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Messages - cursedwanderer

Phony Stables / Re: Cursed's collection (WIP)
May 22, 2021, 03:41:31 PM
Phony Stables / Re: Cursed's collection (WIP)
May 22, 2021, 03:41:26 PM
Phony Stables / Re: Cursed's collection (WIP)
May 22, 2021, 03:41:21 PM
Phony Stables / Re: Cursed's collection (WIP)
May 22, 2021, 03:41:17 PM
Phony Stables / Re: Cursed's collection (WIP)
May 22, 2021, 03:41:12 PM
Phony Stables / Re: Cursed's collection (WIP)
May 22, 2021, 03:41:06 PM
Phony Stables / Re: Cursed's collection (WIP)
May 22, 2021, 03:40:57 PM
Phony Stables / Re: Cursed's collection (WIP)
May 22, 2021, 03:40:51 PM
Phony Stables / Re: Cursed's collection (WIP)
May 22, 2021, 03:40:40 PM

Hush Money found that this event had brought up a lot of feelings that the streamer had normally kept shoved deep deep inside.  Was there a hint of tears in her eyes?  No, of course not, she was a strong and powerful mare and she wouldn't let anyone make her feel like that ever again.  She wasn't a small, baby streamer anymore, she knew what to do with trolls and haters.  "Judgmental pricks," she muttered under her breath.  Whatever, these people didn't see her, which meant they were no better than the simps in chat and she knew what to do with people like that. 

At least the bartender was relatively normal, she thought, grabbing a shot from the bar and downing it as fast as she could.  She could still use this night to make money since evidently she wasn't going to be finding love here.

The alicorn lingered by the bar for a moment as she glanced at her phone, it seemed chat was interested in seeing more of the more 'freakish' phonies and Hush could work with that.  The Pikachu kid in particular was a real hit, not to mention the weird chicken guy.  She pursed her lips and swirled the few remaining dregs around in her glass.  She'd definitely consider having the electric mouse on her show sometime, although she felt a twinge of pity for the kid's obvious delusions.  Maybe she'd have a gentle talk with him sometime off stream...

With a gentle sigh she considered her options.  The boy with the weird leg, he was kind of cute but he'd been a real jerk and Hush was beginning to be in a real foul mood.  She wouldn't mind teaching him a lesson and a little drama always boosted her stream.  The alicorn made her way through the crowd towards the stallion, intent on making the food critic swallow the sourest pill he'd ever tasted.

"Ahem," she reached out to tap on Expired's shoulder.  "You said you thought i tasted bad, do you want to find out for sure?"


[spoiler]Fruit Punch
Paws was determined to do her mama proud.  The mare bounced over towards the bartender for her 'practice round.'

What's your favorite drink (alcoholic or non)?
"Strawberry milk," she grinned.  "It's such a happy drink.  Strawberry soda is good too!"

What brought you here tonight? Do you think you'll find true love or just a new friend?
"I'd be happy either way!"

Technically I'm off the menu. But if I wasn't... Talk dirty to me.
"Look, I play video games online.  I know lots of swear words."

Banana Creme
This cute mare looked like she could use some extra pep in her step and Paws was here to bring it.

If you could be anywhere other than here tonight, where would you be?
"A convention!  I love seeing all the crazy and wonderful costumes, not to mention the art and the new games that haven't come out yet."

I watch a lot of movies when I'm not making macarons and the like. What's your favorite movie genre, and why?
"Hmm, i guess it'd be action comedy!"

...What's your opinion on mares with a little more... junk in the trunk? This is purely for scientific research. That I'm interested in. Very important.
"It requires a little extra work when pattern drafting but that's not a big deal!"

Torte Bar
This mare seemed like she would make a great commander for an army.  Paws could just picture the costume now.

I like a GOOD, strong drink. What did ya get from the bar?
"I LIKE PINA COLADAS AND GETTING CAUGHT IN THE RAIN," was she hyped to be here?  Yes she was.

What's the most RECKLESS thing you've done? For legal purposes, don't tell me any crimes.
"Waited till the last minute to finish up my cosplay costume a day before the competition.  Whew, that was a close one!"

Last, but not least! Sports?
"Not really my speed, but it makes me happy to see other people get excited about things."

Shimmering Sea
Paws could tell she and this mer would vibe well.

Do you enjoy hanging out on the beach at night?
"Of course!  Think of all that extra beach to yourself!  Though it'd be more fun if you brought friends alone and had a bonfire!"

Do you have any hobbies? Mine's collecting shells from the beach - I have like, a gajillion of them!
"Well, my true love is cosplay, but I also like reading manga, watching cartoons and anime, and playing video games!"

Would you rather be the artist creating art for a showing or a spectator enjoying the gallery? There's no wrong answer!
"The artist!  I love coming up with cool costume designs!"

Willow Wisp
Wow!  This phony looked so magical!  The mare wondered for a moment if the horn had LEDs hidden somewhere on it to get that cool glowing effect.

"What animal do you feel the most kinship with and why?"
"A kitten cause they're playful and fun," she smiled.

Wisp becomes distracted midway through your conversation by literally anything and points to something else in the room. "Would you look at that, isn't that neat?"
"WHOA!  THAT IS THE COOLEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!  They've got everything here!"

If you could get back any one thing you've lost what would it be?.
"Hmmm, well I did lose my original copy of Breath of the World...  i bought another one though!"

Blind Love
This mare was pretty and twice-as-fancy like her!  Paws admired her cute marking.

Have you ever been in-love before?
"Nope!  My sister has though!"

Do you ever see yourself settling down with someone?
"Maybe!  I hope so I guess."

What's your first memory?
"Playing dress up with my sister."

Kiwi Kiss
This flutter seemed COOL.  Paws really liked her first question.

Oh no! An orc breaks into the restaurant! What do you do?
"Oh my gosh!  Ok!  So, first I would put on my battle ready armor, then I would throw one of the glasses in another direction as a distraction, then I would take my sword and..."  The mare rambled on for a few minutes going over her plan.

Describe your ideal first date!
"Someplace fun, like a carnival or an arcade!"

What's your favorite fruit?
"Hmm, you might think strawberry but actually cherry!"

Paws thought maybe she'd seen this phony around or maybe it was some relative of his at the convention center.

DC or Marvel?
"I like both.  I'm not going to limit my enjoyment based on other people wanting to start a feud," she grinned.

Name your top superhero or supervillain from any movie or tv genre.
"I'll cosplay as most any of them, but I like Catwoman the best!"

How would you feel if your partner wasn't necessarily a 'good phony'?
"Good as in nice or good as in law abiding?  Those are different!"

Tsunami Waves
This mer looked like a whole lot of fun!

How do you feel about water?
"It's fun.  I like splashing around and playing with squirt gun and water balloons."

What's your favorite thing to do at the beach?
"Bury my sister and then turn her into a sand mermaid!"

Have you seen Chad?
"Pft, yeah!  He wins all the costume contests," she huffed.


Do you like to dance?
"Mama, you know I only do dancing video games!"

What is your ideal music to dance too?
"The video game kind!"

What relaxes you most?
"Sewing of course!"

Was this guy cosplaying?  If so his costume was impressive!

What's your favorite Pocket Monster type?

What's your dream Pocket Monster team?
"All magikarp!" She giggled.

How do you level up your mons?
"I like to give them candies and also rotate out who is the lead.  Everyone deserves to feel special!"

This guy looked so cool!  He could definitely see someone trying to cosplay him!

What are your feelings on renewable energy/resources?
"They're good!"

Would you eat lab created meat/food?
"Sure!  i'll eat whatever!"

Do you think Phonyland is energy efficient?
"I have absolutely no idea!"  She laughed.

Country Kitchen
Paws stared in awe for a moment.  She'd met Kit before and she'd always thought he was pretty.

What is your favorite comfort food and why?
"Pizza!  It's like the go to food for when you want to chill with your friends."

What simple pastimes do you enjoy?
"I guess watching cartoons?"

What is your favorite topping to put on potatoes?

Lemon Lime
This mare kind of reminded her of her mama, it was nice.

Is MILF on your menu for tonight? ;D
"Oh!  Did you meet mama already?"

Tell me all about how you won your coolest gold medal, award or achievement.
"Well I spent three months planning my costume.  I pattern drafted it from scratch and hand dyed the fabric.  I even did extensive embroidery work on it!"

Who's your favorite sports team or sports player? Mine's Rumbling Rocket, a female three time gold medalist for Tennis Single's Match Tournaments.
"Uh, I like the swim team from that manga!"

King Cock
Wow!  This stallion had a lot of energy!  Paws vibrated with excitement, hoping they could talk about something fun.

Do you like and/or have hens?
"Nope!  I have a jelly though!"

Which pellet mix do you think is the best?
"Well Double Jump just kinda oozes over things and then they dissolve...  I think?"

Free range or pasture-raised?
"I don't let Double Jump outside.  Someone might squish her!"

Shrill X
Paws thought this mare might be fun to meet out on the dance floor, she might even bust out the moves she learned from DDR.

Do you like to party?
"YES!  Especially in costume!"

Yell really loud for me. Do it. It's fun.

How do you feel about monogamy and why does it suck?
"I don't really care either which way.  I just want to have fun!"

Sweet Bread
Sweet Bread seemed so pretty and well... Sweet.  Paws sighed, feeling a bit calmer just by looking at her.

What's your favorite sandwich?
"I like ham with provolone cheese, mustard, and potato chips inside!"

Do you have any children of your own?

Have you ever loved someone before?
"Not that I an recall!"

Expired Expectations
Whaaa!  This guy was cool looking!  Was the bread leg real or was it a prop he made she wondered.

What is one food you could go without?
"Calamari.  Yuck!"

What do you look for in a partner?
"I guess I'd like someone nice who knows how to have fun and has similar interests!"

Why are you here?
"i thought it would be fun!"

Bijou Blende
Was that a princess or a cosplayer?  Paws was happy either way.  She wondered if maybe Bijou needed rescuing from an evil turtle perhaps?

What's your work life balance like?
"I make costumes for other people for work, but I make costumes for myself for fun!"

Out of the seven deadly sins, which one is yours?
"Oh, that's a tough one.  Maybe envy?"

Coffee or tea?
"COFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.  How else would I stay up late working on costumes?"

Rough Shards
This guy reminded her of that show she liked with the rock people!  Was that show actually non-fiction?!  Paws couldn't help but squeal.

What is your ideal Sunday afternoon?
"Probably playing some video games, maybe sewing a little.  Read the latest manga if there is a new one out."

How do you feel about rainy days?
"Splashing in puddles is fun!"

Where would you hide a present to keep it a surprise?
"Under my excess fabric!"

Centaur Fold
This guy had hands!  Those sure would be helpful when sewing!

Do you like hands on experiences?

"Wanna arm wrestle?" Centaur Fold slap down an arm to the table ready to challenge. He always makes use of the extra limbs.
"I probably wouldn't be good at that, but ok!"

"How do you feel about finger... foods?" Cent eyes the menu and winks.
"They're great to eat at cons!"

Kaiju Blue
This guy looked cool as heck and he said he wore some sort of costume for work.  Paws stared at him in awe.

If your destiny was to save the world, what threat would you be defending it against?
"Any villains!  All the villains!  When I dress up I'm ready to go against anyone (from the relevant series or book)."

If you were on a monster-fighting team with your best friend, what would your team name and theme be, and what would your uniforms look like?
"I think my sis and I would make cute magical girls and I don't think we've cosplayed that yet!  Our team name would probably be something like the caped cuties!"

Would you rather go to the deep ocean or deep space, and why?

Paws liked the look of this mare, though her cutiemark made her wonder if the questions were going to involve a lot of math.  she hoped not!"

How do you stay in contact with your pals?
"Oh I message them online or send them a text!"

How do you wind down after work?
"Video gamessssssss"

What's your sleep schedule like?
"If I don't have a commission to do I like to sleep till noon, but if i have work then NO SLEEPING ALLOWED!  Ha ha!"

[spoiler]Fruit Punch
Fatal Attraction smiled at her first partner, teeth glittering almost menacingly in the low light of the bar.  He was handsome, although she wasn't quite happy about his answers to her questions.  She'd pouted a little bit at his response to the second one in particular. 

What's your favorite drink (alcoholic or non)?
"Bloody Mary" she murmured, a disappointed look on her face.  He wouldn't love her forever and ever?  She didn't like that.

What brought you here tonight? Do you think you'll find true love or just a new friend?
"Of course I'm going to find my true love here, it's destiny.  I just know it."  She gazed out across Cloud Nine at all the pretty little prey phony there were to choose from.  Some of them were particularly appealing, she hoped maybe one of them might be the one.  If not, maybe she'd just have to convince her favorite that they were.

Technically I'm off the menu. But if I wasn't... Talk dirty to me.
"Disgusting pig, I can only talk like that to my one true love, and since you aren't him..."  She huffed, eyes glittering.

Banana Creme
This next girl was cute and this girl had responded to her questions rather favorably.  Fatal eyed her with interest, taking her in.

If you could be anywhere other than here tonight, where would you be?
"Outside your bedroom window, watching you sleep."  Fatal did not think that was a weird thing to say.

I watch a lot of movies when I'm not making macarons and the like. What's your favorite movie genre, and why?
"Horror.  I find it inspiring how creative they can get with the different ways to kill someone or drive them mad."  Fatal chewed her lip, for a brief moment wondering if that was too extreme.  "I work a horror ride of course, so it's for... Research."

...What's your opinion on mares with a little more... junk in the trunk? This is purely for scientific research. That I'm interested in. Very important.
"I like to get my hooves dirty in a good pile of junk."  She did dig through trash after all.

Torte Bar
The unicorn thought it was interesting that this mare had asked if she was a cop and even more so when she overheard that Torte was a lawyer.  The law typically didn't approve of her... Romance techniques.

I like a GOOD, strong drink. What did ya get from the bar?
"Bloody Mary"

What's the most RECKLESS thing you've done? For legal purposes, don't tell me any crimes.
"I-" Fatal narrowed her eyes for moment, unsure of the legality of 'threatening' her previous love interest's wife.  "Flirted with someone I knew was married."

Last, but not least! Sports?
"If my one true love likes them then I like them."

Shimmering Sea
Oh this mare was very cute and Fatal wouldn't mind her one true love being a beautiful princess.  She found the answer's to her questions to be rather adorable.

Do you enjoy hanging out on the beach at night?
"The only thing better than the night stars is the eyes of my one true love," she said, staring into Shimmer's eyes as she spoke.

Do you have any hobbies? Mine's collecting shells from the beach - I have like, a gajillion of them!
"I like to...  Investigate people," she giggled. 

Would you rather be the artist creating art for a showing or a spectator enjoying the gallery? There's no wrong answer!
"I like to watch" in more than one way.

Willow Wisp
This mare hadn't seemed enthusiastic when answering her, but she hadn't responded negatively either.  Fatal looked her over.  She was definitely cute at least.  She pondered for a moment what she would find out about this mare if she did some digging.

"What animal do you feel the most kinship with and why?"
"The African wild dog.  They're known for their persistence." And Fatal was nothing if not persistent in her hunt for love. 

Wisp becomes distracted midway through your conversation by literally anything and points to something else in the room. "Would you look at that, isn't that neat?"
Fatal was a rather distractible mare herself when she wasn't focused on someone in particular.  "Oh yes.  I've seen that phony around.  Did you know that everyday at 3PM they go get a coffee before returning to work?  They also like to buy softies brand toilet paper."

If you could get back any one thing you've lost what would it be?.
Fatal lets out a sigh and slumps in her seat.  "My ex, that horrible witch stole him from me.  She brainwashed him.  He said he didn't even know who I was!  He knows now though.  He knows..."

Blind Love
This mare was really cute and she seemed like the romantic type.

Have you ever been in-love before?
"Oh yes, but...  He's gone now." 

Do you ever see yourself settling down with someone?
"That is my biggest dream," she sighs happily.

What's your first memory?
"Looking at a beautiful doll that belong to another foal and wanting it."

Kiwi Kiss
This mare was a flutter, so slender and delicate.  It reminded Fatal of those bugs that people pinned inside frames.

Oh no! An orc breaks into the restaurant! What do you do?
"If they're a threat to my beloved then I would grab one of the steak knives and cut it's hamstrings."

Describe your ideal first date!
"A romantic candlelit dinner where we spend hours staring into each other's eyes."

What's your favorite fruit?
"Blood oranges."

This stallion was a little rude, she sniffed.  She bet he'd be the type to try and steal her one true love right out from under her.  Fatal pondered if he needed to be dealt with in some way...

DC or Marvel?
"I don't like you."

Name your top superhero or supervillain from any movie or tv genre.
"Hannibal Lector," not super, but she certainly envied his intellect.

How would you feel if your partner wasn't necessarily a 'good phony'?
"That doesn't bother me."

Tsunami Waves
The answers to her questions from this mer felt like a rejection and Fatal did not like that.  Clearly this mer was just more competition.

How do you feel about water?
"People can drown in even the smallest puddle of water."

What's your favorite thing to do at the beach?
"People watch."

Have you seen Chad?
"Chad arrives home in 13 minutes and 47 seconds.  Then he will spend five minutes looking through his mail before he begins to prepare dinner.  He typically makes spaghetti and meatballs on Friday nights," she said flatly.

Another negative Nancy so it seemed.  Fatal was beginning to get annoyed.

Do you like to dance?
"Only with my one true love."

What is your ideal music to dance too?

What relaxes you most?
"Watching my beloved from a distance."

This rude little stallion just up and left her at the table.  Fatal muttered curses under her breath.

What's your favorite Pocket Monster type?
"Poison."  She was considering slipping some in a drink or two right now.

What's your dream Pocket Monster team?
"Whatever is cutest and deadliest."

How do you level up your mons?
"By using them against my enemies."

Oh, this one also liked to go through the trash.  Fatal wondered if perhaps they might be kindred spirits.  Maybe he was the one?

What are your feelings on renewable energy/resources?
"They're not as important as finding my one true love who will never leave or betray me," she said quickly, a wild look in her eyes.

Would you eat lab created meat/food?
"Does it taste bad?"

Do you think Phonyland is energy efficient?
"The rides definitely aren't."

Country Kitchen
This one was kind of cute.  She wondered how they would look together.  He looked strong, like he could protect her from whatever wicked phony tried to steal him away from her.

What is your favorite comfort food and why?
"Grapes.  I like how they pop when you eat them."

What simple pastimes do you enjoy?
"People watching."

What is your favorite topping to put on potatoes?
"Curry ketchup."

Lemon Lime
This mare was fun and flirty, but she seemed to be flirting with every mare in sight.  Fatal did not do well with jealousy.

Is MILF on your menu for tonight? ;D
"It wouldn't be the first time."

Tell me all about how you won your coolest gold medal, award or achievement.
"I broke into my ex's house and stole it off his mantel."

Who's your favorite sports team or sports player? Mine's Rumbling Rocket, a female three time gold medalist for Tennis Single's Match Tournaments.
"The most beautiful one."

King Cock
Well if he didn't look like a prey animal Fatal didn't know what did.  She rather liked his answers to her questions, but...

Do you like and/or have hens?

Which pellet mix do you think is the best?
She squinted at him.  This was not romantic at all.

Free range or pasture-raised?
There was no way this was her one true love she thought, staring at him.

Shrill X
Mmm, this one seemed kind of tasty.  Fatal was digging it..

Do you like to party?
"I prefer to watch."

Yell really loud for me. Do it. It's fun.
The mare takes a deep breath then lets out a guttural scream at the top of her lungs, uncaring of the opinions of others.

How do you feel about monogamy and why does it suck?
Well this was certainly a deal breaker.  "I don't like sharing my one true love's affections," she said with a scowl.

Sweet Bread
This mare was pretty, though from her answers she didn't seem to be quite Fatal's type.

What's your favorite sandwich?
"Roast beef, horse radish, banana peppers."

Do you have any children of your own?
"Not yet.  I'm interested in acquiring some."  Then it would be harder for her one true love to leave her.

Have you ever loved someone before?
"Yes.  He's gone now."

Expired Expectations
Fatal looked at the next stallion and smiled.  He was handsome and interesting, she especially liked that mysterious blood streak he was sporting.  For a moment she made note of the odd loaf of bread the stallion was sporting.  How delicate was it she wondered?  Did it break easily?  "Wally's Wonderland, it's an indie film.  I particularly enjoyed Midwinter though." she said in response to his response.

What is one food you could go without?
"Pork sausage.  I prefer mine made of horse," she winked.

What do you look for in a partner?
"Loyalty.  I can't stand wandering eyes.  They make me feel so insecure," she sighed, fanning herself.

Why are you here?
"To find you of course."  Was that smooth?  Fatal thought it might of been.

Bijou Blende
This mare liked cuddling, which Fatal thought was pretty cute.  Someone she could perhaps protect from anyone nefarious who might try to steal her away.

What's your work life balance like?
"I do what I want when I want."

Out of the seven deadly sins, which one is yours?

Coffee or tea?
"Tea.  Caffeine can make you make mistakes."

Rough Shards
Big and strong, Fatal considered that she wouldn't want to face this stallion in a physical fight.

What is your ideal Sunday afternoon?
"Watching my beloved do whatever their heart so desires" as long as it wasn't looking at other potential love interests.

How do you feel about rainy days?
"I like them, particularly when there are thunderstorms.  Then it's the perfect time to watch a horror movie."

Where would you hide a present to keep it a surprise?
"The same place I hide everything else.  In the walls."

Centaur Fold
This stallion had hands.  Those could be a problem in certain... situations.

Do you like hands on experiences?
"Depends.  What is the experience with?"

"Wanna arm wrestle?" Centaur Fold slap down an arm to the table ready to challenge. He always makes use of the extra limbs.
"Will you cry if i cheat?" She certainly was interested in testing the strength of those arms.

"How do you feel about finger... foods?" Cent eyes the menu and winks.
"Fingers can be quite delightful depending on how you prepare them."  Fatal laughed at her own joke.

Kaiju Blue
He was handsome and considerate, Fatal nearly swooned.  "I prefer psychological horror the best, but I'm fine with gore."

If your destiny was to save the world, what threat would you be defending it against?
"People who cheat or steal away someone's love."

If you were on a monster-fighting team with your best friend, what would your team name and theme be, and what would your uniforms look like?
"They'd be covered in sharp and jagged spikes so that our enemies couldn't touch us and the name would be...  The followers." 

Would you rather go to the deep ocean or deep space, and why?
"I'd go wherever my beloved is."

This mare was cute and spunky, not to mention the last of the offerings Cloud Nine had to provide Fatal with.

How do you stay in contact with your pals?
"I keep track of their schedules and show up when I want to see them."

How do you wind down after work?
"Nothing beats people watching."

What's your sleep schedule like?
She cracks a laugh but otherwise doesn't answer.

[spoiler]Fruit Punch
Happy Endings smirked and pulled out a business card, sliding it across the bar.  "My number."

What's your favorite drink (alcoholic or non)?
"I think for tonight my favorite cocktail can be Unicorn Kisses," he winked.

What brought you here tonight? Do you think you'll find true love or just a new friend?
"I came looking for some company, but I'm open to anything."

Technically I'm off the menu. But if I wasn't... Talk dirty to me.
"Lets save that for later why don't we."
Banana Creme
This mare was a little bit jittery, which meant she'd be easy to woo if he laid on the charm.

If you could be anywhere other than here tonight, where would you be?
"I don't think I'd rather be anywhere else right now outside this moment, held captive by your beautiful eyes."

I watch a lot of movies when I'm not making macarons and the like. What's your favorite movie genre, and why?
"Romance.  My parents run a book store and my mother and I both spent a lot of time in the romance section."

...What's your opinion on mares with a little more... junk in the trunk? This is purely for scientific research. That I'm interested in. Very important.
"How do that song go?  I like big butts and I cannot lie..."

Torte Bar
Happy was pleasantly surprised that she at least knew what he was talking about when it came to love languages.  He was beginning to think that most phony in here were a bit helpless when it came to love.

I like a GOOD, strong drink. What did ya get from the bar?
The flutter thought for a moment, pondering over what this mare would likely find to be best.  His eyes darted to the fiery orange streak in her hair for inspiration.  "I got a Screwdriver of course."

What's the most RECKLESS thing you've done? For legal purposes, don't tell me any crimes.
"I suppose seducing a carousel horse is rather reckless when you're my size."

Last, but not least! Sports?
"I can enjoy sweaty bodies in motion, but I'm not the sort to play."

Shimmering Sea
This mer seemed sweet and innocent.  If he played his cards right, maybe he'd have a few phony calling on him once the evening was over.

Do you enjoy hanging out on the beach at night?
"Nothing is more romantic than a night under the stars."

Do you have any hobbies? Mine's collecting shells from the beach - I have like, a gajillion of them!
"One might say my hobby is falling in love."

Would you rather be the artist creating art for a showing or a spectator enjoying the gallery? There's no wrong answer!
"If I can't be the art then I think I'd rather enjoy a good view."

Willow Wisp
A unicorn that was a bit more magical than the rest.  She reminded him of his mother a bit with her unique appearance.

"What animal do you feel the most kinship with and why?"
"I think a peacock would be an obvious choice.  Beautiful and showy."

Wisp becomes distracted midway through your conversation by literally anything and points to something else in the room. "Would you look at that, isn't that neat?"
Ever the people pleaser, even if he had no idea what she was talking about.  "Quite."

If you could get back any one thing you've lost what would it be?.
Happy looked solemn for a moment.  "My family."

Blind Love
That last question had really put a damper on things.  Happy turned to the pink pegasus and plastered on a smile.  The show must go on after all.

Have you ever been in-love before?
And what a combo, Happy felt like he'd been punched.  "Yes, but she found someone she liked better."

Do you ever see yourself settling down with someone?
"I don't know anymore..."

What's your first memory?
"Looking at my mom's books piled high on the kitchen table."

Kiwi Kiss
Another flutter, Happy gave his wings a twitch in recognition.

Oh no! An orc breaks into the restaurant! What do you do?
"Seduce them," he grinned then took a sip of his drink.

Describe your ideal first date!
"I live to bring pleasure to others.  What's your ideal first date?"

What's your favorite fruit?
Happy looked at the mare and held in a laugh.  This should be an easy question to get right.  "Kiwi."

Someone was looking a little grumpy, maybe Happy could fix that.

DC or Marvel?
"I'd love to hear your argument on the merits of one over the other."

Name your top superhero or supervillain from any movie or tv genre.
"Poison Ivy," she was seductive right?

How would you feel if your partner wasn't necessarily a 'good phony'?
"Did I say I was a good phony?"

Tsunami Waves
Another giggly, happy girl.  He bet he could make her blush.

How do you feel about water?
Given she was a mer, Happy thought this was another easy question to answer.  "I love it.  If I could live in the sea I would."

What's your favorite thing to do at the beach?
"Snorkeling is rather fun."

Have you seen Chad?
"I have.  He's quite handsome."

A charming dancer.  Maybe she could use a partner.

Do you like to dance?
"With you?  Of course."

What is your ideal music to dance too?

What relaxes you most?
"If I had someone to do it with it would be cuddling by an open fire."

This phony seemed a bit like a kid.  Did anyone check that he was old-enough?

What's your favorite Pocket Monster type?
Yep.  How did a kid get in here?  "Ghost.  Now are you old enough to be in a bar?"

What's your dream Pocket Monster team?
"Whatever Pocket Monsters you think are best."

How do you level up your mons?
"Rare candies, yum."

Ohhh, now wasn't he handsome.

What are your feelings on renewable energy/resources?
"It's good?"  Would anyone say that sort of thing is bad?

Would you eat lab created meat/food?
"I'll eat anything if you feed it to me."

Do you think Phonyland is energy efficient?
"Uh, probably?"

Country Kitchen
Two handsome stallions in a row.  Happy eyed this one's pretty hair and unique spots.

What is your favorite comfort food and why?
"My grandmother's mochi always makes me smile."

What simple pastimes do you enjoy?
"I like reading and cuddling."

What is your favorite topping to put on potatoes?
Lemon Lime
This mare was ready to tussle and Happy was here for it, for a price.

Is MILF on your menu for tonight? ;D
"I'd eat MILF any day."

Tell me all about how you won your coolest gold medal, award or achievement.
"I don't think I have any of those..."

Who's your favorite sports team or sports player? Mine's Rumbling Rocket, a female three time gold medalist for Tennis Single's Match Tournaments.
"What a coincidence, I also love Rumbling Rocket." As if he knew who she was.

King Cock
Happy couldn't help but flash a grin at the rooster like stallion's name.  Now didn't they make quite a pair.

Do you like and/or have hens?
"I have a hen, her name is Eternity, just like how long I want to spend with you."

Which pellet mix do you think is the best?
"Isn't it better to simulate their natural diet with a mix of insects and seeds?"

Free range or pasture-raised?
"Well, I keep Eternity in my house and yard.  I'm not running a farm."

Shrill X
Someone famous was here, how very nice.  He'd definitely want to cuddle up to her.

Do you like to party?
"With you baby?  Any day."

Yell really loud for me. Do it. It's fun.
Happy does his best attempt at yelling while still trying to appear sexy.

How do you feel about monogamy and why does it suck?
"Monogamy has never brought me anything but heart break.  So far I'm much happier keeping my options open."

Sweet Bread
She was rather beautiful, Happy noted.

What's your favorite sandwich?
"Chicken Katsu on white bread with lettuce, tomato, and mayo."

Do you have any children of your own?
"Not that I know of."

Have you ever loved someone before?
"Yes..."  He grimaced.

Expired Expectations
He seemed a bit grumpy or was it loneliness Happy sensed?  Comforting the lonely was his purpose after all.

What is one food you could go without?
"Wasabi, blehhhh" he stuck out his tongue for a moment before letting out a laugh.

What do you look for in a partner?
"I'm not picky as long as they love me back.  There's something beautiful about everyphony."

Why are you here?
"Looking for someone to spend the night with, although I wouldn't mind love either."

Bijou Blende
She was cute and a little bit fancy.  He wondered if she was royalty or just rich judging by the crown.  He'd love to ingratiate himself to her either way.

What's your work life balance like?
"If you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life."

Out of the seven deadly sins, which one is yours?
"Lust.  But, I am in the business of pleasure after all."

Coffee or tea?
"Coffee.  I need the energy to... Stay up all night," he winked.

Rough Shards
This stallion was like a mountain turned to flesh.

What is your ideal Sunday afternoon?
"Laying in bed cuddling, then waking up and having a nice picnic brunch."

How do you feel about rainy days?
"I used to like them, but now..."

Where would you hide a present to keep it a surprise?
"In the false bottom of one of my drawers."

Centaur Fold
Happy wondered if the Centaur knew how to take advantage of those hands of his.

Do you like hands on experiences?
"I love an experienced stallion."

"Wanna arm wrestle?" Centaur Fold slap down an arm to the table ready to challenge. He always makes use of the extra limbs.
"Oh no, I'm afraid you're much too strong for me."

"How do you feel about finger... foods?" Cent eyes the menu and winks.
"Mmm, I have some particular food in mind."

Kaiju Blue
The last stallion of the night and he was a looker.

If your destiny was to save the world, what threat would you be defending it against?

If you were on a monster-fighting team with your best friend, what would your team name and theme be, and what would your uniforms look like?
The flutter thought of his sister, Penny.  "Something like the lonely hearts and we'd have anatomically correct skeleton suits with a not so anatomically correct heart on them."

Would you rather go to the deep ocean or deep space, and why?
"I'd go anywhere deep with you," he winked.
Had he seen this one around somewhere?  He rather liked her purple color.

How do you stay in contact with your pals?
"Sometimes I write letters, they're rather romantic.  But for more timely communications I just use my phone."

How do you wind down after work?
"Work is how I wind down," he chortled.

What's your sleep schedule like?
"Oh I sleep around all the time."

[spoiler]Fruit Punch
Ah, the bar tender.  He seemed like he'd make an easy mark.  She'd happily give him a little free advertising in exchange for a few more free drinks.  "Lovely place you've got here, Cloud Nine was it?  We'll see if my chat will remember that," she winked.

What's your favorite drink (alcoholic or non)?
"Jalepeno Paloma.  Spicy, smoky, sweet.  What more you could need?"

What brought you here tonight? Do you think you'll find true love or just a new friend?
"I suspect likely the same reason you're hosting this event.  Money," she whispered.  "Although my chat would go wild if I could become part of a power couple."

Technically I'm off the menu. But if I wasn't... Talk dirty to me.
"Hold on a second, I need to change my stream rating to mature..."

Banana Creme
This one seemed a little nervous, Hush flashed her a smile.  GooTube was full of socially awkward viewers.

If you could be anywhere other than here tonight, where would you be?
"Streaming somewhere else of course.  Most streams are at home, but I like traveling and streaming on the go too.  I'm hoping to take a trip out of the country soon."

I watch a lot of movies when I'm not making macarons and the like. What's your favorite movie genre, and why?
"Gritty urban fantasy.  The world isn't as nice as everyone likes to make it out to be, but there is still an element of something magical to it."

...What's your opinion on mares with a little more... junk in the trunk? This is purely for scientific research. That I'm interested in. Very important.
"As my chat would know, I'm a slave to the booty," she nods towards her camera with a wink.  "Isn't that right chat?"

Torte Bar
This one seemed a bit high strung, she thought.  Hopefully it wouldn't clash too much with the vibes she was trying to lay down for the stream tonight.  She quirked an eyebrow when she caught that the mare was a lawyer, dollar signs practically shining in her eyes.

I like a GOOD, strong drink. What did ya get from the bar?
"Jalepeno Paloma, I don't want to get too sloppy on stream though."

What's the most RECKLESS thing you've done? For legal purposes, don't tell me any crimes.
Nothing illegal, eh?  "Streaming has forced me to confront a lot of my insecurities, which can feel reckless.  It's hard to put yourself out there when you think negatively about yourself.  I've been trying to embrace courage for the sake of money.  Singing on stream for example felt reckless the first time I did it.  Although there was one time I went out for a walk at night without my body guards and..."

Last, but not least! Sports?
"Not really my thing unless we're talking about eSports?"

Shimmering Sea
A mer?  People did go gaga over the more hard to find phony types.  Maybe she could get a few donations out of this.

Do you enjoy hanging out on the beach at night?
"I think it's pretty, but going anywhere at night by yourself can be dangerous."  Something she knew from experience.

Do you have any hobbies? Mine's collecting shells from the beach - I have like, a gajillion of them!
"Well I like video games, cooking, singing, cracking jokes, reading..."  She trailed off.  "One needs to be versatile and willing to do weird stuff to maintain viewers."

Would you rather be the artist creating art for a showing or a spectator enjoying the gallery? There's no wrong answer!
"I'm a creator, I create and I'm tired of people thinking there's no hard work that goes into running a stream."

Willow Wisp
Ohhh, this one was a little special.  Hush's eyes lit up as she looked the mare over then glanced towards her phone to check on chat.  It wasn't often people saw such a unique looking phony.

"What animal do you feel the most kinship with and why?"
"A leopard, I take what I want, but I know how to camouflage too."

Wisp becomes distracted midway through your conversation by literally anything and points to something else in the room. "Would you look at that, isn't that neat?"
Hush scanned the room, looking for whatever the unicorn got distracted by.  "Do you think it's inconsiderate to not devote your full energy to a conversation with someone?  It rather belies a lack of interest and reveals a self-centered nature if you can't even be bothered to put the energy in to pay attention to the other person for five minutes."  The alicorn was not a fan of not being the center of attention.

If you could get back any one thing you've lost what would it be?.
"The past five minutes I wasted telling you my tragic backstory while you were too busy looking at a piece of confetti stuck to the wall."

Blind Love
A little irritated by the previous conversation, Hush did her best to regain her composure as she met up with the sweet looking pink phony.

Have you ever been in-love before?
"Yes, but I can't reveal with who until I reach my latest sub goal."

Do you ever see yourself settling down with someone?
"Maybe.  I want to see the world first and focus on my career a bit.  I think I'll probably date around, see who brings my numbers up the best before deciding."

What's your first memory?
"The gentle sound of butterfly wings."

Kiwi Kiss
This girl seemed to have a lot of spunk, she might make for a good teammate in a game.

Oh no! An orc breaks into the restaurant! What do you do?
Hmm, to approach this realistically or like it's a video game?  "Summon my bodyguards, then break a leg off the chair to use as a club."

Describe your ideal first date!
"Someplace eye-catching and unique, great for photo ops and would get me a lot of views."

What's your favorite fruit?
"Strawberries.  Stream likes to donate a lot of money to watch me eat them."

Muscle.  Hush could always use an extra body guard or two.

DC or Marvel?
"Image.  I'm a big fan of Sex Thieves, Lore, and the Devilish and the Holy."

Name your top superhero or supervillain from any movie or tv genre.
She glanced towards her phone.  Everyone did love the memes... "The Joker of course."

How would you feel if your partner wasn't necessarily a 'good phony'?
"Oh, I don't have a problem with that as long as it's kept all hush hush."  She leaned in as she spoke, giving the seductive whisper that had made her famous on GooTube.

Tsunami Waves
A surfer girl?  Those types didn't typically have a lot of money...

How do you feel about water?
"I enjoy swimming and hot tubs," she winked.

What's your favorite thing to do at the beach?
"Float on my back, weightless."

Have you seen Chad?
"Psh, how could I have not seen Chad?  He's one of the most popular emotes on GooTube."  With that she lifted up her phone to show off a chat filled with spammed emotes.

Hush eyed the dancer, she wasn't particularly skilled at dancing herself, but she had been tempted to make a music video lately and those could use backup dancers...  Plus her daughter watched her?  Hush always enjoyed a good ego boost.

Do you like to dance?
"If I get paid for it."

What is your ideal music to dance too?
"Something popular so everyone knows it and can dance along."  Popular music brought in more money than something obscure, although it was frustrating to work with due to DMCAs.
She always had to make sure she talked over the music loud enough to not worry about copyright.

What relaxes you most?
"Being completely alone someplace I know I'm safe and don't have to deal with other people's problems."  Probably shouldn't of said that on stream.

Oh ho ho, look at this one!  Hush nearly shouted with joy.  This guy was just like that game character!  This was definitely going to bring in the big bucks, plus she liked that game series to boot.

What's your favorite Pocket Monster type?

What's your dream Pocket Monster team?
"On stream I'm going to use the strongest combination available.  We're talking Haxorus, we're talking Scizor. Off stream, I'm gonna go for cute but edgy.  i'm partial to Luxray in particular."

How do you level up your mons?
"When I was a kid I used to just use the starter and slap on experience share, but now I go through the work grinding them.  Exp. share feels a bit like cheating now since they buffed it."

Poor but handsome?  That was kind of appealing, although his hobbies made him seem a bit like he was some sort of trash gremlin...

What are your feelings on renewable energy/resources?
"I think it should be illegal for major corporations to bribe the government into blocking progress.  Algae based fuel should of been a thing ages ago."

Would you eat lab created meat/food?
"Oh yeah, I eat improbable meat.  It tastes almost identical to real meat too.  There's this really great place in the suburbs that makes an improbable meat sandwich with sweet chili hot sauce and pickled apple slaw.  It's amazing.  I covered it on one of my food specials."

Do you think Phonyland is energy efficient?
Hush stroked her chin for a moment.  She did a lot of research on subjects she thought were important to discuss on stream and she was never shy about politics, but she hadn't looked into Phonyland itself.  "Well, we're a bit higher-tech than most of the surrounding areas, but the world is always progressing.  I'm sure there are ways we could be more."

Country Kitchen
He seemed sweet and he wasn't bad looking, but a bit dumb.  How did he not know what ASMR was?  Hush squinted at him for a moment, frustrated.  Could she squeeze a few pennies out of him?  He might make a good body guard or temporary arm candy.

What is your favorite comfort food and why?
Hush twirled a strand of hair as she thought for a moment.  "Chicken nuggets.  There's a lot of variety in flavor from restaurant to restaurant so you never know what exactly you're going to get.  Plus they're easy to eat and come with a variety of sauces."

What simple pastimes do you enjoy?
"I know how to do a little bit of everything for my job, but if I'm off stream and relaxing?  I'll take napping for 500 Alex."

What is your favorite topping to put on potatoes?
"Depends on the prep and where I'm getting them from.  My favorite fry place makes this amazing cheddar sauce using a locally sourced lager."

Lemon Lime
This mare was flirty and stream rather liked that.  There was quite a few donos in the chat hoping Hush would flirt back, but she wasn't sure if she was feeling it.

Is MILF on your menu for tonight? ;D
"I can look past any flaw for enough money," she winked.

Tell me all about how you won your coolest gold medal, award or achievement.
"I consider the success of my stream to be my biggest achievement.  I research topics daily to cover for discussion, stream nearly constantly, manage my community's drama even when offline...  Not to mention practice games enough to get to an impressive skill level in them to maintain watchers."

Who's your favorite sports team or sports player? Mine's Rumbling Rocket, a female three time gold medalist for Tennis Single's Match Tournaments.
"Am I allowed to reference eSports or is that not allowed?"

King Cock
A chicken man, now wasn't that a sight?  Hush could practically sense the chat going wild.

Do you like and/or have hens?
"I don't have the time for pets at the moment, although I do like animals."

Which pellet mix do you think is the best?
"I have yet to need to research chicken care for stream, so unfortunately I can't answer that.

Free range or pasture-raised?
This one she sort of knew, although her knowledge wasn't quite chicken specific.  "Pasture, free range is misleading."

Shrill X
Hush was surprised to see the infamous Shrill X here.  While their audiences didn't quite overlap, Hush's community was certainly aware of the radio host.  This was a pretty good opportunity for a collab.

Do you like to party?
"Of course, what else do you think I spend my money on?"  She laughed, the smile not quite reaching her eyes.  Her personal preferences didn't quite lie with partying, but her chat loved to see it.

Yell really loud for me. Do it. It's fun.
"I think that would be a bit of a break from character from stream, how about this?"  The alicorn did her best stage whisper yell.

How do you feel about monogamy and why does it suck?
"It has pros and cons.  I see the appeal of both monogamy and polyamory."

Sweet Bread
This mare was cute.  Hush would certainly have to try that hairstyle out sometime.

What's your favorite sandwich?
"I generally try to avoid eating bread, but if it's from my favorite fast food place then it's the improbable sweet chili burger."

Do you have any children of your own?
"Nope.  I wonder if stream would like that..."  She mumbled.

Have you ever loved someone before?
"Yes, but I will only tell you who for a $100 donation or if chat reaches my latest sub goal."

Expired Expectations
This one didn't seem to like her, which got the alicorn a bit fired up.  She did like a challenge, plus he was cute (minus the weird leg).  How dare he not like her?!

What is one food you could go without?
"Bread."  Should she of said that to someone partially made of bread?  Ugh, maybe she was making things worse.

What do you look for in a partner?
"For short term partners I would want someone who could boost my numbers and I would look good with.  Long term though..."  She muted her mic.  "I want someone I feel safe to be myself around instead of the chore of having to be what other people want me to be."  She glanced at her phone.  Chat was not happy they'd missed out on part of the conversation.

Why are you here?
"I thought it could be a fun episode for stream.  It's hard coming up with plans every time.  Sometimes it's nice to just do something and let what happens happen."  She shrugged.

Bijou Blende
Hush eyed the tiara with a frown.  She wasn't big on having competition for cutest girl in the room.

What's your work life balance like?
"I work 24/7 and it's slowly killing me," Hush said in a monotone voice before letting out a laugh.  "People pay to watch me sleep," she said in a loud whisper.  Chat knew and was unashamed.

Out of the seven deadly sins, which one is yours?
"Can i pick both greed and pride?"

Coffee or tea?
"I like the taste of coffee, but it gives me anxiety.  Never good when you're a performer."

Rough Shards
Well this might be the strongest stallion in the room.  Hush would have to get his number.  She would definitely hire him as a bodyguard.

What is your ideal Sunday afternoon?
"Do I have to work or no?  If I'm working then my ideal would be to make lots of money doing whatever I'm doing.  If i'm not...  Well, I think I'd like to just sit in my oversized bean bag and just do nothing at all with no one bothering me."

How do you feel about rainy days?
"I like them, it's especially nice when the power goes out and I get to take a break from working.  I like windy days better though, where it feels like you just might blow away and never come back down." she looked off into the distance.

Where would you hide a present to keep it a surprise?
"If I say this on stream I will be robbed."

Centaur Fold
Hands.  Hands?  Hands.  Was stream seeing this?  What the heck?!

Do you like hands on experiences?
"Can you code, edit footage, or moderate a chat?  Cause if you're 'handy' with that I'll hire you."

"Wanna arm wrestle?" Centaur Fold slap down an arm to the table ready to challenge. He always makes use of the extra limbs.
Hush's face lit up, a fiery look in her eyes.  "I will destroy you noodle arms."  Chat would like to point out that she was very competitive.

"How do you feel about finger... foods?" Cent eyes the menu and winks.
"Chicken nuggets are the bomb!"  She whisper shouted.

Kaiju Blue
Ohh, he seemed edgy.  She kind of liked that.

If your destiny was to save the world, what threat would you be defending it against?
"Depends on the genre we're talking about.  Evil pocket monster thieves that want to take over the world?  A greedy corporation wanting to take over a small farming village?  Zombies created by a mad woman who wants to return her daughter from the dead?"

If you were on a monster-fighting team with your best friend, what would your team name and theme be, and what would your uniforms look like?
Hush pursed her lips.  Did she have a best friend?  Maybe her manager counted...  "Money makers and our clothes would be entirely made out of hundred dollar bills."

Would you rather go to the deep ocean or deep space, and why?
"Ocean.  I like swimming, plus you're more likely to be able to get rescued if something bad happens."
A unique name.  She kind of liked this mare's look.

How do you stay in contact with your pals?
"Oh I use the chaos servers for instant messaging and voice chat."

How do you wind down after work?
"I sit and do absolutely nothing."

What's your sleep schedule like?
"I only sleep when I'm paid to do so."

Fruit Punch
HB was starting to get a little nervous about the whole event.  She didn't really get many chances to interact with living, breathing people.  Most conversations she held were one sided with the corpses at the morgue, excluding the ones she had with her coworker( and friend) Doppel.  At least the first stallion was just a trial run, since the bartender made it clear he wasn't available, which reduced a little bit of the stress.

What's your favorite drink (alcoholic or non)?
"Hmmm. well..."  The carousel murmured, lowering her eyes to look at the table as she thought.  "I suppose I would go with Lapsang Souchong tea.  It tastes like a campfire and I'm rather fond of campfire stories."

What brought you here tonight? Do you think you'll find true love or just a new friend?
HB blushed.  "I suppose I hadn't really put much thought into that, my hooves kind of just brought me here."  She glanced off to the side, hair falling across her face as she mumbled, "I suppose I wouldn't mind love though."

Technically I'm off the menu. But if I wasn't... Talk dirty to me.
"O-oh!  Um... You'd probably make a lovely corpse.  I'm sure the maggots would avoid eating such a lovely face out of reverence."
Banana Creme
The next mare seemed about as nervous as HB felt and the carousel felt slightly more relaxed at that thought.  Maybe she wasn't the only person here who had most of their conversations with things that couldn't talk back.

If you could be anywhere other than here tonight, where would you be?
"I spend quite a bit of time at work and I do love my job but, I suppose if I were to have time off..."  HB propped her chin up on her hoof.  "Well, I do rather like reading books next to the fireplace at night."

I watch a lot of movies when I'm not making macarons and the like. What's your favorite movie genre, and why?
"Hmmm...  I'm rather partial to action adventure as long as it has a little bit of romance sprinkled in.  Things like the Princess Bride."

...What's your opinion on mares with a little more... junk in the trunk? This is purely for scientific research. That I'm interested in. Very important.
HB lets out a small giggle, hoof covering her mouth.  "A little extra booty has never interfered with my work."

Torte Bar
The third phony was a bit more high energy than the previous two and HB was feeling a tad bit intimidated.  She was certain no one would seeing her hosting a tea party for corpses and find her to be very sprightly.

I like a GOOD, strong drink. What did ya get from the bar?
Well at least this was an easy question.  HB pursed her lips, "Mint Julip Iced Tea."

What's the most RECKLESS thing you've done? For legal purposes, don't tell me any crimes.
"Is dressing up dead bodies to look like pirates a crime?"

Last, but not least! Sports?
HB frowned and chewed her lip.  "I'm dreadfully clumsy, I'm afraid.  I tried soccer once as a foal and...  I may of squished someone."

Shimmering Sea
A mer, HB had seen the occasional mer during her work though they typically weren't in quite as bubbly of a mood when she saw them as this one was.

Do you enjoy hanging out on the beach at night?
"Why that sounds quite lovely," she smiles, tilting her head upwards as she imagined looking out at the stars.  "I do rather enjoy a moonlit stroll."

Do you have any hobbies? Mine's collecting shells from the beach - I have like, a gajillion of them!
"I rather like reading and writing a bit too.  Though I suppose it's less like writing and more like just making up stories and saying them outloud..."

Would you rather be the artist creating art for a showing or a spectator enjoying the gallery? There's no wrong answer!
Now this was a tough one.  "Can I be both?  I rather find I enjoy art just as much as I enjoy coming up with my own ideas for stories."

Willow Wisp

"What animal do you feel the most kinship with and why?"
"Maybe an owl," she pondered.  "They're not quite normal like other animals, but I feel there's something a little bit magical about them.  They probably have lots of stories to tell too."

Wisp becomes distracted midway through your conversation by literally anything and points to something else in the room. "Would you look at that, isn't that neat?"
HB smiled, "Oh yes.  I wonder how that beetle managed to sneak it's way in here."  She sighed dreamily, "It's iridescent shell is quite beautiful, I hope it doesn't get damaged in all the hub bub going on.  It's brave of it to wander in here I think.  Maybe it's the lone knight to the beetle kingdom and it's out doing reconnaissance for the last of the beetle nobility.  They're running out of food and water, but this beetle is willing to risk it's life for the beetle princess it loves..."  HB blushes, realizing she'd been rambling.  The other phony likely thought she was weird.

If you could get back any one thing you've lost what would it be?.
"I'm not really afraid of loss.  It's just a part of life.  If you were meant to have it then it will find it's way back to you.

Blind Love
This pegasus seemed a little bit sad, an emotion HB was quite familiar with.  People typically weren't in a good mood when they came to visit the morgue.

Have you ever been in-love before?
I'm afraid I'm rather inexperienced," she mumbled with a rosy tint to her cheeks.  Suddenly HB felt like she could maybe use a second drink.

Do you ever see yourself settling down with someone?
"I think that would be quite nice, if I could find someone..."

What's your first memory?
"There was a dove on the side of the road, it had been hit by a car and it's body was bent a bit out of shape, but it still held it's beauty."  The carousel fidgeted in her seat.  "Sorry, that was a bit morbid wasn't it."

Kiwi Kiss
Another high energy phony came her way and this one was a flutter.  HB quivered with nerves.  She didn't really feel safe with flutters after that incident during soccer practice as a kid.
She didn't want to stumble and crush the poor mare.

Oh no! An orc breaks into the restaurant! What do you do?
"An orc?  Oh that's rather magical isn't it?"  She hummed happily.  An orc breaking into a bar was a rather lot like her stories.  "I admit I'd be rather useless in a fight, but I'd like to imagine there'd be some sort of dashing hero or heroine who'd swoop in to save us all, assuming the orc is a villain of course.  There is always the possibility that the orc could actually be some sort of rough and tumble anti-hero here to stir up trouble and get answers.  I'd sort of like that too."

Describe your ideal first date!
"Hmm...  I've never really pictured what going on a date would be like for me before.  I'm usually too busy imagining stories for other people."

What's your favorite fruit?
"I think Pomegranate can be rather romantic depending on your interpretation of the Hades and Persephone mythos."

Now this was a stallion that looked like he had a lot of fight in him.  HB had seen quite a few of that type in the morgue, stallions and mares who had bitten off more than they could chew.  She was sure he probably had some good stories though and while there was a twinge of sadness at the thought of his inevitable death there was also some jealousy too.  She could never manage to live a life with as much adventure as that with how she was always tripping over her hooves.

DC or Marvel?
"I'm always surprised how comics are looked down on in the literary world.  They're the perfect blending of art and literature after all.  I can't say I've really read much of them though."  Maybe she should change that, she mused.

Name your top superhero or supervillain from any movie or tv genre.
She didn't really dabble too much in the superhero genre outside of the occasional movie she went to see with Doppel.  "Rorschach I suppose, although he's not really super...  He's gritty and mysterious though, I kind of like that.  It makes you wonder what other stories he could tell."

How would you feel if your partner wasn't necessarily a 'good phony'?
HB perked up at that one, getting a little bit excited.  "Oh well that really depends.  Are they an anti-hero or a villain?  What's their backstory?  Is it tragic?  I hope it's tragic."

Tsunami Waves
Another mer, was it a surprise to see two in one place?  Then again, she was a carousel so who was she to gawk.  HB glanced around, was she the only carousel here?

How do you feel about water?
"In what regard?" HB cocked her head to the side.  "I'm a fan of candlelit bubble baths with a good book and it is quite the good drink."

What's your favorite thing to do at the beach?
"I like to look at the tide pools," she chimed happily, although she was always doing her best to not slip on the wet rocks into them.  It would be a lie to say she hadn't fallen into a fair number of them and destroyed their fragile ecosystems, resulting in many tears on her part.  "They're entire world's unto themselves, dramatic universes in a tiny fun size package."

Have you seen Chad?
"Oh, the one who died recently?"  She hung her head, solemn.  "I'm very sorry for your loss."

Another petite phony, HB did her best not to stumble around her, gripping the table with her hooves to steady herself until she made it into her seat.

Do you like to dance?
"In theory, yes, in practice... Not so much," she blushed.

What is your ideal music to dance too?
"I'm a bit too clumsy for dancing, but I do like listening to classical while I read."  The mare felt rather awkward, she had steady hooves with her work but in all other situations requiring physical exertion she was rather inept.

What relaxes you most?
At least this question didn't have to do with something she was terrible at.  HB breathed a sigh of relief.  "Settling down to read a book always makes me feel cozy and relaxed.  It's nice to do it cuddled under blankets next to a fire, but in the bath is rather nice too."

HB couldn't help but let out a giggle as she looked at the spunky stallion.  He seemed like the adventurous type like the red pegasus from before, but not quite so angry.  There was something more youthful about him and the carousel couldn't help but smile.  She was sure the sort of adventures he went on were a lot less serious and a lot more fun than the stallion she'd spoken to before.

What's your favorite Pocket Monster type?
"Pocket monster?  Hmm, well there's not really a lot of monsters I can imagine would fit in pockets.  I guess fairies could and if it was a big enough pocket (like a sweatshirt maybe) perhaps a gremlin even."

What's your dream Pocket Monster team?
"Monsters form teams?  I guess I have heard of things like vampires and werewolves teaming up in stories, but I can't recall the same for any of the smaller monsters of yore."

How do you level up your mons?
As a mortician she was quite familiar with anatomy and she had long since gotten over being bothered by it.  Leveling up ones groin area though, she hadn't really heard of that.  With a tilt of her head she stared at him questioningly.  "Is this some new fad involving pills?  I've heard of stallions doing that sort of thing..."  What a strange question to ask. 

Well this phony had lovely curls and he was about her size too.  HB's wings fluttered, feeling more comfortable knowing she couldn't as easily fall and cause this stallion bodily harm.  Although... She couldn't help but be drawn to his neck.  Perhaps he had some interesting backstory like Frankenstein's monster she wondered.  That would be so exciting!

What are your feelings on renewable energy/resources?
"Ah, it's good to care about the planet.  I have a bit more knowledge about composting as it aligns more with my job, but...  I think it's good to want better things for the future."  HB smiled and fiddled with her hair.  She spent a lot of time lost in dreams about the future or the past, but not much thinking about the present.  Maybe she should have solar panels installed upon the rough of the morgue...

Would you eat lab created meat/food?
"Death is apart of life, so I have no problem with eating meat.  Although I do wish the practice could be a bit kinder to the animals.  Mass production reduces magnificent creatures down to inanimate objects.  But, I have nothing against lab made food.  It's more sustainable in the long term and I have no problem eating it."

Do you think Phonyland is energy efficient?
"I'm afraid I don't know much about that..."  She chewed the inside of her cheek.  "I wouldn't know what to do about it if it wasn't."

Country Kitchen
Another large stallion.  It felt rather nice to be around a few phony who were about her height.  She was still accident prone regardless, but at least she could do less damage.

What is your favorite comfort food and why?
"I'm a big fan of tea, but hot cocoa with marshmallows is also nice for a good snuggle under the blankets."

What simple pastimes do you enjoy?
"Simple pastimes?"  She had to think about that.  "I guess reading and storytelling, though the simplicity depends on the book and the story."

What is your favorite topping to put on potatoes?
"Rosemary," she said resolutely.

Lemon Lime
HB had seen this mare come in.  She seemed to know some of the other attendees since she'd stopped by a small number of other tables to say hello.

Is MILF on your menu for tonight? ;D
HB's eyes went wide and the carousel let out a little squeak before covering her face with her hooves.

Tell me all about how you won your coolest gold medal, award or achievement.
"I don't think you can win medals for preparing dead bodies..."

Who's your favorite sports team or sports player? Mine's Rumbling Rocket, a female three time gold medalist for Tennis Single's Match Tournaments.
"A-ah... I'm not really into sports... Unless they're in a book?"

King Cock
HB was beginning to feel absolutely dreadful after that last round.  The rather forward mare had left HB feeling out of place.  The carousel turned to her next date with a gulp, hoping that it would go better (or at least not worse).

Do you like and/or have hens?
Now this was an odd question.  I guess it was good to know about potential partner's pets though.  "I have no objections to them, although I personally have a dog.  It's nice to sit with him on the rug to give him belly rubs."

Which pellet mix do you think is the best?

Free range or pasture-raised?
"Uh...  Whichever one is better?  I think it's free range, but it's been awhile..."

Shrill X
Well that last one hadn't gone well either.  HB's eyes shot towards the door as she filled with unease.  She was almost done though, she could power through this.  Doppel would be proud right?

Do you like to party?
"What kind of part are we talking about?  A- A tea party I hope?"  She did like to hold those with the dead...

Yell really loud for me. Do it. It's fun.
The carousel covered her mouth and shook her head rapidly.

How do you feel about monogamy and why does it suck?
"Oh...  I think it's rather romantic to think that you were meant to be together."  HB looked at the table sadly.  Maybe she was better of back at the morgue.

Sweet Bread
HB could feel her confidence running out as she picked her way to the next table.  Maybe she really should grab another drink.

What's your favorite sandwich?
At least this was an easy one, she thought to herself.  "I like grilled cheese on rye with tomato slices.  But, if I'm feeling sad, I like to toast peanut butter with banana and those little tiny marshmallows."

Do you have any children of your own?
"No..."  Was it normal for people at singles mixers to have children?  She wasn't sure if it was good or bad either way.

Have you ever loved someone before?
"I'm afraid not.  Although I fall in love with a new book character each week," she chuckled sadly.

Expired Expectations
The carousel couldn't help but notice the bread leg on the next stallion.  Perhaps he was a bit familiar with her troubles with gravity having a leg like that...

What is one food you could go without?
"I don't really like Cumin.  It tastes sort of like you didn't have any creative ideas for your taco seasoning so you dumped Cumin on in desperation to make the meat not taste bland.  If that makes sense..."  Was that a weird thing to say?  That was probably too weirdly specific.

What do you look for in a partner?
"Someone to have a whirlwind romance with would be nice.  Something special and magical with someone who brings about positive change in the world.  But, I'm aware that's unrealistic.  I read a lot of books, but it would be nice to be swept off my feet... In not the usual way that I am."  She clasped her hooves together.  "I'd probably be happy with just about anything as long as they were kind."

Why are you here?
"I figured I should get out more.  Doppel thinks it's bad for me to just be interacting with the corpses and him.  I saw the sign as I was leaving work and just sort of wandered in.  I didn't think about how uncomfortable it would be beforehand though," she grimaced.  She definitely had not thought this one through.

Bijou Blende
  She had a little crown!  That was cute.  HB smiled warmly, wondering if this mare was at all like the princesses from her storybook.  Or maybe the mare just had similar interests.

What's your work life balance like?
"My coworker thinks I spend too much time at work, but I rather like it.  Telling stories to the dead is rather fun, plus I don't really have anyone else to talk to..."  Oops, that one had started out fine, but now...  HB wondered, was she lonely?

Out of the seven deadly sins, which one is yours?
"Sloth I'd say," the carousel said with a nervous laugh.  "I'm a hard worker, but I tend to have a rather hard time staying on my feet so I move rather slow when I have to go from place to place."

Coffee or tea?
"It'd probably be smarter for me to drink coffee, but I rather enjoy tea.  It's got such a large variety of flavors and they can transport you to other places.  A flower meadow, a campfire..."

Rough Shards
This stallion was large and rather striking.  He looked like the living embodiment of a boulder.  HB was sure that if she tripped and fell on him he probably wouldn't even notice.

What is your ideal Sunday afternoon?
"Sundays tend to be rather busy in the funeral business and I do love my work, so I suppose I'd be there for at least part of it.  Maybe a nice picnic in the graveyard after could be lovely?"

How do you feel about rainy days?
"Oh they're quite nice if you're spending them indoors reading a book, they can really add to the atmosphere.  Although, if I have to leave the house it really does make it quite a bit harder not to trip on the flagstones."

Where would you hide a present to keep it a surprise?
"Hmm, I'd probably take some tips from my favorite mystery books or a hide it in a false book on my bookcase if it would fit."

Centaur Fold
HB relaxed a bit as she spotted the familiar, albeit odd looking, phony.  She gave a small wave before she sat down in her seat.

Do you like hands on experiences?
"I always love it when you stop by the morgue to help," she smiled.

"Wanna arm wrestle?" Centaur Fold slap down an arm to the table ready to challenge. He always makes use of the extra limbs.
"Oh Cent, you know I'm no good at stuff like that," she laughed and waved him off.

"How do you feel about finger... foods?" Cent eyes the menu and winks.
"Psh, well har har har mister.  Did you come here just to crack jokes?  Is Doppel here too?"  She glanced around the crowd.

Kaiju Blue
HB strode to the next table feeling considerably more relaxed after her encounter with her friend.  This dark stallion seemed like he would make a great anti-hero in a book.  HB was a little intimidated, but also hopeful that he would be just like one of the characters she enjoyed.

If your destiny was to save the world, what threat would you be defending it against?
"Um, I wouldn't be terribly good at fighting.  I think it would be better if I was just cheering on the hero instead.  Though if the enemy could be anything, then I guess I could help a little combating rot."  Embalming, after all, was a good part of her work.

If you were on a monster-fighting team with your best friend, what would your team name and theme be, and what would your uniforms look like?
"Umm, knowing Doppel he'd probably dress us up to look like each other as a joke," she giggled.  "Maybe we'd be the Rest in Pieces team?"

Would you rather go to the deep ocean or deep space, and why?
"Space," she said, dreamy eyed.  She was lucky enough to have wings to grant her whatever view of the stars on earth that she chose, but there was something magical about space.

The last one.  HB let out an audible sigh of relief.  Some of these rounds of questions had been alright, but a good number of them had made her take a couple hits to her self-esteem.

How do you stay in contact with your pals?
"Well, I mostly see them at work."

How do you wind down after work?
"With a good book and a mug of something warm like tea."  She could go for something like that about now.  The carousel glanced towards the door, already planning what book she would grab from her shelf when she got hom.

What's your sleep schedule like?
"I suppose I would say not so good?  Doppel likes to make fun of me, but sometimes I drift off at work."