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Black Moor, Oranda & Ryukin Goldfish - CONTEST & FREE RAFFLE

Started by Ph0ny, May 18, 2022, 05:15:41 PM

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Name: Carp Diem . Catch of the Day . Imagine Dragon

Black Moor
Carp(e?) Diem: Carp Diem is an interesting fellow, a poet and lover of literature, he has quotes or inspiring words for every situation. 'Carp the day!' he tells you and you're pretty sure that's not the right quote but he seems so very earnest you don't want to correct him. 'Do or do, there is no don't!' Oh boy that's not right either. At least he's trying!  Every morning, he wakes up groggy and goggle-eyed from reading all night, unable to function until he's consumed an entire pot of coffee. But after that he's ready to share all the wisdom he's learnt!

Catch of the Day:
Big-eyed and somewhat unnerving, Catch of the Day is a surprisingly hard worker. She's got big dreams behind that vacant stare and goes about her day with a purpose. She knows it's the big fish who eats the little fish, so she wants to make sure she's the one on top! (She also eats a lot of fish just to make sure).

Imagine Dragon:
You know that story of the fish who jumps up the waterfall and the gods were like 'wow so tenacious' and so they turned it into a dragon? Imagine Dragon wants to be that fish. He'll jump up every waterfall and swim up every raging river! He's not exactly sure what he's doing but he's certain one day his dragon bloodline will blossom! An avid daydreamer and lover of stories, Imagine Dragon is lost in his own thoughts 100% of the time.

Preference List: black moor . oranda . ryukin



Night Lotus
What job do you take on, and why? Fin-surance Salesphony
What's the first thing you're gonna spend your paycheque on? Bills, then investments.  Gotta have little stashes of cash all over the place, just in case!  Frugal, buys in bulk and meal plans.  FOR FUN!  It gets obnoxious when guests arrive.

Row Your Bloat
What job do you take on, and why? Food Critic
What's the first thing you're gonna spend your paycheque on? Touring land lubber restaurants!  SO many to choose from!

About Three Finny
What job do you take on, and why? Small Business Owner of Aquarium Decor for Phonies!
What's the first thing you're gonna spend your paycheque on? Shiny objects!  Baubles, shells and really silly seashell kitsch from the tourist shops.  Tiki glasses are a must!


What job do you take on, and why? After getting an earful from their Landlord, about how messy and unsafe their apartment is, Treasure has taken it upon themselves to clean and organize their home. And they liked it so much, they decided to get a job doing the same thing. So now they work as a maid/house cleaner for hire.
What's the first thing you're gonna spend your paycheque on? Well since Treasure has so many belongings, they  decided the first thing they were going to get with their paycheck is a storage unit down at ol' Davy Jones Locker.

Hello everyone~!!!

Blinded By Silence

What job do you take on, and why?
Sea Kelp will find a job at a plant nursery. Particularly, they excel at recuperating plants that have been returned. Honestly, so long as she doesn't have to talk to anyone that isn't a plant, she's happy anxiously content.

Seas The Day is a temp worker. That way they can work but leave as soon as the job gets too comfortable and that's okay! Part of the job!

Fishcious Rumors would work well in a journalist setting. Particularly a gossip rag. That way, they'll be the most unlike target of slader. Right? They hope so...

What's the first thing you're gonna spend your paycheque on? [ your answer here ]
Sea Kelp - More plants...

Seas The Day - Save it. In cash. Who trusts banks?!

Fishcious Rumors - A pet, probably... But not a real one, what if someone petnaped them to use as blackmail! A stuffy, then.



Carp Diem
What does your new home look like?

In order to keep up appearances as a learned lover of literature and to make sure nobody can mistake him for anything else (unless it's a brooding hero in a Charlotte Bronco novel), Carp Diem has made sure his home is filled with books and scattered with random paraphernalia he's collected off people's lawns during garbage day. His apartment might look big and lavish but there's a terrible draft and it's probably haunted. Oh, he hopes it's haunted!

Catch of the Day
What does your new home look like?

Is that... two working fish fountains in your doorway? Why yes, Catch of the Day replied proudly, thank you for noticing. It would have been hard not to. Your feet are now wet. And is that lounge chair the one that went missing from the local pool? Hm.

Catch of the Day has gone for a maritime feel to her little apartment and she's keen to show off the various items she's acquired to make it homey. Like the net that still smells like lagoon and the really high bed for when the floor floods a bit too much.

Imagine Dragon
What does your new home look like?

Imagine Dragon has Big Dreams and is trying to make his apartment look like somewhere a real dragon would belong. He gravitates towards items that look shiny and golden while also filling his space with various motivational items to help him reach his end goal. He spent all his money on fancy gym equipment and cute posters and now he's stuck with a place that is open to the elements all year round. He never noticed there wasn't any glass in the windows...



Carp Diem
What job do you take on, and why?
A simple answer for a complicated fellow! Of course Carp Diem belongs at the head of a classroom, teaching literature to impressionable minds and helping shape their future. It doesn't pay well but he's not in it for the money. He's there for his students and to make sure they know,'The journey of a thousand miles begins with one stop'.  Also because it gives him a captive audience for his poetry.
What's the first thing you're gonna spend your paycheque on? A fancy quill! Feather quills, ink and paper don't really last long at the lagoon. Carp Diem is excited to actually write stuff down and own things that don't immediately get ruined.

Catch of the Day
What job do you take on, and why?
Despite the oversaturation of food related businesses in Phonyland, Catch of the Day arrived wide-eyed and unfazed, immediately deciding to open up a fish and chip shop. Is that not... cannibalism? some may ask, as she serves up her latest catch with a side of freshly fried chips and a wedge of lemon. There's a painting on the wall above her depicting a big fish swallowing a much larger one. 'Order number 72,' is all she says. She hasn't blinked once since you arrived. It's the best fish and chips you've ever had. 
What's the first thing you're gonna spend your paycheque on? A new fishing rod. She's been catching fish in her mouth and popping up out of the water with it thrashing about and too many people are asking health and safety questions.

Imagine Dragon
What job do you take on, and why? With all that swimming and jumping, Dragon decided to become a Phonyland Entertainer and was assigned to a big fountain where he leaps around, splashes children and imagines what he'll look like as a dragon.
What's the first thing you're gonna spend your paycheque on? There's a cosplay store with dragon horns that he's been eyeing off since he left the lagoon.


Name: All That Glitters
Personality: All That is a simple Phony who believes in a very simple concept - hard work pays off. So the reason they're going to be so popular? So successful? It's all because of their own hard work. Certainly it helps that they were born so beautiful and that they managed to find a whole slew of treasure to bring with them to the city - but their bright future? Solely the fruit of their labor. They'll be the talk of the town before you know it!
Preference List: black moor . oranda . ryukin


What does your new home look like?
All That Glitters: Well, it's certainly... cozy. But that's just for now! Soon enough I'll figure out where best to pawn this treasure, and then I'll move to a stable that's worthy of my presence. In the meantime, however, I'll decorate my temporary abode with all of my treasure. I'm an expert at interior design, you know. You can see that by how everything glitters when the sun hits my bowl in the morning! I've even found some golden tinsel to decorate the areas that were a little lacking in bling. Where do I sleep? Oh, what a silly question - the pile of gold is right there! I roll in it every day - they say it's good for the hips.


What job do you take on, and why? A job, you say... Why would I need one for? After all, with this much treasure I'm sure I should be the one hiring other Phonies! Mm, everyone should occupy their time with something, I suppose - perhaps I'll become a philanthropist, then. Yes, yes - I'll give my money to good causes, so as to share the results of my hard work with others!
What's the first thing you're gonna spend your paycheque on? What a gauche question, don't you think? Very well, if you must know - I wish to order a custom-made mirror with a solid gold frame. It's a bit quaint, I know, but I wish to look at myself only when I look my best - and I look best in gold.


Jet Stream
What job do you take on, and why? Jet Stream avidly searched for a job that would get him closer to the clouds. When he found the listing for Parking Attendant at the Phonyland International Airport he knew he'd found the perfect opportunity. He gets to enjoy small talk with customers and help them find their way to their flight gate, while also enjoying the fine view of both passenger and commercial planes take off and land throughout the day. It keeps him busy but he enjoys the hard work- saving up for his goals is worth all of the effort!
What's the first thing you're gonna spend your paycheque on? Jet's first paycheck was spent on the essentials first- he wouldn't want to lose the roof over his head by missing rent or forgetting bills. The remainder is split between his savings account and bargain shopping.

Bubble Bauble
What job do you take on, and why? Job? Bubble Bauble is already fully occupied by her drive to collect as many round objects as possible for her gallery. Sometimes spectators visit this quirky phony to barter or even buy odds and ends from her that periodically go for sale to help Bubsy clear and organize her space. It's a tedious and eccentric hobby but she wouldn't trade it for anything else.
What's the first thing you're gonna spend your paycheque on? Whether it was a stroke of luck or accidental genius discovered that coins are a form of currency. It just so happens she's got a knack for finding them littered across Phonyland in her daily strolls for shiny spheres. When she does have a decent amount to spend she buys the objects she desires that she couldn't take home with her "two hoof discount".

Puffed Up
What job do you take on, and why? Puffed Up considers himself to be an entertainer and influencer. His natural beauty, strength and grace make him desirable in all aspects of life. When he's not preening and performing for his fans he's chatting and posting online and trying to keep his social media profiles active. Puff needs to maintain his well-groomed lifestyle so he'll model and flaunt to
What's the first thing you're gonna spend your paycheque on? Spa Trips. Lots and lots of spa trips to keep him looking his pampered best.


Name: Bad Roe-mance (for Oranda, ryukin would be Sea-cret World and Moor would be Beyond the Veil)
Personality: Bad is obsessive.  She is typically hyper focuses on their interests, romantic or otherwise.  She tries to make everything perfect and is very enthusiastic, generally to the point of going to far.  Trying to write a love letter?  Somehow it's ended up being a little weird (and gone a bit off track).  Decorating your room?  Dang it looks like a glitter bomb went off in here.  But hey, it's the thought that counts right?
Preference List: Oranda, moor, ryukin

I am disabled, so if I'm slow to reply or disappear for a bit that's probably why.  Thank you for your understanding.


What does your new home look like?

Fancy Free finds himself in a tiny studio, nearly devoid of furniture...mostly because his landlord scammed him, but at least it means there's plenty of open space for him to move around in! After proudly lining one wall with mirrors (it's a home studio!), he seems to have run out of budget for decorating. However, the fire escape makes for a great pretend balcony for him to lounge about and look relaxed (he doesn't smoke; he was raised better than that!). He keeps his wardrobe, and his toiletries, in his suitcase still (there's nowhere else to put them, and it's shaped like a treasure chest!) but admittedly he hasn't managed to figure out how he's supposed to store food yet. It's a good thing his neighbors are awful kind people, and keep inviting him over for dinner!

Yes. He lives like this.

Real estate may be pricy in Phony City, but Bubble and Squeak is a shrewd phony, and considers herself the queen of thrifting. Her space is colorful and cozy, filled to the brim with kitschy food-shaped furniture (okay, so that hamburger beanbag cushion isn't exactly a bed - but it's super comfy, and even though her cute peach blanket wouldn't make sense flavor-wise, it's super warm!). She keeps the curtains drawn to invite the light in, and the centerpiece of her home is the huge kitchen island. She has priorities, and if that means she's sleeping in a least she's living in style!

No Filter's new apartment is pretty no-frills: his furnishings all come straight from Phony Ikea, but he's got all the necessities. He uses DIY decor to keep the walls a little less bare, and managed to finagle some friends into customizing some of his furniture. He's not too bothered, though; he spends most of his time in the park cloudgazing anyway, so as long as everything's neat at home it's all good. He does keep a shelf stocked with knick knacks he picked up on his journeys; mostly beat up items that probably should've been returned to their owner instead of kidnapped into a memento. Finder's keepers!



What job do you take on, and why? [
Fancy Free is the receptionist of the gym he was first referred to at Phony City. It's a great job; they don't even care that he spends most of his time staring off into space thinking about choreography instead of taking phonies' entrance fees! But for some reason they never give him a shift alone.

Oh, you thought Bubble and Squeak wouldn't know the ultimate free food secret? She's a food journalist who gets her meals at ritzy restaurants comped by the newspaper she works for. She's knowledgeable in her field, too; someday she'll be the next Jonathan Goldfish!

No Filter is a tour guide. He doesn't know why, but sometimes people happen upon him just minding his own business at a landmark and ask for a tour in exchange for a generous tip. He's great at 'fake it til you make it'.
What's the first thing you're gonna spend your paycheque on? [
Fancy Free's neighbors have been so generous to him while he doesn't have a fridge! It'd probably be a great idea to get them a gift basket: a nice, fluffy towel, a reusable insulated water bottle with plenty of space, a nice watch with an accurate timer, some sweat-wicking gear...those are all things Fancy Free would love to have, so he's sure his neighbors will think the same!

Bubble and Squeak is ready to celebrate her first paycheck with a down payment on her first car. Bo-ring, she knows, but it's important to make engagements on time when your schedule's as full as hers should be!

No Filter is definitely getting a new DSLR.


What does your new home look like?
Fairytail : A fishbowl with a big porcelain book and a stage with curtains in the center of it.
Nibbles : A big cookie jar with water in it. She is the happiest when her home reminds her of food.
Spawn : A inflatable pool - besides it, with many signs hammeried into the ground that points to the pool that says "Spawn's home." "Spawn your home is this way." "This way to Spawn's home."

What job do you take on, and why? Fairytail would be fit to be a narrator. With the constant enthusiasm in his voice, he is surely to be able to capture the audience's attention.
What's the first thing you're gonna spend your paycheque on? Choose your own adventure books. lots and lots of them.

What job do you take on, and why? Food critiquer. Nibbles as her name states. can taste anything and everything without feeling full and not to waste time.
What's the first thing you're gonna spend your paycheque on? Food. all the delicious food.

What job do you take on, and why? A mime. Spawn would be good at not making a sound and stare off into the distance without moving a muscle...
What's the first thing you're gonna spend your paycheque on? Another sign with a giant arrow.

so sleepyyy ;-;