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[ORP] Speed Dating - Seeking Mr. Right or Lady Love! [CLOSED]

Started by HopelesslyPretty, May 16, 2021, 07:24:08 PM

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Well. So much for keeping Shockstar from drinking too much. Clearly, he was a lightweight— Banana Creme should have thought about that before pouring him a drink. Maybe he metabolized alcohol really quickly? Whatever it was, she was at least a little more steady on her hooves than he was. He was already seeing doubles.

When Shockstar slurred his question at her, she stopped, looking at him with mild concern. Did he drink just to make her feel better? He was willing to step outside of his comfort zone to try and cheer her up. And that meant a lot to BC. Even as the drunkachu slid to the ground. Immediately following his accidental stride, she slipped down in front of her friend to look him in the eye. Carefully touching her hoof to the side of his rosy cheek, she smiled and nodded before speaking up.

"I'm feeling better now. Thanks, Shockstar." Glancing at Encore, she let out a little laugh at her trill and let her hoof slide down to the phikachu's own. "But maybe we need to get you some water, at least. You look like you're the one who needs taken care of, now."



"Weelll," he mused, then leaned in like it was some sort of big secret.  "I'm going to start casting pieces of cleaned dollar bin rescues into resin for ornaments, possibly for parts of whole other new toys.  Resin is something I've never tried and who knows if it's expensive or not.  Seems really trendy right now on artist social media, like Pretsy and Instaglam."

Regrind gave a long shrug, "So I thought it'd be worth a shot.  Gotta do more research, there's gotta be some cost effective ways to use resin without spending too much out of pocket.  Most of my money goes back into toys and bills."

He thought about her story about the viewing rooms for a moment.

"You know, we sometimes get direct donations from people clearing estates and it's too expensive to auction off the less heirloom things.  I've got a whole box of reclaimed rhinestones and fake pearls, things like that.  I could make you some ornaments for your tree next year."



Shockstar's cheeks felt warm on their own but when BC reached out to touch her hoof to his cheek, they felt even hotter.

He was able to suck it all in for a moment of clarity as he glanced at her. "S-shorry... I've... nnever had thish before. Guessh I'm... nnno good." he hung his head a moment before her hoof slid dow to his and she declared she was feeling better. That brought a smile back to his face and he laughed softly. "Oh good.. Mmmm glad, becaush friendsh being d-down ..... no good." he hiccuped before he nodded to the statement of water.

"That'd... hic... be good." he said before he attempted to get to his hooves, his balance being a little unstable. As he tried to stand he leaned head first, almost as if he had suddenly had bricks in his head, and crashed into BC full on, snoot against snoot. "I....ohpsh....oh..."

Encore could only wince and glance away at the literal catastrophe.



Okay, water it was. She couldn't help but laugh a little at the way Shockstar sounded when he spoke, the slurring and the earnest sentiments touching her heart in a very endearing way. She felt special that he had been worried about her of all phonies, but knew very well that there was a chance he wouldn't remember speaking up about it. Still, she was greedy for just a little affection, and she'd take it where she could get it.

Just about ready to get up off the floor herself so she could help the stallion, there was a moment of dizziness, and then a heavy crash into her body, and before she could even let out a noise of surprise, there was Shockstar. Slightly crumpled on top of her. In an accidental kiss. Oh.

Shocked into a stupor, Banana Creme felt like she'd been simultaneously been electrocuted and melted like hot butter, and the resulting feeling made her freeze in place, unsure of what to do. If she were being honest, half of her brain was screaming for her to move, do anything, poor Shockstar was drunk and this was entirely an accident, he had just fallen into her, and he wouldn't have done this on any other normal occasion... And... The other half of her brain, well. Leisurely, it pondered when she was last kissed, and posed the idea of just, oh, you know. Leaning into it. With purpose.

But stuck in the middle where she couldn't decide to move, she had decidedly forgotten how to breathe, and only when they parted slightly, did she remember to draw air into her lungs. Creme's cheeks were absolutely flushed, her eyes wide and wild with not knowing what was coming next. What were you supposed to do when something like this happened? An accident, of all things! An accident. Yes. That's all that this was.




Lemon Lime was glad that Kiwi Kiss seemed to be genuine with her response, and even better that she was interested in getting further acquainted. She didn't want the flutter to feel cornered in any way or that she had to make a decision quickly. The sporty mare didn't want to throw hooves in her daughter's direction either if she didn't have to so she chuckled with relief, glad that there wouldn't be any issues with her 'victory' tonight. She smiled at Kiwi before lifting the lady's hoof and giving it a polite kiss of endearment. "I can't believe how lucky I am... I'm so glad that I met you tonight, Kiwi."

She carefully released the flutter's hoof before hopping off the bar stool. "If you will wait for me just a moment, I will be right back to escort you to my place. I just need to see if we'll have any other guests joining us tonight." Lemon Lime definitely had also been interested in both Tsunami Waves and Torte Bar, who seemed to have some similar tastes. She crossed the room to join the green merphony first, taking a napkin and pen from the table to jot down her own contact information. She smiled suggestively at the surfer. "I thought I'd give this to you, just in case you didn't feel like coming home with both me and Kiwi Kiss? I'd love to have you too, but you're welcome to drop by anytime."



Blind Love flushed softly as Fatal complimented her, head tilting as a hoof nervously toyed with her braid. What a kind comment!

"Why, thank you!" She answered in response to Fatal's purr, noting the glitter of their eyes. She had heard of it before -- the jewel eyes -- but she hadn't yet been up close with someone who bore them. They were striking, truly, but she was sure Fatal had heard that comment plenty a time.

"Oh?" Had she not mentioned her work at all? Good! She actually managed to avoid work talk! For once! She beamed, letting go of her braid. "I own First Impressions. It's a restaurant that doubles as a blind-date service, although singles and couples can also attend just for the food." She paused, resisting the reflex to give directions. "What do you do, Fatal?"



Kiwi Kiss couldn't help but giggle at the kiss to her hoof, her cheeks a darker green. Oh, that was nice. Wait -- more guests? Wow, she had really went from never scoring to.... this! With someone who genuinely seemed to hold an interest in her as a Phony. Who was very gentle and yet bold at the same time.... oh my. Her mind had begun to wander, a nervous titter escaping her as she sipped from her drink.

What a night.

Lemon Lime slipped off and Kiwi Kiss turned to examine the room. Banana Creme was with that interesting Phony from earlier (the one who seemed confused as to how he even got there, poor thing). Her eyes drifted, noting several candidates she had been interested in. No... she didn't dare think she could be as lucky as to connect with a second person, could she? After months of lonely speed-dating events? No no -- Kiwi was realistic, sometimes.

Still, someone had asked her a question earlier and, well, Kiwi Kiss wanted answers.

She left the bar, noting to wave towards Lemon Lime to let her know the general direction Kiwi was heading.

"Hello," she greeted Happy Endings, buzzing her wings towards the other flutter. Ah, yes! The one who made he feel comfortable to see someone of her own kind! "Happy Endings, was it? Earlier you asked me about love-languages; could you elaborate? I find myself completely uneducated about the subject and it seems you have the answers -- what is a love-language?"



Heavenly Body ooh'd and aww'd as Regrind described his plans for the toys.  While she didn't consider herself to be particularly skilled in any art outside stitching up bodies, she certainly held an appreciation for the arts and those that made them.  His whole plan sounded quite dreamy.

"Do you think you would make toys that were see-through but had little bits of flower petals and the like in them?"  She imagined a doll like that would be quite pretty.  Maybe she'd even buy one herself to go on her bookshelf.

"It certainly sounds like a worthwhile venture," she hummed, unable to offer any advice.  "Do you have a lot of toys outside the ones you find on the job?"

She could see why she liked them, she was partial to antiques herself and old toys were no exception.  However, she merely enjoyed them as they were, never considering doing things like casting and molding or the like with them.

"Oh!"  She perked up, momentarily more alert as she smiled.  "That would be so nice of you, but don't strain yourself if it's too much work.  I'm sure my coworkers wouldn't say no to some nicer decorations."

I am disabled, so if I'm slow to reply or disappear for a bit that's probably why.  Thank you for your understanding.


Fruit Punch had been busy tonight. Taking care of filling glasses and menu orders through the night was enough to keep his hooves moving but he'd been keeping tabs on all the guests to the best of his ability. But between the Spicy Drama and his Moderate Concern toward his Mother being present tonight, he had certainly had more than his initial 'fair share' of work cut out for him. Minding the bar, kitchen and tables had been a helluva one-phony feat but he was managing so far! He didn't know where Creme had gotten off to but he figured she'd either snuck out or was hiding in the kitchen. Nodding toward Hush Money to acknowledge her order, he headed back to the kitchen with a stride in his step to work on those fries—

But nearly stopped dead in his tracks when he waltzed right into what he thought was a makeout session! Fruit Punch felt his own cheeks heat up with embarrassment toward his little sister and potentially her new boyfriend?? He was honestly glad that he had referred Shockstar to come by Cloud Nine and meet Banana Creme but holy shit, wasn't this moving a bit quickly?! "I am so sorry to interrupt you two, but I have got to use the fryer!" Skirting his way around the pair, he quickly washed his hooves and got to work on cutting some fries for the other budding couple, working as quickly as phonily-possible to avoid getting yelled at or stabbed by some sharp object thrown toward him by his sister. As soon as the food was done cooking he quickly left the kitchen but couldn't help yelling over his shoulder in their direction, "Nice one, Shockstar!"

He made his way over to Expired's booth with Hush Money, placing their appetizer down carefully. "Thank you so much for waiting! I'm sorry for the delay."



Once her order was placed, Hush took advantage of the walk back to her table to try and regain her cool.  Somehow that little trek felt too short and like an eternity at the same time, but the alicorn managed to at least acquire some semblance of composure as she slid back into her seat.   

Unsure of what to say, the mare tapped her hooves nervously on the table as she waited for their fries to come out.

"So-" she started, unsure of what to say next.  The moment felt strangely tense (even though they were getting along better than they had earlier in the night) like something might tip them over the edge and they'd shatter into a million pieces. 

The alicorn cleared her throat, shaking her head free of that idea.  "You had asked everyone what they were looking in for a partner.  If someone asked you that how would you answer?"

Perhaps that was a little too forward, she thought for a moment.  She had plenty of experience making people love her.  Heck, it was part of her job! But, she thought he was a little different, a little special, and that made her uncertain.

When the fries arrived she let out a sigh of relief and smiled towards Fruit Punch.  "Thank you, I'll drop a link to this place in my Chaos Server." 

She turned toward Expired as the bartender left, nudging the basket to be more in between the two of them and grinned.  "You'll have to tell me from one to ten how many criticisms these fries deserve."  With that the mare grabbed a hooful and shoved them in her mouth.  If she was eating that meant she didn't have to be talking and if she didn't have to be talking then she didn't have to acknowledge how awkward things currently felt.

I am disabled, so if I'm slow to reply or disappear for a bit that's probably why.  Thank you for your understanding.


First Impressions huh?  Fatal licked her lips for a moment, savoring the knowledge before she considered how such a job would make Blind Love very accessible to other competition. 

The mare marinated on the thought for a moment as she responded to the pink pegasus' question.  "I work at the amusement park.  The tall hotel themed one is my domain.  It's a little bit of a thrill ride, but I love making people scream....  With delight."

The brown unicorn took a step closer, peering inquisitively at the mare she was speaking with.  Things seemed to be going well enough so far.  Maybe she could push a little further.

"Do you like amusement parks?  Do you get hit on a lot at work?  What's your favorite food at your establishment?"  She asked the questions rapid fire, wanting to gather as much information as possible.

I am disabled, so if I'm slow to reply or disappear for a bit that's probably why.  Thank you for your understanding.


@Scaramouche Fandango

Knockout was quiet, listening to Kaiju open up in kind about several aspects of his own life. He hadn't expected to meet someone with a similar sense of duty, and smiled to himself that maybe the Hero he'd always dreamed of becoming as a foal wasn't so far fetched after all. He knew that fiction itself was based on reality- things like monsters and urban myths did exist in various forms. He had never fought one before but would definitely be interested in learning more about the other's career.

He didn't miss the softened expression on Kaiju's face, observing the other male as he spoke of his daughter. While Kaiju had been a complete stranger to him before tonight he didn't imagine the other pegasus to be a cheater with a currently active relationship. Rather, he found Kaiju to be admirable for being willing to take a kid on by himself... It hit a little too close to home for him and the gene donation process from his own perspective showed just how fortunate the little filly was. He had understood that it was risky to open up to someone when you'd only just met about your family so he wanted to be fair to show his appreciation. "She's lucky to have you in her life. My donors... weren't like that. I found one, but I pretty much got told that I don't exist to him."

This phony was definitely earning his respect which wasn't something that the stallion gave others easily. When a toast was offered he raised his glass, letting the side of his glass 'clink' against Kaiju's own. "I don't know that she'd enjoy the tough hours but if she wants an interview, I'd be happy to give her one. She can find a way to help keep others safe without putting herself in so much danger, though." Speaking of the devil himself... Knockout couldn't hide the frown on his face when a certain white unicorn seemed to be heading their way. What did this asshole want now..? Couldn't he just be left in peace tonight?


@Scaramouche Fandango

Fruit Punch winked in appreciation at Hush before leaving her to be, satisfied that he'd gotten the customers their order without any um, issues showing up in front of them. He only had one particular guest that he personally knew he'd have to make sure left without being entirely pissed tonight, and that was the only one he'd prefer to avoid ordinarily: Knockout. The redhead sighed to himself slightly, getting a bit tired but this was a thing he could hide from while on the job. At least he could just quickly check on the pegasus and offer him another drink before the bartender could proceed with his other responsibilities... He looked around to see the pegasus at a table near the back of the room... and woah, he was not expecting that handsome guy to be with the troublemaker. What the hell was going on here tonight??

He crossed the room to their table, hiding his intent of slight curiosity, as he played his best charming card toward Kaiju Blue and Knockout. "Hey, I'm just making the rounds and thought I'd check up on how things were going over here. Can I get you another refill on your drinks or a bite to eat?" He prayed that Knockout wouldn't be stupid enough to make a huge scene here tonight... He didn't particularly acknowledge the blond, instead focusing his attention on the darker colored pegasus. "If you need any recommendations let me know; I've got specials on both food and drinks tonight."


"Well, thanks," Shrill X said with a laugh. "My friends get to hear it a lot so that's a good start." She boogied around the smaller Phony, a bit of a wriggle, the shake of her booty. "Depends really. Whatever I feel like doing. Usually I'm on the radio and when that's done, I find a party that looks good and enjoy the rest of my night."

She swayed to the music, really wishing the bar hadn't been so stingy with the free drinks. "What about you?"



Expired perked up as Hush found her back in the seat across from him. She was acting stranger than before which caused him to act stranger than before. Was she freaked out by what he said. Yikes.

"What am I looking for in a partner?" He was taken back by the question, but it was fair. He had asked that to everyone else tonight. "Hmm I suppose a lot of what everyone said tonight. Kindness, Honesty, Dependable. I want someone I can be 'me' around. Me, me, not the grumpy guy who thinks everyone is against him."

The fries showed up to the table and he smiled as she challenged him to rate them. He picked it up, testing sogginess. It didn't fall limp so that was a plus in his book. He popped it in his mouth and took his time to come up with his score. "Slightly above average bar food. It doesn't taste like he chopped up a potato back there... so it's probably frozen. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. Frozen fresh is better than an old potato just sitting in a bag back there. If the fries make it hot and crispy to the table I am happy. I am going to give them... a 7." He said feeling very generous. He was in a good mood.

He smiled and shook his head a bit as she shoved entirely too many fries into her mouth. Exp continued to snack on them with her.

"What is your favorite food?"
