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Fea's Phakers

Started by Fealine, January 01, 2021, 05:01:24 PM

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Old Gaia Quest Thread

Rage Quit - ✔️ Approved on Gaia
Heavy Rain - ✔️ Approved on Gaia
Tetra -
Flutterby -


Name: Rage Quit
Sex: Female
Type: Earth
Build: Slender
Body: #ad1734 color
Eyes: #5df3de with black sclera
Hair: #1f1f1f with streaks in #5df3de and #ff92ad, style would be kind of jagged, rough, angry looking but still feminine.
Cutie Mark: An angry symbol with little steam puffs
Brief Character Description:

Rage Quit has a talent for getting pissed off at any task and giving up with spectacular anger no matter what the task may be. Video games, cooking, cleaning, folding laundry, building projects, sleeping. Simple or hard it doesn't matter to this earth pony. Her ineptitude at life makes her explode like a volcano which usually results in broken appliances...or other things.

+ Ref pics where possible:
(Amazing art by Syrcaid TOT)

Fireflight: The current design is approved conditionally, which is to say only for special customs [auction/RLC or where stated], due to non-normative eyes (black sclera).


Name: Heavy Rain
Sex: Male
Type: Earth
Build: Draft
Body: #989899
Eyes: #9a75e3 sort of sad looking even when he's happy
Hair: #232325 with streaks in: #67676e and #5e4298, super straight like wet mane style, falling all around his face and neck. About mediumish length, same for tail.
Cutie Mark : An origami umbrella with three little paper rain drops.
Brief Character Description: Heavy loves rain, from the smell, the sound and to how dark and gloomy the sky is. While not talented enough to be a weather pony he's found he has a knack for shaping and building umbrellas in many different styles, shapes and colors. He also has a hobby for origami but is only really good at making little dogs and paper umbrellas...which do not mix well with rain by the way. Like at all.
+ Ref pics where possible:

Fireflight: The current design is approved conditionally, which is to say only for special customs [auction/RLC or where stated], due to draft build.


Tetra - I'll get her form filled out in a jiff


Name: Flutterby
Personality: Vibrant and sweet with a bit of a silly side, Flutterby has always had a passion for the delicate insects that help spread nature's nectar. Especially fond of butterflies, she's dedicated her life to educating phonyland of importance of butterflies via her butterfly gardens, where she charges a small fee to let others surround themselves by various small fluttering beauties. She'll tell you, Just flutter on by, then giggle madly to herself as she flits off.
My Easter Egg:


Faux Regard
Purpose would be to offer condolences/well wishes where there might be none. However, as his name states, its purely fake.
He's not a bad guy hes just......skewed. He actually has no idea how to show his true emotions so he just breaks.
Physical details to come later.
Thinking drab colors