
Thank you for coming and welcome to My Little Phony's new standalone forums!
Please bear with us as we continue setting up info and admin all over the site.

If you're here from Gaia, here's a helpful list of changes on the new site!

If you experience difficulties/delays in receiving your activation email, please let us know!
You can contact us on Discord or email us at adopts(at)
We will be checking for new members and will activate your account ASAP.
Live and Hotmail have been especially particular about receiving email from our servers. D8

Thank you for joining us and your patience as we sort things out! Remember, Phonyland loves you!

Main Menu


Started by snoofington, January 07, 2021, 11:15:54 PM

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Not gonna make this pretty yet, I'm still figuring organization out:

Power Ballad (designed)
Leather Rebel (needs design)
Hologram Glam (designed)
Memento Mori (needs design tweaks)
Rolling Fog (needs design tweaks)
Courtly Love (needs design tweaks)
Fatal Frame (needs design tweaks)
Domino Effect (needs design)
Corner Pocket (needs design)
Holly Hock (designed)
Sweet Vermouth (needs design)
Cookie Dough (designed)
Mudslide (designed)
Bleeding Heart (needs design)
Desert Rose (needs design)
Whiskey Danger (dare i make a daiyu phony?)