"Ahem," she reached out to tap on Expired's shoulder.  "You said you thought i tasted bad, do you want to find out for sure?"

I am disabled, so if I'm slow to reply or disappear for a bit that's probably why.  Thank you for your understanding.


@Scaramouche Fandango

Knockout didn't know what he was expecting when he had settled on his questions for the night. His responses had been varied, which made sense, some phony showing interest and others not nearly as much. Honestly he had put the last question as more of a self-depreciating comment but it had still brought about some unanticipated replies. There was one though... that really stood out from the rest: Kaiju Blue. The sense of unease the red pegasus felt before talking to the other stallion must've been his fear of being disappointed... but he'd been completely wrong with that judgement.

He'd stayed silent at his table thinking about his situation - he'd wanted to just get out of here as soon as the conversations ended. He was a bit tipsy and should probably get out of here before he made a fool of himself somehow but... he'd been invited to talk more. When was the last time that had ever happened to him? And from a handsome guy with what seemed like a genuine personality, none the less. Knockout decided to finish the last drops of his highball before heading over to where Kaiju Blue was. If he turned this down he might actually regret it... so he might as well go big before he went home. "Hey." His greeting was casual, but it was obvious that he was a little hesitant to come over.

"Do you actually want to continue where we left off, or...?" He trailed off, but seemed to be asking if Kaiju Blue had other plans for tonight. Or at least, if he'd rather be talking to someone else at the moment instead. He didn't know what might happen from here but at least he'd felt brave enough to take steps across he room and come this far. First contact - would he fail or get the chance to be lucky for once?


Expired Expectations held a hoof to his temple. As the night wore on he could tell the music was getting louder and louder. Which didn't offer much relief for his headache or his temperament. Exp eyed the perverted bartender as he held the megaphone to make an announcement. The 'speed dating' part of the event was now OVER. "Finally--" He murmured to himself. His voice dripping in disdain. He didn't agree to any 'mingling' or 'dancing' so he was ready to call it a night. It was a long lonely walk back to home. Hopefully the night air would be refreshing and he could turn his attitude around.

For a brief moment he thought about one or two of the phonies he might have wanted a little more time with but ultimately he shook his head. He was sure that he didn't make a lasting impression on anyone this evening anyway. This was a waste of time. He just needed to say goodnight to his mother. Expired wanted to make sure she wouldn't be walking home alone in the dark.

The grumpy unicorn turned to look for Sweet Bread, but then felt a rapping on his shoulder. Expired turned around defensively, and puffed out his chest. He was not used to physical contact so this startled him. Standing before him was the, let's be honest, stunning powerful and very pissed gamer-girl alicorn. His time with Hush had been memorable to say the least. After it all, he was still not sure how he felt about her. Whatever internet persona she had going on drove him up the fucking wall. But there was that brief moment... She muted her mic. Her voice changed and she didn't seem like a totally monster. Well... Whatever. She clearly wasn't here to have a genuine conversation now. He would not waver.

His sour amber eyes narrowed. "I said what I said..."

((Hate makeout, when?? :D ))


Heavenly Body was feeling rather deflated after all that socializing.  Most of the phony were nice, but whew socializing with actual living people was a lot more work than the dead made it seem.  Sure, she had to interact with other people when wakes were held at the attached funeral home, but people weren't usually so chatty or energetic at those.  The mare rubbed her elbow nervously as she tried to make her way to a spot in Cloud Nine where she felt she would be out of the way of the group.  She took a seat at the booth in the far corner, carefully tucking her hair onto the plush booth bench.  She didn't want to cause any mishaps or ruin anyone else's fun.  Everyone else here was so... Well, alive!

Maybe when the floor was a bit more cleared out and easier to cross she'd make her way to the exit.  At least Doppel would be proud of her for trying she hoped.  He was always teasing her for her attachment to the deceased.  Why make up stories for the dead when you could meet people who had those actual stories after all?

HB looked out across the group, there were a couple of them there that she thought could probably tell her tales of lives similar to those she imagined the dead lived.
I am disabled, so if I'm slow to reply or disappear for a bit that's probably why.  Thank you for your understanding.



Hush quirked an eyebrow, a sneer on her face.  Oh, he was going to play it like that huh? 

"Uh oh kiddies!  Magical technical difficulties!"  She said with a wink to the camera as she unclipped it and her mic with her magic and carefully lowered them to hover just above the floor, a hint of anger to her voice.

"You know, so many people see the camera, the hair, and the money, and they decide they know what's what.  I'm not interested in people who only like me because of what they see at the surface level.  But you, you've made some assumptions about me too.  At least you weren't looking at me like I was some hot new toy at the store, objectifying me.  Instead you decided I was some sort of shallow gold digger.  Smells like sexism."  She leaned in close to the stallion, nostrils flaring.  "I don't need to date someone rich because I know how to make money on my own.  But, it's smart business sense to see who I should be trying to make partnerships with at major networking events like this," she spat.

The mare took a deep breath and a long pause, a fire shining in her eyes (or were those tears glittering).  "It's not like you see me getting messages at 4 AM from viewers thinking of hurting themselves.  You don't see me staying up at night to talk to them and direct them to mental health resources.  You don't see teens coming into my chat saying their parents kicked them out of their house for being gay and you don't see my bank account after I send those same kids money so they can catch a bus to their friend's house," she hissed, the stress seeping out of her like a leaking balloon. 

Clearing her throat, she lifted her equipment back up with her magic.  "Sorry about that chat!  You know how clumsy I am with my magic!"  She flashed a smile towards the camera, playing dumb as she shoved the anger back inside.

"Anyways, what was I saying?  Oh yeah, you'd think someone who looked like you do would know a bit about what it's like being judged now wouldn't you, bread boy?"

((anytime babyyyyyyyyy))
I am disabled, so if I'm slow to reply or disappear for a bit that's probably why.  Thank you for your understanding.


Regrind just sat where he was, ordering himself something else off the bar before checking his cell phone and checking the monitors on his wind turbines.  His house was left unattended for less than a few hours and already he was worried.  It was his own decision to be here, though, and thought it'd be a disappointment to someone if he didn't at least attempt to be social.

He saw the look on Heavenly's face and thought it looked familiar.  Maybe they would want to talk to an awkward stallion... or run away screaming.  Now was the time to find out.

"Hello, may we talk?" he asked.  "I just wanted to introduce myself proper."
